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"The ability to predict... Is this guy talking about the mind network?"

"How did the people of Qinghai know about the Heart Network?"

Shadley was no longer relaxed as he was at the beginning. A series of changes made him completely nervous.




At the same time, above the dozen or so cloud balls near him, several black shadows jumped continuously, making bursts of noise in the air.

"So fast! What's going on?"

"Left...right...back to the left……"

Shadley kept turning his head, trying to keep up with the speed of the shadow, but found that he couldn't react in time.

"Uncle Tangyuan, this playground is handed over to us three sisters."

"Ah! In order to prevent you from doing anything dangerous,……"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I have to beat you up first!"

The voice of the little brat echoed back and forth beside Shadley. Even if each person spoke one sentence at a time, when one person was halfway through speaking, he had already changed four directions.

Shadley slapped his forehead, shook off the cold sweat on his head, and shouted in a cheetah voice:"What a joke! Do you think you can solve the problem of the priest like this? I am the most powerful priest under the command of God Enel!"

"Beep Beep……"

Under Shadley's control, a series of cloud balls filled with powerful explosives quickly surrounded him.

"No matter how fast you are, as long as you wrap the surroundings tightly, no one will dare to rush in!"


"I am still the strongest!"

Sadley foolishly began his dance again, watching the explosive cloud ball fill the space around him.

"Wa hahaha!"


""Tsk, tsk, tsk!"

The three little brats laughed at the same time, as if they had found something unbearably funny.

Shadley paused, frowned and shouted,"What's so funny? You little guys are so unpleasant!""

"Uncle Tangyuan, you are so stupid!"

"That’s right, even dumber than a child!"

"Swish, swish, swish!"

"Beep Beep……"

Black figures flashed in front of Shadley one after another, stepping on the cloud balls that Shadley had recently released.

Instead of creating a barrier that could block the explosion, the dangerous explosion clouds gathered around him, putting him in danger.

"Damn...this is really stupid!"




A series of explosions reverberated between the cloud balls.

Although Shadley was the user of the explosive cloud ball, his own defense was not able to completely block the series of explosions.

The strange figure of Uncle Tangyuan slowly fell towards the cloud sea channel in the firelight, completely losing his ability to balance in the air.

"Ahem... you can still move... Cloud Ball... come here quickly!"

The first explosion blew Shadley away, but the subsequent explosions did not cause him too much harm.

Even though he was severely injured, Shadley did not faint or lose consciousness. While falling, he still controlled the nearby Cloud Ball to approach him, wanting to catch him as he fell.


"Uncle Tangyuan, it's time to say goodbye."

When he was about to land on the cloud ball, a sweet little face appeared in Shadley's sight.

"And... I didn’t sense it again!"


A heavy kick landed harshly on Shadley's face.

Starting from Shadley's head, his round body quickly turned into a solid stone and flew away with all his might!


On a cloud island a few dozen miles away from Arpaia


A short little girl dressed in strange clothes stood up from the ground and hurriedly picked up the small bag she was carrying.

Just a moment ago, the little girl's eyes flashed the scene of Tiantian kicking Shadley away, which directly frightened the young heart of a few years old.


The little girl recalled the scene that just appeared in her mind again, and ran into the tent in a panic with a scream.

The tent was full of people, all wearing strange clothes, which seemed to be the unique clothes of this tribe. Several people seemed to be discussing something in a meeting, but were disrupted by the little girl who suddenly broke in.


"How did you get in here?

A slender woman walked up to the girl named Aisha, squatted down and patted her shoulder.

""Laki, I just... Ah!"

Just as Aisha was about to tell Laqi what she saw, she saw a tall man with a Mohawk hairstyle in the middle of the tent, staring at her fiercely.

"What just happened?"

""Aisha, you better give me a good reason, little brat."

The man said fiercely.

The man who seemed to be his assistant adjusted his glasses and said with a smile:"Weber, don't be so harsh on the children."

"That's right, this isn't the first time Aisha has seen something strange."

"Aisha is the only one among us Shandia people who has mastered the ability of telepathy."

"Maybe there is some important situation that can help us!"

A group of warriors, each holding a weapon, said to Weber who was sitting.

Seeing that Weber was no longer threatening, Aisha timidly hid in Laqi's arms and said slowly:"I just saw... Enel's priest... was defeated by the Qinghai people!"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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