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The powerful opponent who blew away his opponent twice in a row was a child... This kind of thing was totally unacceptable to him!

"Wow, there are so many things worth complaining about.……"

"In short, this little guy must have just become the heir of the Smoke Fruit."

"It must not be that easy to use, right?"

Chatun calmed his mind and returned to his usual serious state against the enemy. He was able to climb to his current position without fighting for victory or defeat. Although Chatun had the strength of a general, he was definitely a level stronger than an ordinary lieutenant general in the headquarters.

""Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

The surging smoke columns repeatedly converged in the air, forming three flexible arms like swimming snakes, swinging their fists and smashing towards the tea pig.




Chatun turned and dodged three times on the spot, and the dim afterimage quickly avoided the attack range of Yanyanquan.

"Forget about this level of attack."

Having caught the little guy's aura, Chatun released real dark yellow energy in his hands, and attacked in front of him with seemingly soft force.



The real feeling of the blow hit Chatun head-on. Even though he couldn't see the opponent, Chatun could feel the gray-white lines after the blow, and quickly retreated seven or eight meters away.


The questioning voice was clearly heard in the smoke, as if he was completely puzzled by the energy that Chatun had just used.

Chatun shook his fist that was hurt by the hit and murmured,"Such a terrible power makes me even more curious about whether you are a child!"

"You shouldn't have used any strength in that attack just now, right?"

The little guy didn't continue to attack. The lines in the tea pig's senses fluctuated under the smoke.

"What? Are you panicking?"

Chatun, who was familiar with the principle of the lines, sensed the signal.

Taking advantage of the previous attack, Chatun did not leave any chance for his opponent. He attached the dark yellow fruit energy to his palm again and rushed towards the direction of the ripples again.

"The secret that Taotu is determined to keep at all costs……"

"Let me see for myself what it is!"

Chatun kicked out with strange movements, right in the center of the ripple area.


"How... is it possible?"

The imagined impact of hitting a solid object did not happen. Cha Tun's kick completely missed the target, and only white smoke rose up around him.

Even at the moment of kicking, Cha Tun could clearly feel that it was obviously not that the opponent had concealed his strength in speed, nor that his body had been annihilated by the elemental transformation.

Instead, after only two exchanges, Cha Tun's mutated observation Haki, which had become famous, had been seen through!

"Boom boom boom……"

At the same time when Chatun swung his sword into the air, white smoke from behind him gathered wildly from 20 meters away, making a harsh roar in the smoke array.

""So fast!"

The speed of the attack was much faster than Chatun had imagined.

Even Taotu's sword energy attack might not be as fast as the attack from behind.

"Why did you just master the smoke fruit?……"

"There is such a familiar face in the application!"

Chatun was shocked and had already sensed the gray-white ripples appearing behind him.


The angry smoke fist hit Chatun's back squarely.


Chatun, who temporarily used the armed color defense, was not seriously injured, but he turned into a light spot and flew out in the powerful Yanyan Fist.

At the same time, the smoke around him rose into the air and dissipated. Taotu stood at the door of the thatched house with the door panel blown away, looking in front of him in astonishment.

About five meters in front of him, a ball of pure white smoke slowly floated to Taotu's side.


The smoke blew gently, and a little girl with short black hair and a cute face poked her head out from the smoke.

"Feeling depressed!"

"Hello, big sister auntie, I am Yanyan"


The left side of the smoke moved again, and a small arm jumped out of the smoke, waving politely to Taotu.……


Chatun grabbed a broken wooden board in the sea in a panic, and used all his strength to turn over and lie on it.

"Oh no!"

"It was a close call... I almost got killed"

"I was so careless that I was fooled by a little kid."


As Chatun muttered to himself, doubts rose in his heart.

From the fight to the final blow, Chatun did not see the little guy's true appearance during the whole process, but only heard a child-like voice.

If the opponent who could blow him away was really a child, his potential strength was too terrifying!

"Bulu Bulu……"

"Bulu Bulu……"

While thinking, the small Den Den Mushi on Chatun's body rang.

Chatun took out the Den Den Mushi with difficulty and pressed the answer button.

"Chatun, how's it going over there?"

"If you don't get anything, come back immediately, there is a more important mission!"

Marshal Zhan Guo said in the Den Den Mushi, still maintaining his leadership.

"Oh my, Marshal of the Warring States Period, you might be scared when I tell you this."

"Not only is there a harvest, but there is also big news."

Chatun deliberately kept it a secret and said


"If you dare to play tricks on me, I will transfer you to the New World Branch when you come back!"

Zhan Guo responded suspiciously.

"I dare not, I dare not, compared to these... I'd better send a warship to pick me up first."

Chatun was helpless, lying down and looking at the vast and hopeless sea.


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