Please answer Naruto

Chapter 2 Chidori

Yu Xiaobai's first mission after becoming an official member of the ANBU was not difficult, or rather easy.

"Go to House No. 39, Yamanote Road, southeast of the village, and capture two identified spies from outside the village." This was the mission briefing Yu Xiaobai originally received. The ANBU's mission is very wide-ranging and involves the security of the village. Counter-espionage vigilance at that time is a must. Yu Xiaobai had just arrived and didn't know much about the intelligence of the Anbu. He just acted according to the orders. Since it was confirmed that the two people mentioned in the mission were spies, that was it.

Lurking one's own people in other ninja villages and obtaining information is something that every ninja village does, including Konoha. For this kind of thing, all Yu Xiaobai can think about is if one day Konoha sends him to other ninja villages. Ninjamura has been an undercover agent for ten years and eight years. Should he refuse or refuse or refuse?

Youth is not about running under the sunset, it should be about watching A... in the room, dear.

Soon Yu Xiaobai and Hinata Xiangtian arrived near their destination. They found an apartment building that occupies a large area. The apartment building was surrounded by corridors attached to the wall. There were many rooms and the cylindrical structure looked bloated. , similar to where Naruto lived in the comics.

"Just two genin..." Yu Xiaobai thought, hiding in the shadow of the corridor. As a ninja, he naturally had special skills for climbing upstairs. He and Hinata Aida silently surrounded the room where the target was.

Keeping the portrait of the other party in the mission description in mind, Hinata Xiangtian waved a gesture to Yu Xiaobai, and then rushed in directly.

The two undercover agents from outside the village will be brought back for interrogation. Yu Xiaobai and Hinata Xiangda are both jounin. It doesn't take any tricks to deal with the genin. Just go ahead and go. It's simple and brainless. And Hinata Aida was also very kind, saying that I would charge and you would stop, and I would do the hard work for you, a young man, first.

"Bang", the sound of the door being knocked open and making contact with the wall, but before Yu Xiaobai could finish praising the dedication and honesty of the Konoha ninjas, he realized that something was not right about the sound coming from the room.

There were two metal clashes, and then there was a muffled groan.

Yu Xiaobai's expression moved slightly, and he activated his body and rushed into the room.

The room is not large. After all, it is just a single apartment. It is about fifty square meters and accommodates two people. Things are arranged in a messy manner and there is a compartment inside.

This was the first thing Yu Xiaobai saw about the room layout. The next second he saw Hinata Xiangtian retreating to a place. The windbreaker on his left hand was cut with a huge hole, and blood was flowing out.

"There is a problem with the intelligence!" Hyuga Aida said concisely and concisely, and then concentrated on dealing with the opponent in front of him. Fighting broke out immediately. Hinata Aida and an ordinary-looking man had fought several times in the blink of an eye, and the intensity of the battle instantly became a life-or-death struggle between jounin.

"Ding!" Yu Xiaobai responded with a kunai to block a sneak attack from the dark. Another undercover agent also came over from Hinata Hita and began to fight with him head-on.

Two jounin were mistakenly identified as genin. This was definitely a serious accident, but now was not the time to pursue such an issue.

Obviously, the current situation is that Hinata Aida rushed in and was besieged by two jounin. After all, he was rich in experience, only leaving half of his hand temporarily disabled, and not killing him on the spot.

Yu Xiaobai's nerves became highly tense. The two sharp edges collided for a moment like lightning. Visible sparks were wiped out in the dark room. A force that temporarily reassured him came from the hand holding the kunai, "The strength is not bad..." , there was no time to think, a whip came whistling in the wind, I subconsciously blocked it with my left hand, and just when I held my ankle to counterattack, the opponent directly threw the kunai, and the speed at close range was not that fast. , twisted around to avoid it, then grabbed the opponent's foot and threw it with all his strength.

The opponent was discovered as an undercover agent in an enemy village, and he used all his killer moves without hesitation. Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai's skills honed over the years were not just for show. He could resolve the crisis while also giving the enemy a hard blow. In terms of physical skills, Yu Xiaobai is relatively confident, because perhaps because of the time traveler, his mental power is far beyond that of ordinary people, and his reaction and dynamic vision are very powerful. Coupled with the Thunder Escape, which he is best at with chakra attributes, It is the guarantee that he can continue to improve and survive.

The two only exchanged blows for a brief moment, but the outcome was already vaguely decided. The other party was obviously anxious and formed a seal, intending to use ninjutsu regardless of being completely exposed.

On the other side, Hyuga Aida has already activated his Byakugan, and he is also fighting with the opposing jounin using taijutsu, but compared to Yu Xiaobai's side, he seems to be more comfortable with it. The Hyuga family's taijutsu combined with the Byakugan is quite a bug for ordinary ninjas.

So far, both sides have not made much noise. Yu Xiaobai's side is afraid of hurting innocent people, while the undercover side is obviously hoping to get lucky and prepare to keep Yu Xiaobai and Yu Xiaobai because of intelligence errors.

Of course, this was relatively quiet. The room, which was not very tidy to begin with, was in dilapidated condition. Several chairs had been kicked open, kunai were stuck crookedly on the wall, and there was a heavy muffled sound when fists and feet collided. There were only sawdust on the floor. There are also scattered scrolls outside. If there is someone living next door, Jubi thinks that the house must be demolished without getting tired of thinking about it as another impure aspect.

Seeing that his opponent was about to use ninjutsu regardless, Yu Xiaobai thought with his feet and knew that it must be a big move. He didn't have time to help the opponent test the power, mobilized the chakra in his body, and started to show some real skills.


The sound produced by the electric current, a visible arc blue light appeared on Yu Xiaobai's body surface, a familiar tingling sensation, and with it, a sense of power far beyond ordinary...

"Phew", Yu Xiaobai's speed increased a lot out of thin air, and his slightly superior physical advantage suddenly turned into a crushing one. Under the surprised gaze of the other jounin, he used his kunai to scratch the opponent's shoulder. ——The place where the throat used to be was, and blood streaked out. The enemy was holding his right shoulder that was scratched before he had time to lift it up. The pain made his face a little distorted.

"Lei Dun... can actually control the stimulation cells..." After the seal was interrupted, the other party spoke for the first time, with surprise.

"Scared to death."

Yu Xiaobai replied casually, then stopped his body momentum before continuing to attack. After using this technique to stimulate the body with thunder attribute chakra, the attack will pause. For Yu Xiaobai, there is nothing he can do. Using thunder attribute chakra to stimulate cells to increase strength and speed is not a secret method. But there are still few people who have mastered it. That's because apart from precise control that will wipe out a group of people, most people simply can't control their bodies after being stimulated. If your eyes can't keep up, if you use it forcefully in battle, you won't injure the enemy a thousand times and lose eight hundred to yourself, but you will die inexplicably without hurting the enemy himself. If Yu Xiaobai hadn't been mentally strong and had a huge improvement in his vision, he wouldn't have been able to master this technique.

Even so, he still paused slightly after the blessing, just like a stalemate after a punch. Although it is not a big problem, it seems ashamed compared to the powerful characters in the original work.

"Zila——" The weak sound of electric current is tantamount to a nightmare for the enemy. The opponent did not have the super high level of instant ninjutsu, and his physical skills were no match for Yu Xiaobai who had gained the Thunderbolt. He quickly wanted to run away, but Yu Xiaobai, who had expected it in his heart, caught the flaw. A blow that hit home.

Yu Xiaobai caught the opponent's wrist that stabbed Kunai back, and pulled out the sharp weapon from the opponent's heart with his right hand.

"Pfft." There was a strange sound coming out of the flesh and blood. Looking at the face of the other party that he had never seen before, the pupils in his eyes began to expand, and a little blood with heat splashed on his clothes. Yu Xiaobai's expression was calm.

These are no longer unfamiliar.

"Ding dong." The kunai in the opponent's hand fell to the ground, and the body fell in front of the door.

This was like a signal. When Yu Xiaobai looked coldly at the remaining undercover agent, the other person's expression changed.

Hyuga Aida seems to have the idea of ​​​​leaving him alive to obtain information, otherwise he should have almost eliminated his opponent. There is no doubt about the strength of the old ANBU, which Yu Xiaobai has experienced after having a discussion with Hyuga Aida.

Without many words, Yu Xiaobai joined the battle, also holding the idea of ​​​​capture alive, and kept many of his men in reserve.

After several fights, the jounin was already in a state of disarray, and the two bloody wounds had already begun to show signs of excessive blood loss.

After forcing Yu Xiaobai and Hinata Xiangtian back with all his strength, he seemed to have made a decision and his expression became ferocious.

"No, it's not like fighting a BOSS. Thread blood and a dying move?" Seeing the other party's expression, Yu Xiaobai felt something bad.

Sure enough, a violent chakra fluctuation occurred. Before Yu Xiaobai and Hinata Xiangda had time to react, a flame burning the air was produced in the other's mouth. A heat wave hit, and the high temperature generated instantly caused some paper to immediately start The smell of burning and burning was mixed with the water vapor that quickly evaporated from the room, and the situation suddenly became critical.

"This is... a certain secret technique of Kumoyin Village?!" Hyuga Aida was well-informed and seemed to recognize it all at once. He exclaimed. Then he realized the surrounding environment and immediately shouted bad.

The fire was boiling and expanding in front of the opponent. What was even more terrifying was that the body of Kumogakure Jōnin, who had detonated a secret technique that he seemed unwilling to use, also began to wither and become dehydrated. The fireball as big as a basin was not only consumed but In addition to the huge amount of chakra, he still attacks indiscriminately...

Hey, this is obviously a cheating secret technique, is it to self-destruct the fighter jet on the back of the pad?

"Let's go!" Hinata Xiangtian said decisively to Yu Xiaobai after thinking for a second. It seemed that the casualties of innocent people around them were inevitable. After all, they couldn't wait to die here, and neither of them were good at water escape.

This mission will probably end in failure... Hinata Aida sighed inwardly. Although he also killed the Jonin of the enemy village due to intelligence errors, he would not be able to obtain useful information after his death.

"Hey, Yu Bai, what are you doing?" Hinata Xiangtian paused, stopped escaping, and looked at Yu Xiaobai who had already made several seals in surprise.

At this time, the temperature in the room was already very high, and the surging heat wave touched the skin as if it were real. Yu Xiaobai's forehead was soaked with sweat at some point. He had no time to say anything. At this time, he could only shout bravely. A voice said, "Senior Aida, you go first!"

The seal is completed.

"Are you kidding..." Hinata Aida's angry words stopped halfway, or in other words, were covered by another voice.


The blue electric light suddenly exploded, like the sun shining in the dark night! The huge noise seemed to have thousands of birds screaming in my ears, and the electric current that swam like a snake instantly covered half of the room, competing with the flames on the opposite side.

"This is your jutsu?" Hinata Aida stopped where he was, his eyes showing surprise and confusion, then an extremely cautious emotion. The jutsu used by the eighteen-year-old boy in front of him was the S technique recorded by the Anbu. The super thunder escape ninjutsu was developed by the opponent during the Third Ninja World War. It has appeared in the outside world several times and has a good reputation. It is said that the third Hokage even talked to the opponent and wanted to write this technique into " "The Sealed Book". At this time, Hyuga Aida was lucky enough to see it, and the momentum... was well-deserved.

Although it was refreshing to hear an ANBU elite ask him in surprise, "This is actually the art you developed!", he also wanted to respond shamelessly, "That's right! I developed the Chidori, so it's just like that." "La" or something like that, but he didn't dare to be distracted by the rapidly passing chakra in his body and the terrifying energy that was constantly condensing in his right hand. Yu Xiaobai participated in the Third Ninja War. It was also during that short war that he completed the transformation from a high school student to an outstanding ninja. Since learning about his thunder attribute chakra, in addition to constantly relying on the original The methods mentioned above to cultivate the nature and form changes, the quite famous "Thousand Birds" are also among Yu Xiaobai's goals.

Although Yu Xiaobai is not a genius, he must be spiritual if he can survive in cruelty. Coupled with the experience of reading the original work, in the early and middle stages of the war, he was able to find the method stumblingly and successfully performed it, and he had a key move to save his life.

At this point, he happened to create this move before the young Kakashi, and won the "first impression" of the Konoha ninjas, although Kakashi later also ninja for the third time. Raikiri has been used several times in the World War, but people still prefer Yu Xiaobai's side to be "Zongyuan". At that time, this made Yu Xiaobai a little bit happy. He felt that he had "won" a genius through hard work. Well, he was so shameless.

In the original work, "Chidori" is a simplified version of "Raikiri", but Yu Xiaobai's Chidori is not much different from Kakashi's original Raikiri, and the complexity is similar. Yu Xiaobai just did it to make it sound better. And this technique that first appeared in the ninja world was named Chidori. (From now on, I will always call him Chidori unless there are special circumstances)

Feeling the surging energy in his hands, blue arcs filled half of his sight. The room became like magical day amid the red and blue lights. Yu Xiaobai bowed slightly -

The air seemed to be pulled out of the phantom due to the high speed. A brilliant blue light was drawn from the initial point to the end point. The blue-white electric light carved an immortal trace in the retina. Yu Xiaobai held the Chidori and blasted it into the eyes of the Kumogakure jounin. Secret fireball!



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