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After receiving the news from Mr. 1, Crocodile could no longer sit still and fled from more than ten kilometers away at a very fast speed.

For him, who had the natural sand-sand fruit, riding on the strong wind in the desert, his flying speed could be several times faster than usual.

"I have been planning for two years."

"It's impossible for us to fail just because of a rascal."

"I will never allow this to happen!"

Crocodile left an hour earlier than expected, and he was naturally very impatient.

When he arrived three kilometers away from the palace, he saw a large sphere of iron gathered ten meters above the ground.

"What is this?"

Crocodile said in confusion.


A loud bang resounded throughout the palace. Under the gaze of Crocodile and all the soldiers on the scene, the top of the bell tower was broken open by a black heavy object.

A giant bomb finally couldn't withstand the attraction of the magnetic force and flew towards the iron ball in the air.

"How can it be!"

"Damn it!"

Veins bulged on Crocodile's forehead as he witnessed the moment the giant bomb was pulled out.

In order to wait for this day, Crocodile had been planning and designing for two years, but he didn't expect that the final killer move would be inexplicably pulled out when there was still an hour and a half before it would be detonated.

This is a giant bomb with a radius of five kilometers!

With just one shot, both the king's army and the rebel army would be wiped out.

After losing these two teams and capturing King Cobra, all the plans would be accomplished. It's a pity that when the plan was going smoothly, it was stirred up by Jin Yi who broke into the place and turned into a stagnant water.


"Hey, what's that big thing? A stray bullet?"

"Ah! Why is there such a thing in the bell tower!"

"Why are we still fighting? Let's run! This place is going to explode!"

"Get out of here quickly! It will be too late if you are any later!"

The square in front of the palace gate was in chaos. Both the king's army and the rebel army were scared out of their wits by the sudden appearance of the giant stray bullet.

Ikalem looked up into the air in amazement, his eyes twitching, and said in fear:"Crocodile! You have such a vicious method... Do you want all the troops of this country to become burial objects!"

"Captain Ikalem, what should we do? I don't want to die yet."

"Yes, Captain, why don’t we leave here as soon as possible?"

""King! Princess! How about we take them away together?"

The soldiers of the King's Guards also began to retreat.

A streamer that was powerful enough to cause a huge explosion was a heavy weapon that ordinary soldiers could not resist. As long as it exploded, everyone present would be reduced to ashes!




Just as the scene was in chaos, two figures flashed across the highest point of the city wall.

To be more accurate, it should be said that Jin Yi flashed to the scene and threw Jia Ka over.

On Jin Yi's back was a little girl in a mini skirt.

"If I remember correctly, these points should be……"

"The Quick-Slash Fruit, the Mimic Fruit, the candle... Oh, no, the candle has been killed, so it's the Explosion Fruit, and the dog gun that has ascended to heaven, right? Finally, there is the Nature-type Sand-Sand Fruit!"

"Not bad, so many devil fruits were delivered at once. I should thank that sand crocodile in person later!"

Jin Yi opened the devil fruit map, stood on the city wall and scanned the area, locking onto the locations where the devil fruits appeared in all directions.

"Tsk tsk, crocodiles...are they very fierce animals? Qiqi will be scared……"

Qiqi, the third daughter of the Magnet Fruit, had tears clearly visible in her eyes. She hugged Jin Yi's neck tightly, not daring to let go.

Jin Yi reached behind him and gently touched his daughter's head,"Qiqi, don't worry. With your dad here, you don't have to be afraid of any small animals!"

""Dad, hold me tighter."

Qiqi nudged Jin Yi's neck with her little head.

After Qin burst into tears and triggered the magnetic wind, Qiqi's thinking consciousness was quickly organized.

Jin Yi didn't even need to coax her a few words, Qiqi became a well-behaved and sensible third daughter!

If every child was so easy to raise, and could understand things without being taught, then people in the world wouldn't have to worry about raising children!

After comforting his daughter, Jin Yi reached into his arms and took out a bronze communication bug.

"Jiaka, are you sure your loudspeaker communication bug is really useful?"

"If you shout with your voice, these guys won't be able to hear you."

Jin Yi asked Gaka, holding the communication amplifier bug in his hand.

Gaka quickened his pace and ran to the side of the high point with all his strength. He opened the mechanism hidden in the stone wall, and inside it was a row of amplifier bugs stored intact.

"His Royal Highness the Prince Consort!"

"The megaphones are all on, you can speak now!"

Jaka said, and tears came out of his eyes.

He felt very honored to be able to work with Jin Yi and contribute to saving the country.

"cough cough……"

"All of you guys who are running away, calm down!"

"I am Kinichi, the Prince Consort of Alabasta. Let’s put an end to this boring war!"

"I'm here to save your lives, and I'll deal with this big stray bullet above your head!"

"Whoever dares to shout again, or take another step, I will be the first to kill him!"

Through the transmission of the megaphone, Jin Yi's voice resounded throughout the battlefield.���, suppressing all the chaotic noises.

Although he appeared in a positive image, Jin Yi's speech sounded like a complete villain.

Most of the warriors on both sides had seen Jin Yi kill thousands of people in seconds.

Such a threatening shout immediately had an effect on the scene.

A roar shook the battlefield!


"They are all stationary!"

"Dad is awesome……"

Qiqi looked over Jin Yi's shoulder and saw the smoke and dust rising from the city. Everyone was just as Jin Yi said, timidly stopping where they were.

Jin Yi nodded with satisfaction, put his hands on Qiqi's shoulders, pulled her up, and sat her on his shoulders.

"Little beautiful Kiki, remember what your father said... It's your turn to work now!"

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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