Please answer Naruto

Chapter 3 [To be continued...]

After the fireball, the Kumogakure jounin had already died in pain, but the remaining secret techniques had also been completed. At high speed, Yu Xiaobai tried his best to control his balance. When the Chidori cut into the center of the fireball, he was about to relax but his mood tightened.

The fireball twisted for a while, and the surging air waves and sputtering flames seemed to indicate that this secret technique was about to explode!

In the flash of lightning, Yu Xiaobai's heart skipped a beat, and he poured the remaining chakra into the Chidori. This was actually not very efficient in improving the technique, but because of this, his body, which had been showing signs of slowing down, once again Move at high speed!

"Wow -" Accompanied by the manic roar of the Chidori, the unstoppable lightning pressed against the core of the fireball, cutting off Kumogakure's body. The wall was broken open like paper, and the sun shone brightly.

Everything on the road was cut open, and Yu Xiaobai rushed outside the apartment, with the sky above his feet becoming more than ten meters high.

The roar of the explosion sounded slowly, and the spreading smoke filled the air. Except for the small room that was cut open, everything in the bloated and huge apartment building was intact.

"Huh, in this case, there will be no problem." Yu Xiaobai, who was in mid-air, was a little embarrassed in his clothes, but he was not injured. After a while of forward inertia, he began to fall, and his body was a little bit weak after using the Chidori overload. He was exhausted, but he didn't panic. He had several ways to land safely. He even had time to turn around and look at the apartment building behind him. It seemed as if a monster had charged through the middle of the corridor. The broken bricks on both sides were full of scorch marks. As for the body of the unlucky Kumogakure Jonin, There is no longer even a shadow...

Yu Xiaobai came to the world of Naruto and his body returned to the age of six. After four years of basic training and two years of war training, he has been dealing with people in Konoha. In the six years after the war, he was basically in Konoha Village. spend. Yu Xiaobai has gradually found a life worth living here, and has developed a sense of belonging to Konoha.

Therefore, he would try his best not to damage the village and the people here. He had no hesitation in making the previous actions.

The body's fall accelerated quickly, and the warm wind blew across his face. He assessed the environment, and just as he was about to take measures to land, Yu Xiaobai's pupils suddenly shrank.

A shuriken flew over.

The sense of crisis that he had experienced several times in life and death emerged strongly. Yu Xiaobai, who was in mid-air, watched helplessly as the ordinary shuriken was shot from an unexpected angle, and the approaching roar roared through the air in the blink of an eye. It made his scalp tingle.

Uncle Aida is still up there and can't save himself.

People are in mid-air, with nowhere to rely on.

Judging that this was a dead end, Yu Xiaobai opened his eyes wide and raised his hand with difficulty. He did not give up. He had not experienced similar dangers before. The hands that struggled to move were racing against the sharp weapon that carried death.

Time and space slowed down, and he slowly formed a seal.


As soon as he read out the name of the technique, Yu Xiaobai realized something was wrong.

The slowing down of time and space was not an illusion caused by his extreme concentration, but... it really started to slow down!

The sound of the wind, the shurikens, the smoke, the high sun, everything in the world was as slow as a slow-speed lens, until finally... it stopped.

[To be continued…]

A line of small words appeared clearly in the corner of Yu Xiaobai's sight.

Appearing out of nowhere, floating in mid-air contrary to common sense, incompatible with everything around it, like a projection of another world.

"To be continued?"

Yu Xiaobai's thoughts ended at this point, and the entire picture began to become chaotic. The originally stagnant wind, shurikens, smoke, and the sun at high places dimmed rapidly, and black and white... fell from three dimensions to two dimensions in the blink of an eye, and then, With a "Peng" sound, Yu Xiaobai felt that he had landed.

Southeast of Konoha Village, downstairs of the apartment where the battle occurred.

"Has the person been found?" Hinata Aida put on the white cat mask again and stood in a shadow on the street. A bandage had been applied to the wound on his left hand for emergency treatment. He said to his colleagues who came to respond.

"No, apart from the and a half corpses in the room, the whereabouts of Chao Ming Yubai have not been found." The speaker is also wearing the same cat-shaped mask as Hinata Aida, but it is gray. The animal mask is different in color. The meanings of different representatives are also slightly different, which will be listed below.

Pedestrians on the street looked at them curiously from time to time. Their Anbu clothes were more conspicuous, but the people in the village were not too afraid of them. Instead, they were more in awe of them like "urban legends".

There was worry on Hinata Aida's face behind the mask. He looked up and saw the charred gap halfway up the apartment. Lies to appease the villagers were already in place, and someone was already handling the follow-up to the accident.

However, the protagonist of the previous incident... Chao Ming Yu Bai disappeared.

He disappeared suddenly and strangely, and even the ANBU couldn't find him for a while.

"Aangda, don't worry, there is nothing wrong with that little guy. Now the waves from behind in the Yangtze River push the waves in front, and the waves in front die on the beach. Yu Bai is also a person who has experienced the Third Ninja War and the Nine-Tails Attack on the Village." Talking to Hinata Aida. The man was also nearly forty years old. At this time, he comforted Hinata Aida, "Maybe he just finished the task and went to relax in a hurry."

Hinata Aida, who was obviously talking nonsense about the last half of the sentence, glanced at his old colleague speechlessly, and then said: "Your Yangtze River back wave, you probably learned it from Yu Baizui." After chatting for a while, he still felt uneasy. He looked towards the apartment building, "Yu Bai used Chidori to complete the final touches. It is unlikely that he will be seriously injured, but how could he disappear after rushing out of the room..."

"Xiang Tian, ​​are you sure Yu Bai disappeared out of thin air?" The old colleague's tone was a little more serious.

Hinata Aida hesitated, frowned and said, "Not sure, there was a lot of smoke and dust at the time."

The old colleague nodded and said nothing. The atmosphere was slightly silent. Something was indeed very wrong. It was a joke, but ANBU people would not be stupid.

A routine mission that was not unusual led to a series of things. First, there was a mistake in intelligence. The two genin were actually the big fish of two jounin, then the secret technique of Kumoyin Village, and then the disappearance of an ANBU member...

"It's time to write a report after the incident." Gray Cat Anbu patted his head, "Okay, there will naturally be relevant personnel to handle it later."

"Yes." Hinata Aida could only nod.

The two chatted about the incident again, and soon disappeared from the street, as if they had never been there.

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