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"Xin Duoli, please bring the food here. The master is very hungry."

A fat man, holding a knife and fork in his hand, looked at the kitchen with an expectant look.


One of the three roaring monsters! He is also the ship doctor of the pirate group and was once known as a genius surgeon in a certain place!

He seems to have nothing to do with Moria's evil forces, but because of his infatuation with the star Sindoli, he volunteered to work for Moria.

The condition is to use the power of Moria's shadow fruit to revive Sindoli's body to satisfy Hogbak's perverted hobby of dominating his beloved woman.

It was because Moria met Hogbak that he had the current large-scale zombie army.

Among the current seven warlords of the sea, Moria's ability may be the weakest.

But when it comes to the number of dead men under his command, Moria is undoubtedly the one with the most.

And as long as he continues to be given time, Hogbak will create an unlimited number of zombie soldiers for Moria. Just think about how terrifying it is.

Zombie Sindoli, who had just finished her busy work in the kitchen, mechanically picked up a pot of dishes after hearing Hogbak's order.

""Okay, Master."

After giving the formulaic answer, Xin Duoli walked towards Hogbag step by step.

""Shh! Shh!"

Hogbag's face was full of greed and satisfaction, and he laughed strangely, as if he was very proud of this disguised submission.



A similar scene happened again.

When the iron pot was brought to Hogbak, it suddenly lost its balance and flew up, dropping all the dishes that had just come out of the pot on Hogbak's head.

Hogbak screamed and jumped off his seat, slapping his head.

Because he often had to do drug experiments, there were few wooden utensils that were easily corroded in Hogbak's room.

Most of them were made of metal, which also aggravated the spread of magnetic force to a greater extent.

"Boom boom boom……"

"What happened? Xin Duoli, be careful!"

""Hiss, hurry up and get out of here with me!"

Hogbak covered his head timidly and hurriedly ran out of the room with the zombie Xin Duoli.


Inside a luxuriously decorated lounge on a three-masted sailing ship

"It feels so comfortable...haha!"

"It's better for the boss to come back later, it's too much fun to stay here!"

A man who looks like an animal, lying on the animal skin chair that Moria usually uses, comfortably enjoying the food and wine brought by the zombie soldiers around him.


The user of the superhuman transparent fruit ability!

One of the three roaring monsters!

Such a special devil fruit. I don't know how many men dream of it.

Absalom's ability is obvious. In addition to making himself transparent, people or objects that he touches can also be transparent.

With such an ability, Absalom's petty character is naturally created.

Many women passing through the triangle area are Absalom's attack targets.

In order to strengthen his own abilities, Absalom has also been transformed by Hogback, and has the wild power of a lion's jaw, an elephant's skin, and a bear and a gorilla weighing 300 kilograms combined. The half-human and half-shou state of existence naturally greatly compensates for the lack of transparent fruit attack ability.


Zheng Tao was intoxicated in the dream of occupying the BOSS's territory. Before he could even get the wine glass to his lips, it was pulled by the strange magnetic energy and flew directly into the air.



"What's going on?"

The wine in the glass spilled all over his face, frightening Absalom so much that he jumped up.


"Boom boom boom……"

"Beep Beep……"

The surprise had not yet been fully resolved, and all the metal products in the room began to move restlessly.

Absalom timidly took two steps back and stared at the strange scene on the ship.

"Could it be a seaquake?"

"But why did these knives, forks and iron utensils fly?"

"Is it... a person with special abilities?"

Absalom pondered for a moment and could only attribute the inexplicable phenomenon to the person with special abilities.


Caught off guard, all the iron tools rushed up to the top, smashing a big hole in the top floor of the room, and flew out uncontrollably.


The three-masted sailboat on the way to the main entrance

"What kind of ability is this? Is it the power of a devil fruit?"

"Why is so much metal flying?"

"How terrifying!"

Perona's eyes widened as she floated forward, dodging the metal objects that were approaching her.

""Huh! Huh! Huh!"

On the deck below, the teddy bear zombie Kumasi was also trotting nervously, facing something that could attack at any time.

As the first cadre to react, Perona, who was closest to the door, looked up at the top of the door.





The metal objects on the ship flew into the air, gradually forming a huge black sphere, which was exactly the same as the metal sphere in Alabasta that day.

"It’s so big!!"

Perona was so scared that she turned around twice, and the transparent ghosts around her followed the circular path.


Kumasi was also shocked by the scene in front of him.

After being in the triangle for so long, this was the first time anyone had seen such a strange sight.

Perona pointed with her fingers, sweat hanging on her forehead, and began to wonder whether she should get closer.

In the absence of Moonlight Moria, if Perona could defeat the powerful enemy, Moria would definitely reward her with more toys when he came back and found out.

But whether she could deal with the person in front of her in such a state was also worth considering.

"Hehehe, I think I have a solution……"

While thinking, Perona gradually shifted her attention to Kumasi.


Kumasi shuddered and took a step back nervously.

Every time the master Perona showed a witch-like smile, she had an absolutely terrifying plan in her mind.

This time, she was a star, and Kumasi was still the main character in the plan!

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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