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Apart from being able to hear the strange"booming" noise from the shadow of the three-masted sailboat, Jin Yi and the mother group could not see what was happening ten miles away

"There shouldn't be any problem, right? Rongrong is not like her sisters, she doesn't have much combat experience."

Conis leaned against Jin Yi gently, her face full of worry.

Every battle is in the open, and who is strong and who is weak can be seen at a glance.

This is the first time that Jin Yi's pirate group has encountered something so shrouded in darkness that cannot be observed and identified.

Jin Yi knows very well how powerful Moria and his gang are.

Not to mention that the two devil fruit users on the ship are probably not as powerful as Moria. Even if he was on the scene, it would be impossible for him to ambush all eight little ones.

Jin Yi touched Conis's hair and gently placed his palm on the little wings behind her,"Don't worry, my daughters are much more capable than you think. I guess they……"

"They should be demolishing the house. I always feel that the magnetic field nearby has changed."

Before Jin Yi finished speaking, Weiwei added.

As Qiqi's mother, she also possesses the ability of the magnet fruit. Weiwei can more or less sense the changes in the magnetic force nearby.

Even so, Weiwei is still a little worried about Qiqi's timid appearance.


"Woo woo!"

""Woo woo woo!"

At the gate of the three-masted sailboat, Qiqi, who had originally only swung her arms in one direction, changed to swinging her arms in both directions after feeling the weight on her head increasing, not caring about the looks of her sisters at all.

The little ones also doted on Qiqi very much, looking at the huge iron ball gradually gathering above their heads with exaggerated expressions.

"Wow! Such a big iron egg?"

"I feel like I can't even kick a single step, ah!"

"Oh no! Is Sister Qiqi always so scary when she loses her temper?"

"The ability to destroy the house is first-rate!"

The little girls easily dealt with all the animal zombies that ran out from the surroundings, and were all frightened by Xiao Qiqi's ability.



While the little girls were discussing happily, Huahua and Nian Nian stood near the door, sniffed the air at the same time, and then looked at each other.

"Sister Huahua also smelled it, right?"

"This time it must be the taste of a devil fruit user!"

Niannian waved her hands, as if she had discovered a big secret.

"This time it should be correct, and I can hear some clear sound."

""Oh, so many people are frightened by Xiao Qiqi's ability."

Huahua nodded, turned her little hand in the air, pointed to the left and right, and the smile on her face became even brighter.


Just after the two kids finished talking, Kumasi Chanchan appeared nearly a hundred meters inside the gate.


Kumasi covered his mask tightly with his hands, looking like he would fall to the ground at any time.

As one of the more intelligent zombies, Kumasi also knew the danger.

Although there were eight little ghosts standing not far from the door, in Kumasi's eyes, they turned into eight ferocious ghosts that could rush over at any time.


"A fluffy bear?"

"Fluffy teddy bear!"

""So cute!"

The little girls' eyes were immediately attracted by Kumasi.

Children are always children, and their nature cannot be erased. No matter how calm a little one is, he cannot resist the charm of toys!

"Wuwu, tsk… Where is the teddy bear?"

Qiqi was still immersed in the anger of"wuwu", but after hearing the sisters’ shouts, she turned around and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.






Before Qiqi could react, the other sisters rushed out with hearts in their eyes, as if they were going to catch Kumasi firmly.


The evil spirit in Kumasi's eyes suddenly moved, naturally scaring him so much that he screamed and ran back.

"One, two, three...six, seven!"

"There are seven!"

"Could these guys be the little goddess mentioned in the newspapers?"

Perona, hiding in the dark, watched the seven extremely fast streams of light rushing towards Kumasi.

"Big teddy bear, don't run... Boom!"

"Got you, hehehe...boom!"

"Sisters, please give way to Rongrong...Bang!"

"Yinyin, let me blindfold you...Dong!"

"Hehe, I tied his feet, but he can still run...dong!"


The seven little ones pressed Kumasi down without any explanation, and released the abilities of the devil fruit one by one, leaving Kumasi no chance to escape.



Kumasi's mask fell off halfway, and he waved his bear fists without any killing power.

In the eyes of the little girls, such actions were completely cute and coquettish, which made them play more happily.

"Even if you are a little goddess, I cannot let you do evil to my Kumasi!"

"Negative ghost!"

Perona floated behind the obstacle, the umbrella in her hand quickly turning above her head.


"Hey... Hey... Hey... Hey... Hey!"

Seven transparent ghosts lightly flashed out from Perona's body and flew towards the little daughters who were immersed in the teddy bears below.

In a normal battle, ghosts with such speed could not catch up with the speed of the daughters.

It was a pity that none of the little girls paid attention to the girls above. They all climbed on Kumasi's body, teasing it like a treasure hunt.





As the seven negative ghosts passed through the bodies of the little girls, the seven defenseless little girls were hit one by one, and stood there with dull expressions.

Then, a hilarious scene appeared around Kumasi

"Woohoo, Tiantian is like a playful little kitten who can't find the way home at all……"

"Woohoo, Lolo is a sleepy koala who can't wake up. He can't live without his little face.……"

"Woohoo, Yanyan can only smoke herself so hard that she can't see anyone. She's such a fool.……"

"Woohoo, Huahua, I hope you can be a big tree in your next life. When you are happy, you will bloom. When you are unhappy, you will shed leaves and die.……"

"Woohoo, Niannian is a little snail that never grows up, just let me crawl on the ground……"

"Woohoo, Sasha is just like dust, no one will play with me……"

"Woohoo, Rongrong is a small piece of white wax, burning alone……"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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