Please answer Naruto

Chapter 5 Becoming a Jonin and turning into a high school student

Few stars can be seen in the city at night, and the dim moonlight is dispersed by the lights. The eternal city of Yongcheng is like a prosperous coastal area, and the material music has just begun.

Yu Xiaobai looked through the window of his room at the cars parked in the community outside and the old people walking. Ordinary sights could make his mood fluctuate inexplicably.

The street lights in the distance lit up the night like soybeans, extending into the distance. These were things that could not be seen in the ninja world. In that place where the weak preyed on the strong, Yu Xiaobai thought more about himself and survival.

Yu Xiaobai had already spent dinner carefully not long ago. His twelve years in the world of Naruto seemed to last only a moment for the earth, so he did not show any signs of weakness in front of his parents. His temperament has changed, but after restraining himself, his parents are not suspicious.

After being away for more than ten years, Yu Xiaobai should have a lot to say, but Yu Xiaobai didn't say anything in the end. He was already very strong, so he just cherished it now.

After exhaling, Yu Xiaobai closed the curtains and sat back at the computer desk.

In the first few years in the world of Naruto, he also thought about the idea of ​​coming back, and even planned to study space-time ninjutsu. However, after being taken in by Konoha, he actively proposed ninja training. Boring training changes that he had never imagined followed one after another. At that time, there was no Giving up was already very good, but when he embarked on the Third Ninja War, all he could think about was survival. Even after two years, he had no time to study the way back to Earth. The more he understood, the better. The deeper you go, the more you realize how superficial you are. It is too futile to try to travel back through time and space ninjutsu or the like.

Yu Xiaobai had already changed out of his ANBU uniform and put on long-sleeved casual pants. It was still the end of winter, but the temperature was rising in the south at this time. In addition, Yu Xiaobai had a strong physique, so it would not be a big problem if the air conditioner was not turned on. .

"Then let's think about the current situation."

Yu Xiaobai crossed his arms and looked at the ninja bag and forehead protector on the table, feeling a little embarrassed.

He had secretly thrown away the ANBU clothes, keeping them would do more harm than good. As for some weapons and forehead protectors he brought from the world of Naruto...

Because at first he thought it was an easy task to deal with two small miscellaneous fish, Yu Xiaobai only brought a basic number of ordinary weapons before going out on the mission, and did not bring any special items such as military grain pills and smoke bombs.

"Four kunai, three darts." Yu Xiaobai thought for a while, but put everything including the forehead protector into the ninja tool bag, closed it and hid it at the bottom of the closet, whether it was a souvenir or a keepsake It might as well be kept for emergencies, but Yu Xiaobai wasn't going to throw it away.

Yu Xiaobai is still very uncomfortable with the sudden change in his life situation. Yu Xiaobai is now a little idle. The games and animations he used to be addicted to are no longer very attractive to him.

"Go to school tomorrow."

Yu Xiaobai said with some sigh, it had to be said that he still had to go to high school in this situation... Although he lived for twelve more years, his mathematics, physics and chemistry skills were not improving but retreating.

Picking up a mathematics book, "Do you want to review it first?" Yu Xiaobai thought, turning over the ink-scented paper, and there were rows of regular and orderly numbers and formulas, power functions, exponents Function, periodic function…

Picking up a Chinese language book, "Scholars in ancient times must have a teacher. A teacher is the one who preaches, learns, and solves doubts. People are not born with knowledge..."

English book……

A few minutes later, Yu Xiaobai quickly threw all the teaching materials into his schoolbag, "Forget it, let's wait until we get back to school to read these."

As expected, the cultural class is the final BOSS. I would like to send my New Year greetings to all the teachers.

However, Yu Xiaobai's mentality is different now. He is not as tired of studying as before, but he still needs time to cope with the change from ninja to student. Ninjas look cool and powerful, but when it comes to choices, there is no doubt that peace is far more desirable than battle.

The voices and looks of some classmates also appeared in his memory. Yu Xiaobai scratched his head, not knowing how to face them tomorrow.

The night was not deep, but Yu Xiaobai, who had been ups and downs, felt mentally exhausted when he lay on the bed. He looked at the ceiling for a while, and did not fall asleep for a long time. The night light reflected from the curtains illuminated his deep sleep. Eyes.

"To be continued..."

Yu Xiaobai muttered in a low voice.

What was the line of words he saw just before he returned to the real world, an illusion?

In fact, I consciously put it to the last thought. The air was quiet and I could hear the pin drop. I returned to the earth and my familiar home. But Yu Xiaobai was still not as happy as he imagined. Maybe besides being unable to adapt for a while, the real key was to travel through time. Something was wrong before coming back.

A ghostly shuriken and four inexplicable words.

When it fell in mid-air, the angle and speed of the shuriken that was shot all revealed the good prediction and strength of the sneak attacker. He did not attack when Yu Xiaobai and Yun Ren were fighting, but chose the one that looked like At this critical moment that no one cares about but is fatal...the other party is undoubtedly a master.

Regardless of who the person who sneaked up on him in the dark was, whether he was a bounty hunter pursuing a reward or an enemy he made at some point. Now that he is not in the world of Naruto, he can let this go first. If Yu Xiaobai Even though he didn't come back, he still had the patience to compete with his opponent in the dark.

But the most heart-stopping thing is those four words, which seem to be quite harmless, "To be continued."

The literal meaning is easy to understand, and it is often used at the end of a story, such as a novel or a TV series, but this idea makes people confused.

To be honest, with Yu Xiaobai's reading of the original work and years of practical experience, I really don't know that anyone can have such a seemingly ethereal and magical method.

After thinking for a long time, Yu Xiaobai couldn't come up with a reliable guess. These four characters are really magical. They are so simple and unpretentious. They are neither the artistic characters of the post-2000 generation nor the flying dragons and phoenixes of calligraphy. But The situation before time travel clearly tells you that there is something wrong with these four words.

Illusion and coincidence? Yu Xiaobai would not believe it so easily.

It's all a little too simplistic.

"Forget it, let's go to bed early. We have to go to class tomorrow morning. I'm dizzy. I have a headache just thinking about this." It was late at night. Yu Xiaobai, who said that his IQ was not enough, decided not to torture himself anymore. When he saw the direction of the clock on the wall, he forced He fell asleep.

"If anyone is trying to trick me in the dark, I will hit him with a thousand birds and teach him how to behave."

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