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An old man in khaki plain clothes with a good figure was holding a toothpick in his mouth, looking around the empty street scene.

Vice Admiral Chatun!

A man of the same generation as Taotu, but who has never shown his true strength in front of Taotu.

Chatun, who has no desire to compete for power and status, likes to hang out with the female marines in the headquarters every day. He spent a lot of time on Taotu, his rival of the same generation. He confessed to Taotu a hundred times, but was rejected by Taotu, but he never gave up.

"Oh my, I have been walking for so long but still can't track down the scent just now. It seems that I have given up on taking the right path."

Chatun put his hands behind his back and did not show any panic about losing Taotu.


Chatun spat out the toothpick in his mouth, stopped where he was, and closed his eyes without moving.

""Swish, swish, swish!"

With the spread of mental power, colorful lines appeared in the absolute darkness of vision.

In Chatun's eyes, everyone has ripples of corresponding colors. To achieve perfect large-scale tracking, as long as you can perceive the lines released by the other party within the perceptible range, you can determine the other party's position.

The limit of Chatun's perception is enough to cover most of the island. This is his unique observation Haki!

After being in contact with Taotu for such a long time, Chatun is very familiar with the source of the signal on Taotu.


When the colorful patterns flashed through his mind, Chatun's eyes slightly opened.

"It's still a long way to run, yeah yeah"


Inside the dilapidated thatched house in the forest

"Sister Gion... Ugh!"

Tashigi was dragged here by the pregnant Taotu. She couldn't walk anymore. She couldn't even say the last words she wanted to persuade Taotu to leave.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Waves of energy continued to surge around Dashiqi, leaving visible wounds of varying depths on Taotu's body.

"What is going on with this little thing that is about to be born? Is it really a devil fruit?"

"Damn it! He's already so crazy before he's even born!"

Taotu deliberately found a light-hearted topic to mutter.

After Dashiqi told Taotu what happened at the naval base that day, and thinking of this freak, the clever Taotu made a bold assumption!

"Let's go...Gion-sister...quickly……"

Dashiqi spoke incoherently, but eventually fainted in the unbearable pain.


When the mother was unconscious, the circulating energy seemed to have a sense of self-protection, and it spun around Dashiqi quickly and regularly, directly knocking Taotu back several steps.

Taotu covered her abdomen, and had a premonition in her heart that the fetus in her belly was not harmed.


"This guy……"

At the same time, a familiar cold breath came from outside the hut.

Taotu glanced at Dashiqi, turned around and walked out of the hut, closing the door directly.

Fifty meters outside the hut, Chatun turned his back to the hut, holding a wild flower from nowhere in his mouth, pretending to be cool and casual.

"Oh my, my dear Ms. Taotutu, this separation is really long."

""I wonder if you missed me a little bit during the time when you couldn't see me?"

Chatun said as he pinched the wild flower in his mouth with one hand and shook it towards Taotu with his back to her.

Originally, Taotu planned to avoid meeting people from the Navy Headquarters before giving birth to the child.

But now that Chatun has come to her, Taotu naturally held her belly and still maintained a cold attitude. She said,"Chatun, you bastard, you still talk so disgustingly!"

"No no no, even if Taotu makes a mistake, your image in my heart will not change"

"I know you must have... huh? This is... ah!!!"

When Chatun turned around and saw Taotu's big belly, he was stunned for a moment, and even the hat on his head fell to the ground.

"What's wrong with your stomach?"

"Can't I be pregnant?"

Taotu had already expected Chatun's reaction, and she felt relieved. The only thing she wanted to do now was to delay the time as much as possible so that Dashiqi could give birth smoothly.

"Ah ah!"

"Oh my!"

"In the end what happened?"

"Why haven't we met for such a short time? Taotu you you you……"

Chatun was gesticulating with his hands, not knowing what to say.

After searching for Taotu in vain, the headquarters was ready to give up the investigation of Taotu and Tashigi.

Knowing Taotu's style, Chatun volunteered to go out and look for the missing Taotu, and also wanted to take this opportunity to confess his long-lost love.

He never expected that when he saw Taotu again, she had become the mother of someone else's child!

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to catch me too?"

Taotu put her hand on Jinpila, cold and emotionless.

Chatun lowered his head and remained silent for three seconds, his expressionless look as if he was ready to attack at any time.

When Taotu was tense and waiting, Chatun suddenly looked up and shouted:"Ah... Taotu, tell me who that man is!"

"I must kill that bastard... How abominable! How abominable!"

"I can't accept this reality... I've been chasing you for so long, ah wuwu……"

Looking at Chatun's frustrated expression, Taotu frowned and yelled,"No one is better than you! If you want to cry to death, go far away!"


A strong energy shock suddenly came from the thatched hut, completely interrupting the two people's reminiscing.

Chatun's expression recovered instantly, and after feeling the waves of energy, he said carefully:"Momotu who made me seems that there seems to be some secret here!"

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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