Please answer Naruto

Chapter 1 Konoha 54 Years

The sun was warm. Standing on the water tower of the tall building, Yu Xiaobai looked at the Konoha Village below with some emotion.

People were coming and going, ordinary people and ninjas were walking through the undulating buildings. Above the hustle and bustle, opposite the line of sight was the magnificent rock wall, with the carved fire images of past generations clearly defined by the sunlight.

There has always been a clear almanac in my heart. This year is the 54th year of Konoha. For most people in Konoha Village, this is not a surprising number. However, as a time traveler, Yu Xiaobai knows that this is a very strange number. There is a historic moment.

The original serialization of Naruto's story, except for the wedge-style Nine-Tails attack on the village, started in Konoha 54.

The water tower at the foot is six to seven meters high, and with the nearly 20-meter-high floor, this is already quite a height. Without guardrails and equipment, only those who have experience working at heights can stand without changing their appearance.

Yu Xiaobai was wearing a long black hooded coat, and in his lowered right hand he held a newly acquired fox mask. He stood steadily on the small footing space. Vaguely, relying on his excellent eyesight, he seemed to be able to distinguish a small golden dot running and jumping in the distance, followed by several black dots chasing angrily.

It was so familiar and nostalgic that even though he had lived in this cruel ninja world for twelve years, Yu Xiaobai had become accustomed to speaking and smiling without restraint, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"At this time, Naruto must have been caught by Iruka for being naughty...According to the original book, he just entered the ninja school not long ago, right?" Yu Xiaobai thought this way. Regarding the ninja school, he held the belief that he had always existed The feeling of "encountering interesting and popular things in the original work" is quite curious. Of course, he had been successfully promoted to an ANBU not long ago. The ninjutsu chakra that he had constantly fantasized about in the past, and even the thing where he shouted out moves when he was a junior, has now been truly integrated into his body's instincts.

ANBU, the full name of the Assassination Tactical Special Forces, specializes in protecting the high-end gadgets of Shadow and Ninja Village. Yu Xiaobai has been here for so long. Not only did he not die, but he also joined the elite ranks. In addition to relying on a little bit of reading the original work to predict Illuminating "talent", luck and hard work are essential. Before Yu Xiaobai traveled through time, he was a high school student. He loved playing with mobile phones, staying at home, loving girls, and living a worry-free life. But now, even though he is only eighteen years old, he is completely different from the past.

"What are you looking at? Standing so high."

A cold voice came from below, and a middle-aged man dressed the same as Yu Xiaobai appeared next to the water tower at some point.

"I'm not looking at anything, just basking in the sun." Yu Xiaobai wasn't surprised at all. He didn't hide the other person's aura very much. He didn't even look at it. He still maintained his appearance of being overwhelmed by the cold at a high place and said lazily. The middle-aged man's name is Hyuga Aida. He entered the ANBU several years earlier than him. According to what Yuan Fei said about old-age chicken soup, he is a hero who has silently contributed to Konoha and made contributions. In fact, it is almost the same. Yu Xiaobai's complaints are complaints. , but the mentality is still very positive. But now Hyuga Aita has gradually stopped doing high-risk tasks, so he brought Yu Xiaobai, a new ANBU recruit. The two get along pretty well, and Hyuga Aita has basically fulfilled his responsibility of leading people. According to a certain conversation, Yu Xiaobai learned that due to peacetime, Uncle Xiangtian planned to retire next year after becoming successful.

"This kind of flag must not be set up casually." Yu Xiaobai suddenly said to Hinata Xiangda without any idea at that time, but the calm man who already had a family ignored him at all. Well, not being able to understand is also a big factor.

"The mission has begun." The heights of Konoha Village were very quiet in the golden light, slightly away from the busyness on the ground. At first glance, it was still very poetic. Unfortunately, Hinata Aida started the mission process directly and seriously, ruthlessly breaking the atmosphere, while also Wearing the mask of a white cat.

Yu Xiaobai curled his lips and got down to business. Without delaying Yi Yan, he put on the white fox mask he held in his right hand. He had no problem standing so high today. He really wasn't admiring the scenery and sighing about life on a whim, but he happened to be on a mission very close to him. Hyuga Aida, like most ninjas who have experienced wars and many missions, rarely talks or smiles. Yu Xiaobai did not understand this phenomenon at first, but when he traveled to the Land of Fire, which had just experienced the aftermath of the war, and his body returned Around the age of six, when I went from being confused and fearful to being indomitable, I gradually understood that this was not about pretending, but about "passively" accepting the process.

In non-peaceful times, no one can maintain a smile in the cycle of hard training and boring training that continues several times after life and death. If Yu Xiaobai had not had an experience that was different from anyone else, it would probably be the same.

Such a young and handsome boy cannot become paralyzed so early.

When Yu Xiaobai pulled up his hat, Hinata said two words to Xiangtian, "Action."

A warm breeze blew, and the long black clothes swayed in the breeze. When the wind passed, there were no people around the water tower.

With stable chakra attached to their feet, Yu Xiaobai and the two-person team jumped on the wall of the house. Both in terms of span and flexibility, it was completely the same as flying over the walls in martial arts novels. Feeling the wind becoming more real at the rapid speed, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but think of the true joy he felt when he first learned to use chakra to climb a tree.

This kind of journey that is unique to ninjas requires not only the basics, but also certain psychological and visual abilities. There is always a difference between the real thing and the screen, but Yu Xiaobai is already familiar with it.

The weather today is really very good, and the sun is shining warmly on me. I don’t know what mood it is out of, maybe it’s also because of this special time. When Yu Xiaobai was standing on the eaves of a roof and leaping into the air, he turned around. I took a look - the aperture in the sky expanded from small to large.

The water tower we were in before was already far away, and became small and shaky in our sight, but the huge Hokage rock wall was still clear. Yu Xiaobai tried to find a certain ray of gold among the crowds in the streets. Unfortunately, the protagonist named Uzumaki Naruto, the man who would become Hokage in the future, had long since disappeared.

Wanting to see Naruto was just a symbolic meaning. Yu Xiaobai suddenly understood that what really mattered to him at this time should be the current time, Konoha 54, when the plot began. And he, whether in this Naruto world or the previous earth reality, is just eighteen years old. On Earth, he was about to start a new semester of high school, but here, he was starting his first small mission as a new member of ANBU.

What does the future look like? All that great drama and dark intrigue.

Yu Xiaobai didn't know that the training and survival that he kept gritting his teeth had taken up all his energy. To become a glorious ANBU, most of it was just "unconsciously" and "going with the flow".

"The name of the court is Yu Bai, concentrated."

A somewhat dissatisfied voice came from Hinata Aida. His court name was Yu Bai. This was his name here and he had chosen it himself.

Nodding, he smiled sheepishly and kept up the speed and walked towards the light.

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