Weiwei wanted to squat on the ground, but because of her big belly, she couldn't maintain the squatting posture at all, so she had to sit on the sand.

"Kalu, are you okay?"


At Vivi's call, Kalu Duck reluctantly leaned forward, trying his best to look like"I'm fine".

The water he brought with him had been drunk up last night. Traveling through the waterless desert, it was unknown where the next water source would be found.

On the way out, in order to divert the pursuing Workshop agents, Ikarem sent Vivi to the waters near Alabasta, and then left alone. It was still unknown whether she was alive or dead.

"We can't waste time here, we must return to Albana and expose Crocodile's conspiracy."

"The kingdom cannot afford any more casualties, and we cannot continue this meaningless war."

"Come on, Kalu, let's stand up and walk together."

Weiwei was in a hurry and didn't want to delay any longer.



Kalu tried hard to stand up, but he fell to the ground again due to exhaustion and thirst.

"Boom boom boom……"

The sand dunes in the distance rise and fall, and a huge cloud of dust rises up

"Sandstorm? Impossible... The wind is so weak."

Weiwei looked at the scene in the distance suspiciously.

A few dozen miles away, an unusually old sand ship was sailing in the desert.

"Captain Baru! There seems to be food ahead. This time, I will be remembered for my contribution!"

A tough-looking one-eyed man hung on the rope of the sand ship's mast and pointed to where Weiwei and Kalu were.


"This time it’s your turn!"

""Little guys, take the helm and run towards the food!"

A tall, strong and fat man stood at the front of the sand boat and shouted in a mighty command.

When the distance got closer and they could see the special skull flag flying in the smoke, Weiwei's expression immediately changed.

"Could it be the...Sand Bandits in the desert?"

"Oh no!"

""Kalu, we are in danger, let's get out of here!"

Weiwei tried her best to hold Kalu on the ground, but she couldn't move its heavy body at all.

Kapu hung firmly on the sand pile with his mouth wide open, looking like he had lost consciousness due to thirst.



Within a minute, the pirate ship was furling its sails and stopped in front of Weiwei and Kalu Duck.

The dust was blowing all around, so Weiwei had to raise her sleeves to cover her face, unable to look directly at the approaching enemy.

"A pregnant woman?"

"Pregnant women’s eyelashes…Does Baru eat them too?"

"Yo ho, there's another duck wearing clothes!"

"Great, we can eat roast duck tonight!"

"That’s right, prepare half a desert bonfire roast duck party, hahahaha!"


A series of footsteps sounded hurriedly on the sand pile. Seven or eight sand bandits ran down from the sand bandit ship and surrounded Weiwei and Kalu Duck.

Weiwei slowly put down her sleeves, looked around the crowd anxiously, and slowly took out her combat weapon from her sleeves.

"Uh! How could it be her?"

In the Sand Bandit Team, a pretty girl's eyes froze, and she looked at Weiwei in a daze.

""What's wrong, Lasha? Do you know this pregnant woman?"

The companions around her asked curiously.

Lasha crossed her arms in front of her and responded angrily:"This face...how could I forget it? She is the daughter of the king who lied to the people...Princess Weiwei!"


"Princess Vivi!"

"The King's daughter?"

For a moment, Vivi's identity shocked the members of the Sand Bandits.

Vivi glanced at the girl who spoke, but couldn't remember where she had seen her before.

However, looking at the other party's reaction, Vivi tentatively said:"Since you all know my identity, please don't embarrass us, or……"

"Hahahaha, no matter if she is a princess or not, we will not make things difficult for a pregnant woman!"

"I am the captain of the Sand Bandits, Baru Baru. I have the final say here. Little sister, you can go now."

Baru, who is sturdy in build, walked out of the crowd and said to Weiwei generously.

Weiwei's expression relaxed, and she turned around and wanted to pull Kalu away.


"Little sister, you can go, but the duck must stay!"

Baru's eyes stopped at Kalu, and he swallowed his saliva from time to time.

"That's right, it's been a while since I've had meat!"

As he said that, two sand thieves came over.

Weiwei blocked the way for them and shouted,"Absolutely not! Kalu is my partner!"

"Find a duck as a companion? This is obviously food!"

"Brothers, take the pregnant princess aside.

The thieves didn't care about Weiwei's words at all.


"Whoosh whoosh……"

"No one is allowed to touch Kalu!"

Weiwei swung her hand sideways, and two circular iron blades wrapped around ropes flew out, scaring away the surrounding sand thieves.

"coo coo coo……"

On a distant sand dune, a black ball as big as a small boat rolled on the sand, interrupting everyone's thoughts.

"Boss Baru! The giant dung ball appears again!"

"This time it seems to be bigger, as if it is coming towards us!"

"What should we do with the boat? It’s too late to sail away!"


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