The sudden change made Jin Yi unable to react for a while. She was still a few days away from giving birth, but because of the reward for her second daughter, it was shortened to the end of her due date. She could give birth to a daughter at any time.

"Is the second daughter the pirate mother or the navy mother?"

"Did he actually defeat an A-level expert directly?"

"My daughter, this reward of yours comes a little too suddenly!"

Jin Yi held Weiwei with one hand, and placed his palm on her abdomen, trying to use his own ability to ease Weiwei's pain.

"Boom... Boom... Boom……"

The clear beating of the fetus against Jin Yi's palm was many times stronger than the previous fetal movement.

""Your Highness Weiwei!"

Bell was also in a panic, standing aside at a loss.

According to the system's prompts, once you enter the waiting period, the shortest time is five hours and the longest time is one day, and you will face the situation of giving birth.

"Birdman, you can fly, how long does it take to fly from here to Alba?"

Jin Yi asked in a deep voice.

"The fastest time is more than three hours... Even if we can make it in time, we can't go back to Albana now."

Bell glanced at Jin Yi angrily, but he didn't get angry because of Weiwei.

"Bell... go back……"

"Let me go back to the kingdom with Jin Yi...……"


Weiwei fell into Jin Yi's arms with difficulty and reluctantly said what she wanted.

Bell turned his head with an unpleasant look and said truthfully:"Your Highness Weiwei, Lord Ikalem has returned to Albana safely. He asked me to come out to find you and take you to a safe place to hide for two days."

"Damn it! Actually... nearly 10,000 rebels have already started attacking the palace, and the palace could fall at any time!"

Faced with a dangerous situation, even if it was Vivi's painful request, Bell still couldn't do it.

Vivi had tears in her eyes and wanted to say something, but Jin Yi hugged her in his arms.

"Only 10,000 people"

"100,000 people are concerned"

""Go back!"

Jin Yi looked at Bell seriously with an imposing manner.

If Weiwei's current condition was not suitable for riding the sand boat, Jin Yi would have ignored Bell's concerns and rushed to Albana at a high speed.

"This man……"

Feeling the mental pressure from Jin Yi up close, Bell couldn't help but sweat on his forehead.

Even so, Bell was still hesitant, weighing whether he should stand on the side of reason or the side of emotion.

"The ability to fly? It's Bell the Falcon, the kingdom's minions!"

"We must not let them leave here, we must deal with them for the rebel soldiers!"

"Everyone, come together, we can't let them leave here!"

The agents of Baroque Works below reacted one by one, and once again persuaded the people to stop the few people from leaving.

Jin Yi glanced coldly at the dozen agents who were shouting at him, and swung his arms in front of him.

Chiba Hand!


"Get out of the way!"

"Uh ah!"

"What's going on? Help!"


The surging palm energy prints fell on the group of blind agents. Including the onlookers, nearly a hundred people were blown away by Jin Yi's Qianye Hand.

"This is the power that killed the God of Killing of the Navy Branch!"

"Run! Don't risk your life."

"Why capture a royal princess? I just want to live a few more years!"

"Get out of the way! Don't block the way!"

A shocking sound fell, followed by the sound of chaotic footsteps.

Seeing Jin Yi kill hundreds of people in a flash with just a wave of his hand, the ignorant people who were watching the fun could no longer maintain their wavering stance and chose to flee in all directions.

Bell's expression was very interesting, and the way he looked at Jin Yi changed again.

"Go back to Albania... Don't make me say it for the third time."

Jin Yi hugged Weiwei tightly again and stared at Bell majestically.

"I understand."

Bell took two steps back and clenched his fists in front of him.

His arms turned into thick eagle claws in the blink of an eye, and his body swelled several times, with brown feathers appearing everywhere.

Bell the Falcon, falcon form!

"Come up!"

Bell leaned down and let Jin Yi hold Weiwei and jump down


The listless Karoo duck was more energetic than anyone else at this moment, tightly hugging Jin Yi's right leg, fearing that he would be left here.


Bell flapped his wings slightly and flew off the roof. His speed was much faster than flying on the sand.

While fleeing, Jin Yi glanced into the narrow alley.

Robin, who had been defeated by him, was trying desperately to escape from the scene with his injured body.

At this juncture, Jin Yi had no time to take care of Robin.

As long as there was a mark on the devil fruit map, Jin Yi could easily find Robin no matter where she fled to the kingdom.

The most important thing now was to send Vivi to Albana so that his daughter could be born safely.


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