Somewhere on the Grand Line in fifteen days

"Hitt, full left! The current has changed again, run away!"

"We have only advanced more than ten nautical miles, how come it has changed again? Are you kidding me, Waye?"

Two fighters from the Kidd Pirates, with gauze wrapped around their bodies, one in the observation room and the other in the cabin control room, were adjusting the movement of the ship.

After crossing the Upside-Down Mountain and entering the Grand Line, the confusion of the seven magnetic lines made the compass brought by Nanhai useless, and even sailing was extremely difficult.

Without the recording pointer of the Grand Line, even an experienced navigator would not dare to say that he could travel everywhere unimpeded.

For Jin Yi, who was temporarily on the expedition, this little thing was not a difficult matter at all.

""That swordsman over there, can he walk now? Bring me a glass of wine!"

Jin Yi was lying on the bench on the deck, wearing a brand new and fashionable black suit. His messy long hair was trimmed into a neat short style, looking fresh and handsome.

Captain Kidd was the most seriously injured on the ship. He is still unable to move, half dead and always clamoring to die.

Secondly, the killer warrior Kira, who was attacked head-on by Jin Yi, was able to walk on his own only in the past two days.

After occupying the warship of Kidd and his gang, the fighters on the ship not only became his free labor, but the treasures on the ship were also looted by Jin Yi, all of which were used to exchange for the system's experience points.

Faced with the bandit-like Jin Yi, Kidd and his gang chose to swallow their anger in order to survive.

"Here, right here."

Kira walked towards the storage room with difficulty.


"There is a small island covered with jungle ahead!"

Sniper Cockscomb put down his telescope and shouted.

Since entering the Grand Line, except for the initial stay of half a day on an unknown island to replenish food, no other islands have been discovered.

Without a record pointer running rampant in the Grand Line, being able to discover an island is already a good thing.

""Boss Jin Yi... we don't have much food left, can we... go to the island to find some gifts?"

The killing warrior brought the wine to Jin Yi and asked.

"Landing on the island? It's really troublesome.……"

While drinking, Jin Yi opened the system item store interface.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully exchanging the Grand Route map and record pointer】

【Consume 5000 experience points!】

【Item type: Permanent item】


Now that they have arrived at the Grand Line, they will have to redeem items like record pointers sooner or later. They cannot ignore their own safety just because they feel bad about it, so Jin Yi is willing to spend this little bit of experience points!

After the exchange, a map of the vast sea area appeared in Jin Yi's mind, and the proportions could be adjusted at will.

The eye-catching red dot on the map marks the current location of the group.

When Jin Yi saw the geographical mark at the closest distance, he couldn't help but smile,"It looks like a good place to gain experience... Let's go to the island you see!" Jin Yi gave an order, and the cockscomb quickly ran into the cabin, directing Hit and Waye to drive to the unknown small island.


Twenty minutes later, the boat entered a wild natural harbor. The group slowed down and observed the dense jungle around them.

"Great! All the meat on the ship has been eaten up, there should be a lot of ingredients here!"

As the chef on the ship, Hitt is very sensitive about the ingredients.

Vaye put on his devil costume, looking full of fighting spirit,"Leave the hunting to me this time... I guarantee to catch some wild delicacies that you can't handle!"

"You really can't just ignore what I'm saying, you bastard devil! You want to compete?"

"Let's compete, who's afraid of who?"

Hitt and Waye collided face to face, and it was obvious that neither of them was willing to give in to the other.


Unexpectedly, a loud roar interrupted their quarrel.

They looked to the side at the same time and saw a dark red dinosaur as big as a hill, opening its bloody mouth and roaring fiercely at the people on the boat.


""Bang, bang!"

On the other side, a saber-toothed rhinoceros of similar size slowly stepped out of the jungle, ready to rush over.

"This is... a dinosaur!"

"How can there be dinosaurs? Aren’t those from the ancient times?"

"And what's with this giant rhino? It has a weapon in its mouth!"


The climate of the Grand Line is chaotic, and there is basically no communication between islands.

This world structure has created a terrible phenomenon: some islands are developed, some are backward, and some are even worse, like the situation in front of us, still in the ancient times of the dinosaur era!

Jin Yi stood up from the recliner and pushed the frightened Kidd and his group aside,"You can't handle this, if you don't want to die, just watch it honestly."

"This is very interesting, the ancient island... the small garden!"

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