"Is this true? Aisha, this is no joke."

"Eneel's priest was defeated by the foreign people from Qinghai...?"

"Indeed, I just heard that a group of people from Qinghai broke in and caused a resident of Angel Island to suffer divine punishment!"

"Are they talking about these Qinghai people? They can even defeat the priests... How powerful are these guys?……"

After hearing the news about Aisha, the Shandians in the tent started to discuss one thing after another.

Weber still sat in the main seat with a stern face, staring at Aisha without saying a word, scaring her so much that she kept hiding behind Laqi and dared not come out.

"Aisha was born with the ability of telepathy, and I believe her information is correct... It seems that a priest has really been defeated."

Laqi hugged Aisha tighter.



Webber stood up from his seat, fastened the impact shell gloves on his wrists, and looked around the crowd.

"Since the day Enel ruled Arpaiado, the battle has never stopped."

"No matter what the purpose of those Qinghai people is, our chance has come!"

"All members prepare to launch a general attack on the Apajad Shrine……"

"In the name of the great warrior Calgara, light the Shandora lamp again!"

Weber's words were inspiring, and he shouted passionately in the crowd.


Arpaiado, the altar of human sacrifice

"Ahhh...so boring"

"The Tangyuan Amusement Park is so fun, but my dad doesn't let us play. I feel so sad.

Tiantian sat in her seat with a lost look, showing her ability to act like a spoiled child everywhere.

As the eldest sister among the sisters, Tiantian's every move directly led the other two girls astray.

"Ah yes... that's right, my dad is so strict that he doesn't even let me play in the playground"

"Tsk... Qiqi, who followed her father on the first day, was under a lot of pressure."

Lolo and Qiqi imitated Tiantian's movements, standing in front of Tiantian one by one, with the same look of despair.

Looking at the looks of the little girls, Jin Yibo spread his hands and said,"Now is not the time to play, I say, young ladies,……"




Before Jin Yi could finish his words, a fist full of power hit the top of the heads of the three little girls one after another, causing Jin Yi to stare at them in amazement.

Hancock held his fist with anger on his face, standing beside the little girls in a rage.

"You guys have been making a lot of noise since the beginning!"

"If anyone dares to say another word, I will throw her away!"

"It's really infuriating!"

Hancock's series of roars caused Tina and Vivi's two mothers to stand up.

Seeing their daughters being beaten, the two mothers were not angry at all. Instead, they looked at Hancock with admiration, as if they had found a role model to learn from.

Jin smiled in a daze and muttered:"The big house really looks like a big house. The backyard can be completely controlled!"



The barely perceptible gusts of air were spreading in the cabin bit by bit.

Robin sat down on the seat with a look of pain on his face, beads of sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Robin...are you okay?"

Weiwei, who was closest to him, quickly squatted down and gently placed her palm on Robin's forehead.

Unlike the previous labor pains and fever, Robin's body temperature was fluctuating at this moment. All the women present were seniors with childbirth experience, and they could tell at a glance that the situation was not good!

"She's giving birth! You bastard, find a place to moor your boat!"

"You're right, we have to find a quiet and open place, otherwise we'll all be in trouble."

Hancock and Tina reminded her, and at the same time pulled Vivi up from Robin's side.

If Vivi stayed with Robin, she might be seriously injured by the energy explosion that might come at any time.

"This is... time is speeding up again!"

Jin Yi directly thought of the seeding of Conis just now.

Every time a new devil fruit daughter is bred, the previous unborn daughter will inevitably get accelerated birth.

The current situation is not the most urgent, after all, Robin is only pregnant with the fifth daughter. The real urgent thing is the fourth daughter who is already at the birth threshold in Qinghai, ten thousand meters below!


Grand Line Spring Queen City, a small border town

"Dashigi, hold on!"

"If we fall here, we will both be in trouble!"

Taotu dragged the pain-stricken Dashiqi and quickly hid in the dense woods, heading towards the harbor.

"Sister Gion, just now…just discovered our people…do you know them?"

Tashigi leaned against the tree trunk, her body completely drenched with sweat.

During the days when Tashigi and Taotu depended on each other, Tashigi, who treated people sincerely, and Taotu, who had always been cold, had a closer sisterly relationship.

Even the address changed from Vice Admiral Taotu at the beginning to Sister Gion now.

In the City of the Queen of Spring, they escaped three waves of naval inspections in a row. Taotu thought that the navy would conclude that they had left the island, so she relaxed her vigilance a little.

It was at this time that Taotu found Vice Admiral Chatun, who had been pursuing her madly, in the town!

"How could I not know that guy? He is very strong. Even when we were in the headquarters, I didn't have the confidence that I could beat him."

"Especially his monster-like... perception ability! Everyone in the headquarters calls him Chatun!"

Momotobu said cautiously.

When they were in the headquarters, Momotobu and Chatun were the two lieutenant generals who had the greatest hope of inheriting the position of general.

In fact, Momotobu���But he knew in his heart that if Chatun, who possessed the power of the Devil Fruit and the mutant version of Observation Haki, really wanted to be hostile to him, he would definitely not be his opponent.

"Vice Admiral Chaton... I've heard of this name."

As Tashigi spoke, she patted Taotu's arm with her backhand, and continued to mutter weakly:"Sister Gion, hurry up, leave here... Don't worry about me"

"I can't run any further... You can still escape."

Even at such a critical moment, Dashiqi still cared about Taotu's safety.

"What nonsense are you talking about! You stupid woman!"

Taotu immediately refused and yelled


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