Dashiqi walked out of the conference room and was led to the temporary residence by the soldiers on duty.

The moment she sat on the lounge chair, she immediately hugged her abdomen with both hands and broke out in a cold sweat.

"Damn Jin Yi...I must catch him myself!"

"What on earth did he do while I was unconscious...ah!"

Dashiki still had the scene before she fell into a coma in her mind, and even remembered very clearly that she had used the power of the Smoke Fruit.

After waking up, the power of the fruit disappeared, and she realized she was pregnant after only a few days. The growth rate of her belly was far beyond the growth rate of a normal person.

In this series of changes, Dashiki did not associate the fetus in her belly with a devil fruit. She just thought that after she fell into a coma, Jin Yi did something unspeakable to her... and because of Jin Yi's special ability, the fetus in her belly grew so fast.

Even in Dashiki's view, Tina, who was rumored to have escaped from her post due to pregnancy, was also"black-handed" by Jin Yi. As the birth time shortened, Dashiki's belly bulged faster than that of several other devil fruit mothers, and some clues could be vaguely seen.

"It will take two days to go out on a mission... I must leave the Navy Headquarters as soon as possible!"

Dashiqi said as she thought to herself.


Just as Dashiqi was thinking, the door was suddenly pushed open without any warning.

Dashiqi was so scared that she immediately sat up straight and tidied her messed up clothes.

At the door of the room, a beautiful figure came into view. Taotu, dressed in pink, was wearing a neat navy uniform and walked into Tina's room.

"We have already met, so there is no need for me to introduce myself, right?"

The man looked at Dashiqi and walked directly to the long table and sat down.

"Tao, Lieutenant General Taotu?"

I was just notified to act together with Taotu in two days. I didn't expect that after completing the task of delivering Tianshangjin, Taotu would come directly to my door.

It can be seen that Taotu has just hurried back to the headquarters from outside, and he didn't even change his clothes.

Without knowing the other party's purpose, Dashiqi walked to the table carefully and poured a cup of tea for Taotu.

Taotu pushed the tea cup aside, pointed to the position on the opposite side, and motioned Dashiqi to sit down.

After Dashiqi sat down uneasily, Taotu asked seriously:"My purpose of coming to you is very simple. I want to hear you talk about the"God of Killing"... the more the better!"


"Bru! Bru!"

""Broo! Bru!"

A few minutes after Tashigi left the Navy Headquarters, Sengoku was discussing important matters with several top-level members, and the Den Den Mushi on the table interrupted their conversation. The Den Den Mushi in front of him was deployed as a mission, and was responsible for various communication activities when he was out on a mission. The only person who could call at this time was Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel who was in charge of capturing Tina.

"Hello, I'm Zhan Guo"

"Flying Squirrel, how is the situation on your side?"

Zhan Guo asked directly about the situation of the mission.

""Oh... uh... where's the sound coming from?" The sound coming out of the Den Den Mushi was not the flying squirrel's response, but a childish baby voice, which sounded like it didn't know how to use the Den Den Mushi at all.




For a moment, the atmosphere in the quiet meeting room suddenly became solemn.

Everyone's eyes fell on the Den Den Mushi, holding their breath and waiting for the other party to continue speaking.

"hiss hiss……"

"Gulp gulp!"

"Oh, is this the place?"

After a burst of rustling noises from the Den Den Mushi, the baby voice seemed to have found a microphone and finally spoke clearly.

"Little ghost, who are you?"

Zhan Guo held the microphone anxiously, and had a bad feeling in his heart.


"Is this a snail talking like an old man?"

The child seemed to have discovered a new world, and paid close attention to the way the Den Den Mushi spoke.

"Little brat!"

""Who are you?" Zhan

Guo repeated the question.

This should have been a report that the flying squirrel had completed the mission, but now the Den Den Mushi fell into the hands of a little kid. This was too unbelievable!

"Oh... what a grumpy old snail... I'm Lolo."

Lolo on the other end of the line took the initiative to say his name.

Then he said to the Den Den Mushi:"Old snail, Lolo is sleepy, so I won't play with you."

"Wait, you little devil……"


"hiss hiss……"

Zhan Guo didn't have time to get a word in. With a violent hammer, the Den Den Mushi lost contact. Judging from the situation, it would never be able to contact again.

The sudden call and then interruption made the scene fall into silence.

After a long time, Chief of Staff Crane thought and said,"Zhan Guo, are you sure that the one calling is definitely the flying squirrel's Den Den Mushi?"

"I can't be completely sure... but it's 90% correct."

Zhan Guo responded in a deep voice.

If it was really as Zhan Guo said, then the operation to capture Tina would most likely have failed. The more troubling question in front of us was, who was this child who called himself"Lolo"?

"Do you need me to run a trip, Marshal Sengoku?"

Aokiji took the initiative to stand up from his chair and broke the silence.

Even the vice admirals of the Navy Headquarters could not perform this task. Except for the three top admirals of the Navy, I am afraid no one can be competent for such a task.

"In that case... Kuzan!"

"The whereabouts of this child must be found within a week."

"And... make sure she is not Tina's baby!"

Zhan Guo felt a chill when he said this.

A newborn child was able to defeat the admiral of the Navy Headquarters, causing him to go missing and lose contact with the headquarters.

If such a little devil walked into the sea, who knows what kind of storm it would cause!


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