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Just after eating the candle fruit, before Conis could taste the bitter taste, waves of fluctuations came from her abdomen.

For an ordinary girl, this kind of pain is really hard to endure normally.

Jin Yi quickly put his palm on Conis's abdomen, and the unique ability of the devil fruit father instantly calmed all the initial pain and agitation.

"What's going on? Mr. Jin... My stomach……"

Conis looked at her belly in surprise, which was rounder than before.

"You'll know soon."



Jin Yi did not continue to explain. He couldn't just tell Connie that I gave you a daughter, so you should give birth to her, right?

After opening the metal barrier wall, the women in front of him looked at him with murderous eyes.

Connie's screams of pain just now could be heard by everyone even through the barrier. It would be strange if people didn't misunderstand him if he did something so secretly.




The three girls with sharp noses smelled the different smell in the air in an instant, and cast their eyes on Conis.

Jin Yi quickly made a silent gesture in front of him, and his threatening eyes swept over the three little girls one by one.

As if by telepathy, the little girls received the signal instantly, smiled at each other, and continued to observe the sea of clouds.



"Dad! Look ahead, there are so many big snowballs!"

""It's like white dumplings, so beautiful!"

Tiantian sat at the front and pointed at the channel ahead.

Jin Yi flashed to the front and looked not far away.

The big clouds were floating in the air, looking like a fairy tale paradise.

"It seems that Enel already knows we are coming." Jin Yi murmured.

The route leading to the altar of the living should be an exclusive route, and there is no need to go through the trials of the four priests.

The wonderful scene in front of us is not a natural playground on the island, but comes from one of the trials of the four priests... the trial of the ball!



When the ship entered the cloud ball area, a half-smiley voice echoed faintly from the forest.

"Ah here!"

"Look at that snowball, there is a glutinous rice ball... Uncle glutinous rice ball monster, here it is!"

Luo Luo was still listless at first, but after sensitively noticing the source of the sound, he immediately jumped up and loudly reminded everyone.

"Wow! It’s really glutinous rice balls!"

""Oh! So white and fat, just like the cotton candy in the distance!"

Tiantian and Qiqi ran to the side and looked at the weirdo who was jumping on the cloud ball from one foot to another.


"Poor people of Qinghai, I am Shadley, one of the four priests. It is really your sorrow that you chose me for the trial!"

"I am in charge, but the survival rate is only 10% of the 'Trial of the Ball’!"

The ball-like Shadley continued to change her feet and hop, and on top of a cloud ball, she taunted everyone. The reason why Shadley could create so many cloud balls and move between them at will was not because she was a Devil Fruit user, but because of the unique"Cloud Shell" of Sky Island.

"Sisters, come and play ball together!"

"Sister Tiantian, wait for me!"

"Sisters, Qiqi wants to play too!"

The three little guys completely ignored Shadley's mockery and treated the cloud ball area as an amusement park. They quickly dodged and flew out one after another.




"Lolo, Qiqi, this dumpling can move, come and chase me!"

""Hehe, I'm going to Uncle Tangyuan's place!"

The cloud ball made a beeping sound after being stepped on. With the flow of the breeze and the collision of the squeezing force, it kept changing its position out of thin air.

Pagya, who was not aware of his daughters' strength, sat timidly in the cabin after hearing about Shadley's identity as a priest.

"Mr. Jinyi, please let the girls come back.……"

"The four priests on this island are all very vicious!"

"It's really... too dangerous!"

Paigeya kindly reminded.

Jin Yi turned his head and waved his hand, saying lightly:"Don't worry, uncle, my daughters look like little kids. If they get serious... it won't be difficult to destroy Sky Island."

Shadley was a villain who knew he was having fun. Seeing that his little daughters were having more fun than him and had no sense of crisis at all, Shadley's anger suddenly rose!

"Ignorance is the original sin"

"Even children have to pay for their ignorance."

Sadley waved his arm and controlled the two cloud balls to fly to where the three little brats gathered.

"Oh! There are dumplings coming towards us!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, sister Tiantian, let Qiqi kick it away!"

Qiqi stepped on the cloud ball under her body, jumped into the air and kicked the two flying cloud balls with her little feet.



The gunpowder smoke and dust raised by the explosion instantly engulfed the scene, covering the figures of the three little ghosts.



"Now you know what happens if you ignore me?"

"Surprise Cloud! Each one has a different surprise!"

Shadley thought his attack was successful and jumped excitedly on the spot.

""Tsk... Uncle Tangyuan, it's very dangerous to do this. Qiqi is a little angry."

Qiqi's voice suddenly came from beside Shadley.


"How did you get here?"

Sadley jumped onto another cloud ball in shock, and looked at Kiki who had just stood beside him.

As one of the four priests under Enel, Sadley had mastered the ability of the"heart net" on Sky Island, which is the observation Haki often mentioned in Qinghai.

Observation Haki can predict the opponent's next move and make judgments in advance to avoid risks.

But at the moment of the explosion just now, he clearly sensed that the three little brats were at the scene, and he couldn't understand why they appeared next to him!

"Is the heart network failing?"

"Impossible, I have to observe carefully this time!"

Shadley perked up again and focused on the scene around him.

"Hey! You dumpling weirdo over there!"

"Friendly reminder, it's best not to show off your predictive abilities in front of my daughters."

"Otherwise... you will die miserably."

Jin Yi sat leisurely in the cabin, laughing and shouting loudly

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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