Please answer Naruto

Chapter 4 2017 AD

At this time, on the other side, in an ordinary community in Yongcheng.

Yu Xiaobai was stunned after landing, because there was no pain as he imagined. He fell from more than ten meters. Then he immediately thought of something. He stood up with excitement, a cold light flashed, and the kunai was already taken out of the ninja backpack. in hand.

"Although I don't know why the shuriken didn't hit me, the person who made the sneak attack will probably launch a thunderous offensive after missing a hit..."

Yu Xiaobai's fighting consciousness was running, and he even tried to mobilize the remaining chakra, but his vigilant posture only lasted for a second, and he was stunned.

The things around him were so shocking that he, who had been a ninja for eight years, was really shaken.

Where is this?

Wooden floor, no tatami, long desk, computer with screen saver on, bed with quilt spread out randomly...

Except for the computer and the shiny black keyboard and mouse next to it, which were a bit out of place, everything didn't go beyond Yu Xiaobai's understanding. But the problem was...

What’s going on with the rows of kawaii figurines on the partition above the computer? Hey!

The strong aura of a dead house came to his face. Yu Xiaobai stared at the comics and light novels on the cabinet beside him. The neatness and quantity of the stacks did not make anyone doubt the level of krypton gold in them. He turned his head. It's the poster of my king, the EX curry stick is shining with the golden light of justice... A very shameful pillow can be vaguely seen in the messy quilt on the bed.

Director, this style of painting is wrong!

Yu Xiaobai put down his kunai. Potential enemies and other things had been thrown to the alien planet. He held on to the desk and expressed that he needed to slowly accept the excessive amount of information, but when his eyes caught sight of Miku's mouse pad, he quickly let it go. He took two steps back.

"Didn't I fight with someone in Konoha Village, and then I fell in mid-air and was attacked by someone? What's going on with this...familiar and slightly painful ACG smell?"

"That's not right, Konoha Village...there is no such thing in this world!"

Suddenly thinking of this, Yu Xiaobai suddenly woke up. He couldn't help but look at the mouse on the table. He hesitated for a moment, then put his hand on the mouse... and moved it tremblingly.

The Windows screensaver will disappear soon, but the short period of time makes Yu Xiaobai, who is extremely nervous with some idea, feel like seconds are like years.

February 11, 2017!

This special number came into mind. Yu Xiaobai's eyes were filled with shock, and his heart was filled with huge waves.

"This unscientific……"

Yu Xiaobai raised his hand and looked at himself. The tattered black coat, with some rips, revealed the ninja costume underneath.

Yu Xiaobai tried his best to calm down his surging emotions and took several deep breaths. Only then did his brain become less chaotic and he could think more clearly.

"I'm wearing it again?"

For a long time, Yu Xiaobai whispered uncertainly. Although it was a question, he was already eighty-nine percent sure in his heart.

Not knowing what kind of mood he was in, Yu Xiaobai slowly sat on the swivel chair in front of the computer, his mind was churning, and he had all kinds of mixed feelings.

He glanced at the things in the room again, with such a strong otaku style, "It seems that the owner of this room definitely does not have a girlfriend."

Yu Xiaobai said carelessly, and then he felt that something was not right. These furniture and figures had a familiar feeling, and the longer the time passed, the stronger the feeling... Older memories slowly came back, and when they came one after another, he crossed the blood With fire, through countless sweats and exhaustions, memories that were already quite raw came flooding back.

Yu Xiaobai's expression was a little stiff. This room seems to be mine?

By the way, I am still a high school student. I have just turned 18, have no worries about food and clothing, and love stay-at-home culture. The second semester of my second year of high school is about to start. When I think of going back to the boring life of school, I stay up all night, in a daze. Went to Naruto World.

"Well..." Yu Xiaobai pondered for a while, "Although the owner of this room does not have a girlfriend, he must be very handsome."


In an empty room, no one would answer his bad words.

"Xiaobai, what have you been shouting about since the beginning?"

Suddenly, a female voice came from downstairs that made Yu Xiaobai's heart skip a beat.

There seemed to be no response, and there were footsteps coming up the stairs.

"No, it's nothing, Mom!" Yu Xiaobai tried to keep his tone calm and shouted out the door.

The footsteps stopped as instructed, and the female voice complained: "You are already a teenager, what's the point of staying in your room all day long, watching anime... You have to go to school tomorrow, you know?"

Yu Xiaobai opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer for a while. He hadn't communicated with his parents for a long time.

There was no response this time, and the woman seemed to be used to it. Nowadays, children will communicate less with their families when they grow up.

Only when the footsteps faded away and could no longer be heard, Yu Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hazy, why am I nervous?" Yu Xiaobai patted his cheek, mocking himself.

Although the reality of returning from the world of Naruto was shocking, Yu Xiaobai was no longer the same person as before. His mental age was already thirty years old, so after buffering, he still calmed down.

This, no matter what, is a good thing after all.

Twelve years of cruel life passed through my heart, and it was so vivid that it was engraved in my bones... A moment ago, he was even fighting to the death with others, and now, he has returned to that peaceful society like heaven. It is really too unreal. .

Yu Xiaobai clenched his fist, and he put the real kunai that could kill people with a blade, not a fake COS prop, back into his ninja bag.

Then, something very milestone was done.

Yu Xiaobai closed his eyes and then opened them quickly. Surprise flashed through his eyes. Chakra... was still there!

Although there is very little left, because he used Thunder Release to stimulate cells when fighting a Kumogakure Jonin, and later used Chidori with all his strength. Both of these consume a lot of chakra, but even if the amount of chakra in his body is There is only a trace of chakra, and even now he can't even perform any of the simplest three body techniques, but it is enough.

Give him some time, he will still be the jounin of Konoha. The meaning of this... Yu Xiaobai didn't think about it for the time being.

Although there were still many situations and problems to think about and solve, Yu Xiaobai still felt that he had to do the most urgent thing first, take a shower.

In addition to the dust from the battle, what he is wearing now is really incompatible with modern society.

If his parents come in, he can't just say that he has nothing to do and just play cosplay in his room, right? Then his parents may really have to study and discuss with him the harm of the second dimension to young people's physical and mental health.

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