"The ancient island? I seem to have seen it in a book before."

"Could it be that... all the creatures here are stuck in the ancient times?"

"Hey, hey, hey, if I say hunting, we can go anywhere, why don't we……"


Before the brothers could finish their words of retreating, Jin Yi had already stepped on the boat plank and rushed out swiftly.


When the land Tyrannosaurus Rex saw the small human intruding, it immediately aroused the consciousness of defending its territory.

It waved its sharp claws and fiercely attacked Jin Yi who had landed on the ground.

"Very domineering!"


Jin Yi raised his arm gracefully, and at the moment when the dinosaur claw fell, a fierce palm print soared into the sky, confronting the dinosaur claw head-on. The huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex soared into the air above the ground, blood streaked out a trail of blood mist, and it turned several circles in the air.


【Congratulations to the host for defeating the Tyrannosaurus Rex, the land overlord of the small garden, and gaining 80 experience points!】

"So few? What's the point of talking about being the land overlord? Fortunately, there are a lot of dinosaurs and ancient creatures on this island, so I can spend the whole afternoon happily hunting them!"

Jin Yi's pupils flashed with brilliance.


The saber-toothed rhinoceros had a low IQ. Seeing the Tyrannosaurus flying backwards, it rushed over without thinking.

It was obviously a ferocious beast near the water source, but it made a sound like a cow, which made Jin Yi feel embarrassed for it.



Jin Yi jumped up, aimed at the saber-toothed rhinoceros' head, and punched it twice, knocking it to the ground in an instant.

"In just a moment... the two ancient creatures were dealt with!"

""Boss Jin Yi is too strong!"

Hit and Waye were just planning to participate in the hunting competition, but after seeing these ancient beasts, they gave up the idea in an instant.

They never expected that Jin Yi could easily solve the fatal threat in their eyes.

"Are you idiots? What are you standing there for? Cut off the edible meat from these two big guys!"

Jin Yi looked back and said.

Before reaching the next destination, Jin Yi couldn't abandon this group of free laborers for the time being. He had to make sure they were all alive.

Even if he defeated an opponent once, he would not get any experience points reward. This was one of the reasons why Jin Yi didn't want to kill him for the time being.

"Gulp gulp gulp……"

The sound spread through the air, and the originally warm forest became even hotter.

"How is this going?"

"It seems to be coming from a distant hilltop!"

"That is... an active volcano! The volcano is about to erupt!"

Cockscomb stood on the top of the cabin and used a telescope to see the movement in the distance.

"Active volcano? Holy shit, this is killing me!"

"Even dinosaurs can be seen on the ancient island, and it is not uncommon to have active volcanoes. If the food is already in hand, Boss Jinyi is not as good as us.……"

""Boss Jin Yi, where are you going?"

Several younger brothers were anxious when they heard the news of the active volcano.

When they turned back to look at Jin Yi, they found that he was excited and running quickly towards the island.

"Stay where you are. If any wild beasts appear, protect the ship. If I don't see you when I come back... you're all dead!"

Jin Yi's last threat was particularly cold.




With a loud bang, hot magma erupted from the crater.

"Sob, sob... Plop! Plop!"

"Chirp chirp chirp! Broki, today is the day you die. I am the strongest warrior in Elbaf!

A giant warrior several dozen meters tall, wearing a helmet and holding a worn-out long sword, swept through the surrounding bushes and rushed forward as the volcano erupted.

"Add it, add it!"

""Donli, you old ghost, don't you still admit that you are weak? Let's see who is better today!"

On the opposite side, another fat giant of similar height, holding a broken battle axe, rushed forward.





Although the two men are huge, like two small mountains, their movements are smooth and swift, and every attack can create waves in the jungle.

The eruption of the volcano is the signal for battle. The two have fought more than 70,000 battles like this, and the battle has lasted for a hundred years!

In the torrent of time, the two giant warriors have forgotten the reason for the original battle. They only know that the meaning of survival is the battle in front of the volcano.

It is this kind of persistence that makes the beasts in the small garden very afraid of the fight between the two. Every time a decisive battle comes, creatures within a radius of twenty miles will hide far away to avoid being affected by the two.

"Roar, roar, roar……"




After another attack, the two giants looked towards the jungle five miles away at the same time.

The smoke and dust seemed to be a group of land Tyrannosaurus Rex running towards them at a high speed.

"Are these little dragons trying to kill themselves today?"

"Who knows what happened?"

Dongli and Brockie stopped for a moment and stared at the strange phenomenon not far away.

When the distance was shortened to two kilometers, Dongli and Brockie finally saw the situation in front of them clearly.


"Run, little dragon!"

"Otherwise, I will smash all your heads!"

Jin Yi stood at the end of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, riding the largest Tyrannosaurus Rex, holding a vine rope that he got from somewhere, and whipped the Tyrannosaurus Rex in front of him.

The armed color domineering attached to the vines, and ordinary vines became instruments of torture that could cause terrible wounds.

""Roar, ah!"

The Tyrannosaurus Rex cried tears as big as their fists. They dared not stop and rushed forward even though they knew they were going to die.

The Tyrannosaurus Rex, the land overlord that was dominating the small garden, instantly turned into a pig worm after meeting Jin Yi. It looked so timid and pitiful as it ran for its life.



Dongli and Broki shouted in surprise at the same time.

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