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"My favorite dad! Do you want to see who can shoot the fire-breathing bird first?"

"Ah... in terms of speed, Lolo is not slow!"

""Tsk... If we take into account the fruit ability, it seems that Kiki attacks faster!"

The three daughters were eager to try. After all, there was only one goal. If they missed it, they didn't know when such an interesting toy would appear next time.

Jin Yi closed his eyes and concentrated, and used his observation Haki to search around. A smile appeared on his face.

"Don't worry, there are a lot of toys this time. There are three large ones and a bunch of small ones."

"There is only one goal... Don't let anyone get within ten meters of here!"

Jin Yi directly issued combat missions to his three daughters!

With his daughters around, Jin Yi was most comfortable that he didn't have to fight and upgrade himself.

Even though his daughters were already born, any slight movement and attack on the enemy would count as experience points to Jin Yi, accelerating his evolution and growth.

From the perspective of the Sky Island, Enelu, who was slightly inferior in physical skills, might be able to affect one of his daughters. If the three little girls came together, even God would be beaten!





While the priest Shura was still looking at Qinghai's group suspiciously, a sound similar to skiing came from the forest.

Then, one figure after another quickly flashed to the fat man and took the fat warrior away from the danger zone.


A sharp bullet shot out from behind the left side of the priest Shura, aiming directly at his head.

"Do you look down on me with this level of attack?"

Shura turned his head slightly and accurately dodged the attack path of the bullet.


""Enel's lackey, go to hell!"

The beautiful female warrior of Shandia, Laqi, swung her sword fiercely, and while Shura was dodging, she launched an attack.

"Do you think you, a bunch of trash, can challenge me who has passed the test of the 'Heart Net'?"

"Stop daydreaming!"

Shura didn't even need to look at the angle of Laqi's attack. He dodged perfectly again and made Laqi's swing miss the bird.

Seeing that the swing missed, Laqi didn't have time to make too many adjustments on the spot. She was completely unbalanced and fell directly into Shura's attack area.

Shura's pupils flashed in his goggles, and the conical spear in his hand stabbed fiercely at Laqi's back.

"Damn it! This guy dodged again!"

"Be careful, Lucky!"

"Behind you, Laqi, behind you!"

It was too late for Shandia's soldiers to support them, so they could only remind them loudly.

Laqi's pupils shrank, and when she turned her head, she saw Shura Yin's eyes. It was not easy to survive after being hit by his attack.



At the critical moment, a huge white-haired dog jumped out of the forest.

A black arc jumped down from the white-haired dog, and a sharp sword flew out of the air, swinging Shura's conical spear away.

Laqi caught the impact of the air wave, and fled from a few meters in the air. Only after rolling twice on the ground did she manage to stabilize her body.

""Damn it!"

Laqiyao clenched her teeth, staring at another Sky Citizen who appeared in the battle circle. Laqi didn't feel relieved at all when the guy who stopped Shura's attack appeared. The newcomer had a bald head and wore black sunglasses. After blocking the attack, he put away the sword and jumped back to the white-haired dog.

Shura was thrown back several meters in the air. He stared at the ground with wide eyes and cursed:"Ohm! What are you doing here, you bastard, this is my territory!"

Sky livestock farmer Ohm, one of the four priests, is in charge of the"Iron Trial" with a survival rate of 0%!

In addition to being a well-trained swordsman himself, he is also accompanied by a fierce and tall white-haired dog. The two can complement each other in combat, and their power can be greatly enhanced.

Ohm stood with his hands behind his back, and had no intention of stopping his companions from killing.

"Shura, wasn’t what the Lord God said clear enough before we took action?"

"All regional restrictions are lifted, and holy land punishment can be carried out in any area"

"These guys, I was the first to find them, right?"

After saying that, Ohm raised his head fearlessly, meeting Shura's gaze with murderous intent.

Originally, in the holy land of Arpaiado, the four great priests each had their own jurisdiction, and they were not allowed to cross the border to execute punishment.

Before today's action, Enel specially summoned the four people, cancelled the regional restrictions of Arpaiado, and started a wanton slaughter. Seeing that the relationship between the two was extremely bad, there was no cooperation between teammates.


In the middle of the forest behind the two of them, a huge tree was completely broken.

On the broken stump, a man in purple clothes stood on the stump. He had a spider-like hairstyle and a chin that covered his whole body. He looked particularly weird and posed.

"Hey, hey, hey, you two bastards, do you want to see who’s the better of you?"

""Whether it's the Shandians or the Qinghais, leave it to me alone!"

Spider-Man rolled his eyes and looked at the two with disdain.

The Sky Guard Captain Gedaz, one of the four great priests who controlled the"Swamp Trial"!




Apayard, except for Shadley who had been defeated, the other three priests, as the top combat power, all appeared at the scene.

"I haven't even reached the Shrine yet, so am I unlucky enough to run into them here?"

"But Weber hasn't arrived yet. What should I do?"

"Don't panic, let's prepare for battle together!"

"Sooner or later I'll have to fight these lackeys of Eneel anyway, so why not take down all three of them in one fell swoop now?"

"That's right! Let's fight together!"

The Shandia warriors knew that they were in great danger, but they still held on to their strong fighting spirit.

The tense mood of the Shandia warriors formed a sharp contrast with the cheerful voice of the little girl behind them.


"Dad really didn’t say anything!"

"Look, look, there’s a big white dog, a fire-breathing bird, and an ugly spider!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, now we don't have to fight over it."

……_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collection,

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