Fifteen minutes later, two warships from different routes attacked the island where the navy's secret base was located at almost the same time.

"Vice Admiral Garp, it seems that other vice admirals have received mission orders and are here with us."

The adjutant who followed Garp stood respectfully beside Garp and reminded him.

Iron Fist Garp!

A hero of the Navy Headquarters, and a strong man of the same generation as Pirate King Roger. He has no devil fruit ability, but he has forced Pirate King Roger into desperate situations several times in that era.

Garp stepped off the warship, closed his eyes and paused for a few seconds, then opened his eyes again,"I know, I didn't expect that Xiaohe would send out even his confidants this time."

"Salute everyone!"

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

As he spoke, a well-trained army saluted Garp in unison five meters away.

In front of the army, a beautiful lady in a pink navy uniform, a vice admiral's cape, and a famous sword on her belt came over and said,"Vice Admiral Garp, you should be on vacation now.���That's right, right? Why is he here?"

"Hahaha, I encountered some troubles during my vacation, so I came back early. I didn't expect to receive a call from Sengoku directly. It seems that we are all late, Gion." Gion, nicknamed Momosagi, is a vice admiral of the Navy Headquarters!

In addition to the three admirals of the Navy, Momosagi is recognized as the woman with the most hope of being promoted to admiral among the vice admirals of the headquarters. She has no devil fruit ability, but her swordsmanship is terrifyingly strong.


Inside the secret navy base.

After Jin Yi's destruction, the scene inside the base was horrible. There were unconscious and dying marines everywhere, as well as dilapidated houses.

Taotu was the vice admiral of the headquarters who was responsible for handing over Tenshang Gold. After receiving the distress signal from the headquarters, she changed her sailing route and arrived at the base ahead of time, but still failed to catch up with the battle.

In the empty warehouse, Tenshang Gold had already been looted, without even a coin left.

Since the Tenshang Gold tribute system was established, even Doflamingo's hijacking did not damage the total amount. Jin Yi's action became the first major incident of openly looting a naval base and plundering Tenshang Gold!

"That's right, Marshal of the Warring States period, all the supplies were looted."

"A colonel in charge of the handover also died, but it was not Tina who was assigned to the mission, but Smoker who was in charge of guarding Rogge Town in the East China Sea!"

"No conscious person has been found at the scene so far, and only one photo of the attacker was found at the scene."

"I will send you the photo right away……"

Taotu took her own Den Den Mushi and reported the news to Sengoku.

Garp was at the place where Smoker died, carefully observing the battle scene around him and estimating Jin Yi's ability and strength level.

"Vice Admiral Garp!"

"Lieutenant General Taotu!"

"There is a female non-commissioned officer who is not unconscious yet!"

The marine responsible for searching for survivors and treating them shouted beside Tashigi.

Garp and Taotu came over at the same time and looked down at Tashigi, who had no obvious injuries on her body.

" are...reinforcements?"

Dashiqi felt great pain in her body, even to the point of being too weak to speak.

Taotu slowly squatted down beside her and asked coldly,"What on earth happened here?"

"Jin Yi...murderer...robber……"

After Dashiqi spoke out the key information intermittently, she fainted again.

"Temporarily, we can confirm that the other party's name is Jin Yi.

Taotu picked up the receiver and reported to Zhan Guo again.

"I understand. Gion, you bring the surviving female officer back to the headquarters immediately, and... give the Den Den Mushi to Garp."

Sengoku instructed on the other end of the phone.


Five days later.

In the endless desert of Alabasta.

Jin Yi sat on a land speedboat, moving forward under his own power, holding a newspaper covered with sand in his hand.

"The pirate Jinyi attacked the Alabasta naval branch and killed more than a hundred naval soldiers, including a colonel with special abilities?"

"This old man Zhan Guo really knows how to omit important things. Is Tian Shangjin going to pay for it out of his own pocket?"

"Who took this photo? Why didn't I notice it at the time? It's pretty cool!"

Jin Yi proudly flipped the newspaper inwards, and a bounty order stuck in it fell out, with the words"Bounty 240 million Baileys" written on it!


【Devil Fruit automatic search!】

【The target location is 390 miles west of the host!】




The Karoo duck fell to the ground with a plop after several long journeys under the scorching sun and without any water.


Weiwei, whose belly was bulging high on the duck's back, almost fell to the ground.

Weiwei changed into a long-sleeved blue and white sun-blocking shirt to block the sun's exposure.

If you think that wearing short sleeves in the desert will be cooler, it is absolutely a wrong idea. The strong sunlight shining on the skin will cause different degrees of sunburn in less than half a day.

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