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【Congratulations to the host on the successful birth of her fourth daughter!】

【Gain 50,000 reserve experience points, obtained all at once when meeting the fourth daughter!】

【Gain a +20 increase in all attributes! Significant improvement in physical fitness!】

【Get the Fourth Daughter Item Card*1! After opening, you can get high rewards with random attributes!】

【If four daughters are born in total, you will be rewarded with the right to choose the father once!】


"As expected, the system still pays attention to the order of sowing. The fourth child is also born!"

Jin Yi, who was far away on the Sky Island, heard a series of prompts from the system in his mind.

Every time he received a reward, it was an opportunity to renew his strength. Jin Yi wanted to use the opportunity immediately.

But at the moment, the situation in front of him did not give him time to pay attention to the reward.



Robin frowned and cried out, and a strong wind suddenly swept out again.

Jin Yi immediately dropped the tree trunk and branch in his hand, and in the blink of an eye, he flashed in front of Robin, facing the violent wind wave and placed his palm on Robin's abdomen.

Tina, who was close to him, turned around in mid-air, and the towel in her hand fell to the ground, and a clearly visible wound appeared on the back of her hand.

"It was more terrible than Tina had imagined, but fortunately Tina reacted quickly enough."

Tina shook her hand, completely ignoring the wound on her palm.

Pagya and Conis, whose belly was not obvious, were building a temporary cloud house not far away.

The girls could not help Robin much, but they were very interested in building the house, and all gathered around Pagya and his daughter.

Only Pagya and his daughter could do the cloud collection, and Jin Yi could not help except to help carry the wood.

"Mr. Jin, leave the construction of the cloud house to me and my father."

"With Sister Hancock helping us, there will be no problem."

Connie nodded to Jin Yi sensibly and gently wiped the sweat from her forehead. With so many beauties gathered around her, it really makes her feel relieved to have a caring and sensible little angel following her.

Hancock glanced in the direction of Jin Yi and Robin, pouting with a strange expression.

Thinking back to when Hancock gave birth to Tiantian, she had to endure all the pain alone. How could she have received such treatment? Even if she didn't want to admit it, Hancock was still inexplicably envious in her heart. Hancock could n't see through Jin Yi's abilities at all.

From the perspective of pure physical skills, she and Tina were completely suppressed. In terms of unclear abilities, she could stop the energy surge during childbirth.

More and more mysteries surround Jin Yi, which makes Hancock quite interested in this guy.


A violent explosion sounded in the distance of the forest.

"Isn't this the holy place you mentioned?"

"Why did the fight break out again?"

Weiwei frowned and looked at the source.

Judging from this direction, it should not be far from the location of the few people, but very close.

Conis and her father, who were busy, looked at each other with embarrassment.

""Is it the Shandians?"

Jin Yi glanced back at the explosion site and answered for the father and daughter.

The battle between the Shandians and the Sky Islanders has lasted for four hundred years. Even if Enelu hadn't appeared, the two sides might not have been able to quell the war.

Jin Yi knew the specific reason very well. The mud under his feet originally belonged to Shandia.

The mud could be used for crop regeneration and cultivation. It was regarded as a holy land by the Sky Islanders, who ruthlessly drove the Shandians who came here from Qinghai out of their hometown.

"Mr. Jin Yi, you actually know all this?"

Paige looked at Jin Yi in surprise, and was once again deeply impressed by Jin Yi's extraordinary ability.


A few dozen meters in front of the clearing, there were bursts of strange weed noises coming from the forest.


A fat Shandia warrior, holding a long pistol in his hand, stumbled out of the weeds in the woods, spitting blood on the ground.


"These people are... Qinghai people!"

When the fat warrior saw several people in front of him who looked and dressed completely different, he remembered that in the meeting in the tent before the battle, it was mentioned that people from Qinghai came to Arpaiado and defeated a priest.

Tina stood near the fat warrior. Because she didn't understand the other party's origin, she stood sideways in front of everyone and looked at the fat man.

"I don't know where this weirdo came from. It says 'No way through' here."

"I advise you not to make Tina angry. Tina has been thinking about beating someone up today!"



Tina said as she squeezed her fist.

""Ahem... this woman is so scary!"

Such a fierce momentum frightened the fat man coughing up blood for a moment, and he dared not come forward again.



The strange bird song echoed in the forest.


Before the fat man could react, a man in pilot's clothes with a big bird under his feet rushed out of the woods and hovered over the fat man's head.

"A man trying to distract me? What a pathetic Shandia!"

"I wonder what roasted pig tastes like... huh?……"

"The Qinghai people who broke into the holy land!"

Sky Knight Shura! One of the four priests under Enel, in charge of the"Trial of the Rope" with a survival rate of only 3%, he is a stronger opponent than Shadli.

The original mission of the four priests was to"entertain" Jin Yi and other Qinghai people. The sudden attack of the Shandia people turned into a big melee.

"Wow! It’s a big monster bird!"

"Oh, there's also a weird uncle wearing a pilot cap!"

""Tsk! The bird is spewing fire from its mouth!"

Three little girls ran out from the half-built cloud house, looking at the priest Shura in front of them with surprise, as if they had found a new toy.

Robin's current condition could cause energy leakage at any time, and with his three little daughters around him, he was happy to sit on the ground and be a good man who protected his wife.

"Girls, do you want to play a game?"

Jin Yi smiled evilly, deliberately stimulating the little girls' nerves.

……_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Faloo

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