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"Why are you all afraid to move? If you stay here, you will die!"

"I don't know why I stopped. I saw everyone stopped."

"I dare not move. I might survive being bombed by a bomb. Don't you know who the new consort Jin Yi is?"

"The news has spread like wildfire, it's the God of Killer Jin Yi!"

The soldiers on both sides stood like telephone poles.

Some of them were really afraid of Jin Yi from the bottom of their hearts, while others just followed the crowd and would not move unless others did.

The most terrible thing was the senior agents of Baroque Works who were mixed in!

When they saw the stray bullets, they were so nervous that their throats were already tense, but they did not dare to escape completely exposed in this situation.

With everyone standing still, whoever dared to move would become a living target in Jin Yi's eyes!


""Oh... Daddy, hold me tight!"

Qiqi sat on Jin Yi's shoulders and raised her hands high.

Her long blue hair fluttered in the wind, and a light blue light flashed in Qiqi's little eyes.

"Magnetic... fusion!"

Qiqi muttered to Jin Yi in a childish voice.


Before the stray bullet flew to the iron ball in the air, the iron ball was pulled by an unknown force and changed at a speed invisible to the naked eye. The iron ball first stretched horizontally, and with the rhythm of the explosion sound in the air, a huge fist gradually grew at the tip!

"Big arms!"

"Big fist wow!"

"What a terrifying power this is!"

The members of the King's Guards on the city wall who were responsible for protecting Jin Yi and his daughter widened their eyes.

Little Princess Qiqi, who was only a few minutes old, was sitting in front of everyone, witnessing a thrilling event!

"Buzz buzz buzz……"

In Jin Yi's ears, a tinnitus of magnetic current made him feel particularly uncomfortable.

Although he couldn't see directly with his eyes what kind of connection existed between Qiqi and the big fist formed in the air,

Jin Yi was sure in his heart that Qiqi must have used the characteristics of her own fruit ability to connect the mechanical fist in the air!

"Dad, you can put me down now."

Qiqi gently scratched Jin Yi's hair.

Jin Yi lifted Qiqi and put her beside him, then raised his head and looked up into the sky.


"Daughter, is this your ability?"

"Didn’t I tell you to control the large stray bullet into the sky?"

"How did you make a big fist?"

Jin put his hand on his forehead and looked up into the air.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

"Dad, don't blink... big fist, move it!"

Qiqi smiled proudly, jumped three meters away from Jin Yi, held down her shoulder and slowly turned her other arm.


"Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!"

""Swish, swish, swish!"

Following Qiqi's movements, the mechanical arm in the air began to rotate continuously in an extremely anti-physical way, making waves of noise in the air, sounding like thunder in a clear sky.

When the large stray bullet was attracted by the magnetic force and was about to merge with the mechanical arm, Qiqi suddenly stepped back and threw her little hand up to the top.



A stray bullet that was big enough to blow up a five-kilometer area was like a volleyball being hit lightly. It was hit hard by the mechanical arm at the bottom and hit high into the sky.

"Ah! The big stray bullet was hammered away!"

"It was that little girl who did it. Who is she?"

"I just heard her calling Prince Consort"Dad" again. Could she be the daughter of Princess Weiwei and Prince Consort Jin Yi?"

"The dad is a killing god, and the daughter is simply a god!"

"What kind of terrifying power is this? Are we going to rebel against such a kingdom again? What a sin!"

The people of Alabasta knew about the son-in-law Jinyi after he killed a thousand rebel troops in the square. After shooting down the stray bullet today, the name of Jinyi and Vivi's daughter, Xiao Qiqi, will also spread across Alabasta at the speed of wind!


When the large stray bullet rose to nearly a thousand meters in the sky, a loud bang exploded from the air.

The clear and cloudless sky was illuminated by the red flames, and the entire palace city was shrouded in the fiery red light.

"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

"What a strong wind!"

""Stand, stand still!"

The high-pressure air waves blew to the ground, forming gusts of wind, blowing thousands of people to the ground. The dust flew up all around, blocking everyone's sight.


With the help of the dust and wind, a man in a black coat gradually condensed from the dust on the city wall and landed behind Qiqi, who had just used her big arms to swat away the stray bullet.

Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea!


Qiqi didn't turn around, but she had already sensed the movement behind her.

"My perfect plan was ruined by a little brat like you."

"This kind of thing is absolutely unforgivable, go to hell, you little brat!"

Crocodile made a very fast move, and the golden poisonous goblet suddenly swung towards Qiqi.


The wind swept through and blew away the smoke and dust on the city wall.

""Your Highness... This is... Crocodile Crocodile!"

Gaka rubbed his eyes, trying to make his vision clear, and shouted loudly.

"I said Mr. Crocodile"

"Attacking my daughter... Have you considered the consequences?"

As Crocodile made his move, Jin flashed over and grabbed Crocodile's waving arm with one hand, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"You are the rookie pirate... Jinyi!"

Crocodile's body was still half covered in sand, and he had no sense of crisis about his situation.

A natural ability user wanted to attack him, but in Crocodile's mind, Jinyi's strength was not enough.

As the two sides confronted each other, Qiqi turned around in confusion, rubbing her red eyes.

"Uwaaaaah…What a fierce-looking uncle!"

"Get out of here quickly, Qiqi doesn’t want to see you, woooo!"

"Dad, please squat down and be careful with your head!"


PS: Thank you for your support. The author is working hard to update.

There is one thing I need to explain here. I saw a reader mentioned that Hancock and Rayleigh knew each other before. This is because the author did not do his homework well. After reflection, the author will repeatedly consider it when writing next time.

Now that it has been written, I will not make any changes for the time being. It is just a small matter and will not affect the direction of the story. Please forgive me! _Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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