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【Congratulations to the host, my third daughter Kiki, for successfully defeating the devil fruit user!】

【Get 1000 experience points as reward, and all basic attributes +3 points!】

【The host obtains the Devil Fruit reward: the Superhuman Quick-Slashing Fruit!】



【Congratulations to the host, my third daughter Kiki, for successfully defeating the devil fruit user!】

【Gain 800 experience points as a reward, and increase all basic attributes by 2 points!】

【The host obtains the Devil Fruit reward: the Parahuman Explosion Fruit!】


As for the high-ranking agents who were just a bit part, Kiki easily dealt with them, and also brought two devil fruits to her father Jinyi.

After dealing with the agents on the scene, Kiki controlled the magnetic train and pulled Bell, who was trapped by the seastone, back to the top of the tower.


"Dad, I've finished the fight, and I'll leave this big bird to you."

"Now you can... Huh? What did we just say? I forgot."

Qiqi scratched her head, not remembering what she said before rushing out to deal with the senior agent.


"Have you about it?"

"I am your grandpa!"

Cobra's forehead was covered with sweat, knowing that he had just said something nonsense.


"Grandpa is... Mom's father?"

Qiqi began to count on her fingers again, innocently showing a thoughtful look, still unable to understand the things in front of her.

Through the perception of the devil fruit map, the remaining clear light spot was approaching this side at a rapid speed.

Jin Yi picked up Qiqi and put her in front of Cobra.

"Qiqi did a great job. Now just stay with grandpa for a while. It's time for dad to work."

After saying that, Jin Yi set his sights on the back of the camp.


"Whoosh whoosh whoosh!"

"What's going on? Why is the wind so strong all of a sudden?"

"Damn it! I can't see anything at all!"

The strong hurricane from behind raised dust and smoke, causing the soldiers in the rebel camp to cover their heads and faces.


A loud landing sound was heard.

In the dust, Crocodile, with torn clothes and blood on his body, returned to the battlefield again.

""Damn... stinky brat!"

Crocodile roared angrily, and the rebels in the rear camp heard it clearly.

"Eh? It's Mr. Crocodile!"

"Our Rebel Hero is here!"

"Mr. Crocodile is very powerful. We are saved now!"

A group of insurgents who were confused were still cheering for Crocodile's arrival, not knowing that the real danger was right in front of them.

"The natural system is different. It can return from dozens of kilometers very quickly!"


After locking onto the opponent's figure, Jin Yi leaped from the city wall, ignoring the height of more than ten meters.

All the senior agents were defeated...

Nico Robin, the key to deciphering the historical text, disappeared... The stray bullet that flattened the royal palace was destroyed...

The successive blows made Crocodile's impatience soar to the extreme!

"How can you, a bunch of useless rubbish, take over this country?"

Crocodile said with a gloomy face, completely changing from a positive character to a dark figure in the crowd.

"Eh? Mr. Crocodile? What do you mean by that?"

"Aren't you here to save us?"

"The kingdom's minions...that terrible prince consort is here!"

"Mr. Crocodile, please help us build our ideal kingdom!"

The rebel soldiers shouted at Crocodile at the top of their lungs, hoping that they would have a glimmer of hope for their ideals.

Under normal circumstances, Crocodile would have been patient and would have taken good care of his image. Faced with the situation before him, he no longer had the patience he had before.


"Ideals are something that only those who have the ability to realize them are worthy of speaking out."

"You useless things are no longer of any use!"


Crocodile spread out his palms, and a small whirlwind of sand and dust spun rapidly between his palms.

"Mr. Crocodile, what do you mean?"

"what you up to?"

""It's bad, it's bad, run away!"

The pitiful soldiers of the rebel army realized the danger and fled from the scene.

Facing the mad Crocodile, the movement speed of ordinary people was not enough to escape his killing range.


Crocodile waved his hand angrily, and the small vortex in his hand was magnified dozens of times before his eyes, sweeping the whole place!

"Help! Help!"

"The sandstorm is coming, everyone run away!"

"Damn the crocodile, he is such a bastard, damn it!"

The wails of the rebel soldiers resounded throughout the square. Credulity and ambition betrayed their kingdom, and now they deeply realized that they would have to pay the price of blood for their actions.


"Although I'm not a philanthropist, I can't just watch you go crazy right under my nose!"

On the path of the sandstorm, Jin Yi ran in the opposite direction of everyone else's escape and ran directly in front


PS: The subscription results are somewhat different from what I expected, not very ideal, and I feel a little depressed. The author will continue to write, and will continue to write the story anyway, please support me! _Please download Fulu to read the ununderlined version of the novel

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