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"The daughter of the god of death is flying down!"

"Run! It's coming towards us!"

"I am not a stray bullet, I can't withstand a slap!"

In the rebel camp, seeing Qiqi flying at them from the sky at high speed, they quickly scattered around like ants on a hot pot.


"Why are you so scared!"

"It's just a child, go up and catch it……"


Mr. 2, who had transformed into Kosa, hurriedly pulled several soldiers around him and blocked them in front of him.

As a result, there was a loud bang from the front, and Qiqi landed right in front of him, frowning and scanning the crowd around him.


"It's so noisy, I only beat those who wear glasses, you guys go away."

Qiqi pointed her little finger at Kosa and spoke to the people around her.

"Chief, she...she seems to be looking for you"

"We, we are here to assist you!"

Having just witnessed Qiqi's slap, no one wanted to confront her head on.


"Are you kidding? I am your leader!"

"Come here, everyone!"

Kosa roared angrily, his emotions on the verge of collapse.

"Uncle, you are kidding, you don’t look like this."



Qiqi's little hand turned in the air, and the floating metal blocks in the air gathered together and connected, forming a hammer several people tall.

One end of the hammer handle fell into Qiqi's hand. Such a heavy hammer was carried by a child less than one meter tall. The scene looked particularly terrifying.

"Ugh! Don't do it! Don't do it!"

"Wait...we surrender!"

"Where is the white flag? Give it to me quickly!"

Mr. 2 was in an extremely anxious state, and his voice changed and returned to his original voice.

After hearing it, the subordinates who were closest to him stared at Mr. 2 with suspicion,"Chief, what she just said... Are you the leader?"

"How could I not be him! If I am not the leader, who else could I be?"

The more Mr. 2 spoke, the more terrified he became. The effect of the mimicry fruit completely failed, revealing his true appearance.

"Magnetic Hammer!"



When Mr. 2 raised his head again, his vision was completely blocked by the hammer.

The fierce blow directly smashed the wide stone slab, and the two-meter-deep crack spread for seven or eight meters before it stopped.

"I've run far enough!"

"Help! I'm falling!

"Ah! Who will help me?"

The rebel soldiers who didn't have time to dodge fell into the cracks.


"One has been dealt with, the next one is... the bald uncle!"

Qiqi waved her hand, and the Wanjun hammer split into metal blocks in her mouth again, floating within a few meters around her.

Almost without any pause, Qiqi stepped lightly, and the magnetic force pulled the metal blocks to rush out to the rear camp again.

The surviving rebel soldiers gathered around the place where Mr. 2 fell.

"This guy is not the leader at all. No wonder he wants us to risk our lives to attack the city at this time!"

"Have we been deceived all along?"

"Where is the real leader?"

For the first time, the rebels began to question their own actions.


【Congratulations to the host, my third daughter Kiki, for successfully defeating the devil fruit user!】

【Gain 800 experience points as a reward, and increase all basic attributes by 2 points!】

【The host obtains the Devil Fruit Reward: the Parahuman Mimicry Fruit!】

【Warm Tips: The host can choose to immediately perform random seeding in the world, or perform system recycling and system storage in the system.

Jin Yi, who was on the tower, opened the system interface.

Just like the last time when the eldest daughter defeated Bonnie, Kiki's battle reward also fell directly into Jin Yi's hands.

Compared with defeating the opponent by himself, getting the reward through Kiki's hand also virtually increased the attribute value bonus, which completely gave Jin a reasonable reason to be a salted fish!

"Xiao Qiqi, how is Xiao Qiqi?"

"Your Majesty, please don't be on the city wall. It's too dangerous here!"

"Your Majesty, please come back with me!"

"Get out of the way! Don't bother me!"

Under the obstruction of the King's Army guards, Cobra walked up the stone stairs step by step, looking for his granddaughter.

After seeing Jin Yi, Cobra quickened his pace and came to Jin Yi's side.

"Jinyi, where is Chichi? Why did you bring her to such a dangerous place?"

Cobra still hasn't figured out that the person who caused the strongest turmoil in Alabasta's history was not Jinyi, but his newly born baby granddaughter.

"Father-in-law, your precious granddaughter is down there...fighting."

Jin Yi pointed to the rear camp of the rebel army and said


"You bastard! Are you kidding me?"

"She was just born... Ugh!"

Cobra looked down and saw Kiki raging like a little witch.


"Fly up... and then fall down!"


"Tsk, tsk, tsk, turn around, and then fall down!"

""Whoosh... Boom!"

Qiqi stepped on the metal block in the air, and her little hands seemed to have magical powers, waving them in front of her at will.

Mr. 1, the user of the Quick Slash Fruit, the Blade Man!

Because of the characteristics of his own devil fruit, his body that can be transformed into a sword at will has become a toy for Qiqi's magnetic fruit!

"Damn little devil!"


Mr. 1 had already sensed something was wrong when the magnetic wind blew. He managed to avoid the magnetic attraction by immersing his whole body in the ground.

In such a close confrontation, Mr. 1 could not even control his body balance, let alone launch a slash.

"Princess Vivi's daughter……"

"So… so strong!"

Bell, whose hands and feet were tied to the sea stone, stared at Qiqi in the air absentmindedly, muttering in disbelief.

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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