Three hours later, in a mansion 90 kilometers away from the rain

"Ding, Ding, Ding……"

"Mr. 1, are you sure the information is accurate?"

Crocodile sat on a fine crocodile leather chair, tapping the table with his golden poison hook, and in front of him was a Den Den Mushi that belonged to the president, Mr. 0.

"Yes, Boss, it is correct."

"Many of his men saw Jin Yi and Wei Wei on the spot, and also witnessed Miss AllSunday being defeated."

"Judging from the scene, the opponent's skills should be a troublesome guy."

Mr.1 was at the location of the battle, looking at the damaged ground caused by Jin Yi's attack.

Crocodile sat in the quiet office, leaning on the crocodile leather chair, with a cold and ugly expression on his face.

Crocodile has lost contact with Robin since the news of Robin's defeat and disappearance three hours ago.

In the past, even if there were mistakes in the operation, Robin would report to Crocodile and apologize as soon as possible, instead of disappearing for no reason like what happened in front of him.

"Keep looking around and find Miss AllSunday before tomorrow morning."

Crocodile thought for a long time and gave the instruction.

"Got it, Boss!"

"Do I need to personally deal with Jin Yi?"

Mr.1 said confidently, even if the other party was a wanted criminal with a terrifying bounty.


Crocodile slammed the table angrily. You could tell from the sound that he was furious.

"He is just a gangster who just debuted. I don't believe the news about him massacring the navy branch. The navy must have other reasons for offering such a reward for him."

"Let him live one more day, and wait until the Utopia plan starts, then we can deal with him."

Considering the actual situation, Crocodile had to make a reasonable choice.


"Beep Beep……"

After hearing Mr. 1's reply, Crocodile pressed the hang-up button and glanced at the bounty on the table.

"Killer God Jin Yi?"

"He's just a nasty bastard."

"The battle plan of Utopia will not let you stop at all"


Inside the Navy Headquarters.

In addition to Baroque Works being troubled by Jin Yi's matter, the Navy Headquarters also seemed to be in a big and thorny trouble.

"Marshal Zhan Guo, Chief of Staff He, and several generals present"

"I have already told you everything I know. I really don't remember the rest."

Dashiqi, the survivor of the Sky Gold Heist, sat alone at the end of the long conference table, facing the joint talks of the top leaders of the Navy.

Since Dashiqi was rescued, she has talked with the top leaders of the Navy twice.

"Are you sure you don't remember what happened after Smoker's death?"

Akainu Sakaski folded his hands in front of him, looked at Tashigi with fierce eyes, and questioned again.

Tashigi adjusted her glasses, pulled down her loose navy uniform, turned her head to the side inconspicuously, and replied:"I really don't remember."

When Dashiki was rescued from coma, Chief of Staff Crane came and went many times.

During one of the visits, he inadvertently mentioned the matter of"arresting the pregnant and defecting Colonel Tina", which Dashiki, who was slightly conscious at the time, heard clearly.

Three days after waking up, Dashiki felt something strange in her belly, and it was the first time she experienced fetal movement.

The Navy did not link Tina's pregnancy to Jin Yi, but Dashiki had deep doubts in her heart.

In the report after waking up, Dashiki only briefly described the process of Jin Yi's battle with Smoker, and did not mention what happened after Smoker's death.

If the senior naval officials in front of her knew that she was also pregnant, the first person to be threatened would not be the murderer Jin Yi, but the child in her belly!

It was precisely because Dashiki concealed key information out of worry that the Navy Headquarters had a large error in their guess about Jin Yi's ability.

"Forget it, I've asked this so many times."

"When facing a girl, you should be more careful about your attitude.

Chief of Staff He, who is also a woman, took the initiative to speak up and smooth things over for Dashiqi.

"What do you think, everyone... Can you see the strength of this boy who just debuted?"

Sengoku said solemnly, with his hands on the conference table.

Admiral Aokiji, wearing an eye patch, raised his hand and pulled it upwards, analyzing and saying:"From the current point of view, we can only guess that this guy named Jinyi is also a person with special abilities... and his ability just happens to restrain Smoker, who has the Smoke Fruit."

"The surface information is indeed like this, but I always feel that... something seems strange."

Admiral Kizaru glanced at Tashigi from the side through his glasses.

Tashigi tried to stay calm, afraid that Kizaru would see that she was guilty.

"It is not known what kind of person the other party is. Garp has stayed in Alabasta to continue tracking. I believe that the answer will be available soon."

"The Sky Gold robbery incident can be concealed by Marijoa for the time being, and the loss will be paid by the Navy Headquarters for the time being."

"After the delivery is completed, let Momoto set off for Alabasta again, and search with Garp in two directions. This guy must be caught as soon as possible!"


Zhan Guo said as he became angry and punched the conference table.

"" Bang!"

Under the stimulation of the dull sound, Tashiki's not-so-obvious belly seemed to be growing noticeably under her loose navy uniform.

Tashiki slowly stood up, bowed to the senior officials, and said,"My dear leaders, please let me act with Vice Admiral Taotu. I also hope to catch the wanted criminal Jin Yi with my own hands.���"

Dashiki's request was very sincere, but she had her own thoughts in her heart.

Zhan Guo and the people present looked at each other for a few times, and no one showed any opposition.

Letting Dashiki, who had contact with Jin Yi, participate in the operation did have certain benefits for the completion of the operation.

"All right!"

"Then you will be Vice Admiral Momosaki's adjutant, and we will set off for Alabasta together in two days."

Sengoku ordered.


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