A giant dung ball in the desert!

Created by a giant shoveler unique to the desert, each ball has different sizes and strengths.

But if a passerby accidentally touches it, most of them will cause some degree of damage.

The giant dung ball in front of them is obviously bigger than any of the ones the Balusa bandits encountered before, otherwise they would not be in such a panic.

""Puff... Boom!"

When the huge dung ball passed the top of the sand dune, it gradually lost its traction point and rolled out towards the area where everyone was.

Just from the momentum of the rush, it was even more powerful than when Baru's sand bandits came!

"I'm coming!"

"What should I do? Should I abandon the ship and run for my life, Boss?"

"What a joke! If there were no sand ships, we would have died in the desert!"

The crowd suddenly became noisy and restless, and everyone was panicking and didn't know what to do.

"I'll stop him! All of you get out of the way and go to a safe place!"

Baru rushed down the sand dune and fearlessly rushed towards the giant dung ball.

The members of the Sand Bandits were so scared that they fled, at least they hid in a safe area first. And Weiwei still bent down stubbornly and pulled Kalu on the ground, moving slowly bit by bit.

Lasha in the crowd looked at Weiwei, hesitated for a moment, and still did not come up to help, but turned around and followed the team's escape.

"bring it on!"

"I am the strongest man in this desert!"

"I'm not afraid of your giant dung ball!"


Baru opened his arms and hit the giant dung ball head-on. The huge force pushed him back several meters, leaving a trail of sand on the road.

"Oh, uh!"

He didn't last more than two seconds before the giant dung ball crushed over Baru's body and continued to roll towards

"Our ship is about to be finished!"

"What's going on? Why is the pregnant princess still there?"

"Get out of the way! Don't worry about the duck, people will die!"

The last voice was shouted by the girl named Lasha, who was obviously still worried about Princess Vivi's safety.

Vivi raised her head and stared at the giant dung ball that was five meters away. Her pupils flashed with fear and she murmured,"I can't die here... I absolutely can't die here!"

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

At the critical moment, a gray shuttle, like a silver snake killing the enemy, appeared in Weiwei's sight in an instant.

"Great! We finally caught up!"

Jin Yi swung his ship sharply and landed steadily in front of Weiwei.

"Who is this person? No... Dangerous!"

Weiwei looked anxiously at the giant dung ball that had already reached Jin Yi, waving her hands repeatedly to remind him.

"Hahahaha, how can this situation be considered dangerous?"


Jin Yi laughed heartily, raised his head and kicked back casually.

The force several times greater than the impact of the dung ball kicked the dung ball back to where it had rolled from.

"Damn giant dung ball!"

"How's my warship? How's everyone else?"

Baru, with a black mark on his body, struggled to crawl out of the sand pile.

Unfortunately, what caught his eye was not the safe crowd and the damaged sand ship, but the dung ball rolling back at several times the speed.

"What... Oh!"

The black giant rushed over again and buried Baru deep in the sand.


"Ah... Thank you for your help, sir!"

Vivi was stunned for a moment, and after a few seconds of reaction, she bowed to Jin.

The ability user indicated on the devil fruit map is at this location. It is obvious that there are no other ability users here except Vivi, the pregnant woman.

In the original work, Princess Vivi of Alabasta has no devil fruit ability, and the eldest daughter and the second daughter are natural devil fruit ability mothers. The rest of the answer is almost obvious!

The mother chosen by the superhuman magnet fruit is Princess Vivi of Alabasta!

"No thanks, no thanks!"

"The belly is really this big, so magical!"

Seeing the amazing power of the system for the first time, Jin Yi couldn't help but exclaimed.

Wei Wei, who was standing in front of Jin Yi, stroked her belly nervously. Before she realized what Jin Yi meant, she replied,"That's right... This baby has only been here for a short time.……"

"Princess Weiwei, it’s only been less than 20 days!"

Jin Yi circled Weiwei and sighed.

"Yes, less than twenty...wait, how do you know my name! How did you know it in less than twenty days!"

After Weiwei reacted, she stepped back three steps and looked at Jin Yi in horror.

Even the agents of Baroque Works had no idea that Weiwei was pregnant. The guy who suddenly appeared in front of them was not only powerful, but also told her the truth at once.

Jin Yi couldn't help but smile and answered boldly:"Of course I know...because I am the father of the child!"

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