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"It's you again, this idiot boy... you don't know what's good for you!"

Seeing Jin Yi dare to face his Sha Lan head-on, Crocodile became even more furious.

He bent down and dropped one hand on the ground, and the stone slabs made a sound of breaking and then turned into sand.

"A newbie like you doesn't know what to pay attention to when fighting against the natural system."

"This desert... is where you will die!"

Through the power of the Sand-Sand Fruit, Crocodile easily controlled the flow of veins under the sand dunes.

With Crocodile himself as the core, the surrounding stone slabs quickly turned into sand, and waves of sand spread, sweeping towards Jin Yi's feet.

Facing the restraint of quicksand, it is basically impossible to hide from the giant sand storm.

Crocodile, who controls the sand dunes with a flip of his hand, can easily bury the enemy alive on the spot with the swallowing of quicksand alone.

"He is indeed an ambitious person, but his confidence is a little too much."

Jin Yi couldn't help but said with a smile



The moment the quicksand touched Jin Yi's feet, it was as if it was grabbed by the neck, and it shook from the ground to the air, making waves of strange noises.


Crocodile looked at the scene in front of him in horror.

Immediately, Jin Yi did not stop his action, and hit Sha Lan with his backhand again. A similar shocking scene appeared again!



Rou is clearly visible���The whirlwind, as Jin Yi's palm fell, seemed to be moved out of thin air and completely disappeared from the spot.

"How is it could this be possible!"

"What the hell are you playing at, you bastard!"

""Crescent-shaped sand dunes!"

Crocodile could hardly believe what he saw, and he took two steps sideways, shortening the distance between him and Jin Yi.

As Crocodile swung his arm, its length was magnified three times, forming a seemingly soft sand blade slash.

Once hit by the sand blade slash, the water in the body will be sucked out by the characteristics of the sand and dust, turning into a powerless mummy. This is Crocodile's terrible killing move in close combat.

"The boring battle is almost over."

"Do you think you can defeat Whitebeard as a Shichibukai who relies too much on the power of his fruit?"

"The difference is too big!"

Jin Yi ignored the swing of the sand slash and took a sideways step directly to Crocodile.


Crocodile's breathing stagnated, and his pupils widened as he looked in front of him.

A black sword shadow flashed in front of Crocodile's eyes, and immediately a long sword with a dark black blade appeared in Jin Yi's hand. The sinister aura deeply stimulated Crocodile's nerves in the moment when he had no time to react.

"You should feel proud that you were used to sacrifice this evil sword!"

"Shura Slash!"

Jin Yi swung his sword horizontally.



The dark light formed a shocking air wave, which flipped Crocodile more than ten meters away and fell heavily to the ground.

When Crocodile's attack was invalidated again, he had already taken the lead in elementalizing his body.

Even so, in front of the fruit father, any skills that rely on the fruit are useless.

"Sand crocodile... All of Sand crocodile's skills were cracked by Prince Consort Jin Yi?"

"The large dust bomb was solved with just a wave of the hand!"

"Killer God Jinyi... What kind of monster is the prince consort of the kingdom!"

A series of changes happened on the spot, leaving all the soldiers watching dumbfounded.

In the first half of the Grand Line, the powerful men at the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea were already enough to dominate and command one side.

The Sand Crocodile, who was regarded as a hero and savior by the rebels, couldn't even survive a round in Jinyi's hands!

"You...are you also a devil fruit...power user?"

"What exactly is this ability?"

Crocodile struggled on the sand, his consciousness gradually blurred, and it was even difficult for him to continue to mobilize the devil fruit ability to heal his wounds.


"Uh ah!"

With the mentality of a quick victory, Jin Yi did not hold back and rushed forward again, piercing Crocodile's chest with his sword.

"If you're talking about someone with special abilities, then I guess so."

"My ability... is to subdue all Devil Fruit users!"

"Sleep peacefully on your sand dunes"



【Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating Crocodile, the Seven Warlords of the Sea】

【Gain 3000 experience points!】

【The opponent is a Devil Fruit user, and the host can extract Devil Fruit.

As Jin Yi's sword pierced through, the system immediately responded with a defeat prompt.

While Crocodile was dying, Jin Yi reached out and grabbed the top of his head, and the violent air wave swirled around his head.


【Congratulations to the host for successfully obtaining the natural rustling fruit!】

【Get 3000 experience points as reward!】

【The host can choose to sow the fruit worldwide, or recycle and temporarily store it.】

【Warm reminder: The host's current experience points are enough to sow seeds, and the experience points consumed are 10,000 points! 】

Some fruits that are not good at all were sent to Jin Yi. Considering the issue of experience points, Jin Yi would hesitate.

And the natural fruits that are already rare, of course there is no reason not to sow seeds!

"10,000 experience points, the Shasha Fruit has been planted!"

Jin Yi spread his hands and threw the Shasha Fruit out.

Under the adjustment of the system, the Shasha Fruit turned into a yellow light spot and disappeared quickly in the air.

I thought this wave of operations was over, but the system's voice reminded me again.


��Given that the host already has more than ten devil fruits (including those that have not been planted)】

【This time, the devil fruit was sown, and my daughter's fertility time was shortened to half of the normal value.】

【Childbearing period: twenty days!】

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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