Please answer Naruto

Chapter 6 Serialization

"Mom and Dad, I'm going to school, you go back first." After getting off the car, Yu Xiaobai, carrying his schoolbag, said to his parents in the car who seemed to want to follow him out of the car.

"Ah, then we won't go in." The school opening report showed that the off-duty director was actually dispensable. Yu Yibai and Zhang Lanxin in the car were stunned for a moment and nodded.

When Yu Xiaobai's figure disappeared at the school gate, Yu Yibai touched his beard and said to his wife strangely: "Lan Xin, do you feel that your son has become different?"

Zhang Lanxin watched Yu Xiaobai disappear and slapped Yu Yibai on the shoulder with her backhand, "Isn't it good that my son is sensible?"

"Okay." Father Yu muttered and drove back. They also had work to do. He came to drop off students on the first day of school. After that, Yu Xiaobai had to go to and from school by himself because he was a general school student and did not have accommodation.

"The inertia of chakra here is so high..." Yu Xiaobai frowned slightly after saying goodbye to his parents while walking on campus. Chakra is extracted from cells in the human body, and part of it is spiritual energy, but he felt the energy in his body. After a night's rest, there is still only a trace of chakra, and the speed of recovery is a bit outrageous.

"Is it because of different worlds?" Yu Xiaobai could only guess this way. Logically speaking, even if he didn't do it deliberately, the current chakra amount should be more than half. But fortunately, we are no longer in the ninja world, or in the earth, we must try to avoid using it and causing some shocking things. Even if there is only a trace of chakra, it is enough for him to use at this stage. Regarding the chakra problem, Yu Xiaobai had no choice but to leave it for later.

Before Yu Xiaobai traveled through time, he attended Yongcheng No. 1 Middle School. It was a public high school that was neither good nor bad in the city. Its grades, teachers, and environment were all in the middle. It can be said that it made a difference every time when comparing the general high schools in Yongcheng. huge contribution.

He was really unfamiliar with studying. Yu Xiaobai stood in front of the classroom door with some anxiety. Class 1, Grade 2, there seemed to be a group of enemy village ninjas waiting for him behind the door. He took a deep breath and opened the door. .

"Hey, Xiaobai!"

The usual classroom noise before the start of school came to his ears. Before Yu Xiaobai could get acquainted with the faces that he could not recognize for a long time, a more recognizable voice came from the back row.

A fat man wearing glasses was waving to him, with excitement on his face as he reunited after a long absence.

Hey, you're excited, what the hell are you excited about?

Yu Xiaobai recognized it at a glance. That was his best friend in the class. His name was Wang Haoxue. The name was great. It was a pity that Fatty Wang did not use his excellent quality of studiousness to shine in his academic performance. Instead, he used it in the ACG field. To put it incisively and vividly, Fatty Wang loves otaku culture just like he did in the past. As long as it involves this, he can definitely keep you entertained for more than ten minutes.

When Yu Xiaobai sat down in his own seat in the last row, the two-person bicycle team in the back row was re-established. The two had a good rapport in the past, did everything in class, and had a certain reputation. But just when Fatty Wang ignored Yu Xiaobai's objection and put his arm around his shoulders and wanted to say something, the head teacher came in.

The class teacher was an old man in his fifties who was not open-minded at first glance but always said that he was actually very open-minded. He gave an inspirational speech that made him tired and extinguished the joy of starting school. Fatty Wang was already drowsy on the side, but Yu Xiaobai was because I've been through a lot of killings, and it's interesting to listen.

At the end of class after the class meeting, Yu Xiaobai had gradually lost his initial hesitancy. It was reasonable for the school to be an ivory tower, and the relationships there were simple. Moreover, he had not been a part-time student before, and he had not had much social contact.

Mathematics class began. Yu Xiaobai's bright eyes stared at the blackboard for ten minutes before becoming dull. He shook his head and closed the book with a sigh.

"How about I become a martial arts coach in the future? A training class for murderous physical skills..." Yu Xiaobai thought casually. Taking classes is indeed a very magical thing. After so many years, he found it in such a short time. The heroic state of being sleepy that year... Yu Xiaobai's lack of study soon made him consider his future work. After all, he is a very old man mentally.

"Hey, Xiaobai, Xiaobai, hey hey hey!"

"Who the hell wants to talk to you? Can you talk to me properly?" Yu Xiaobai complained in his heart, and then turned to look at Wang Haoxue, who was lying on the table and communicating with him.

"Xiaobai, this math class is so boring." With this opening sentence, Yu Xiaobai knew what Fatty Wang was going to say next.

"Oh." Yu Xiaobai's response was not enthusiastic.

"Oh what, by the way, do you know that Chen Hanhan from the first year of high school is very beautiful? I just found out from someone before school started that she is super good at playing games!"

Yu Xiaobai nodded nonchalantly.

"...Also, do you know that the school beauty of our senior year, Cen Hanhan..."

How lazy are so many people named Hanhan?

"Hey Xiaobai, did you not sleep well last night? You didn't respond. Forget it, let me tell you something that you will definitely be interested in. "Naruto", which was recently serialized in "Shōnen Weekly JUMP", has been announced as an anime. Eh!"

Yu Xiaobai's originally leisurely and calm expression suddenly froze.

Wang Haoxue thought that Yu Xiaobai's cold response meant that he was not interested in three-dimensional things, so he changed the topic and reported the recent hot news in the two-dimensional world.

"Although I know you must know it, Naruto is really very popular now. The sales of JUMP are said to have increased a lot. The single book will definitely sell well when it comes out. Now this style of comics is the most popular one in the harem Yuri. There are very few in the industry anymore. Sure enough, passionate fighting is the way to go..."

"Hey, what are you talking about, Fatty." Yu Xiaobai had a bad feeling in his heart, and turned to look at the other person, trying to make sure if the other person was joking, "You said that "Naruto" will be serialized soon?!"

"Please, please keep your voice down." Wang Haoxue was startled by Yu Xiaobai's sudden increase in voice. He shrank and used his book to block the teacher's gaze on the podium. Unfortunately, his tall body was not as capable as a small math book. Blocked.

"What are those two at the back doing in class!" The math teacher finally couldn't help but scolded seriously. He had long noticed that Wang Haoxue and Yu Xiaobai, two "negative energy elements" who didn't like to study, were whispering, but Fortunately, it is maintained at a certain level. Teachers in public schools don't bother to care too much as long as you don't disrupt classroom discipline. However, most people in Yu Xiaobai's class heard it just now, and the rhythm of the class was forcibly interrupted.

Yu Xiaobai also knew that he was a little excited. His character shouldn't be like this, but the news Fatty Wang said was a bit surprising and ridiculous... isn't it 2017 now? Naruto has already finished. He quickly apologized like a good baby who had done something wrong. The math teacher pushed up his glasses and stopped pursuing the matter.

After class resumed, Yu Xiaobai also covered himself with a book, and then looked at Fatty Wang with a scrutinizing gaze, "Are you telling the truth?"

"I lied to you that you were sick. You were so excited just now!" Wang Haoxue couldn't understand why Yu Xiaobai was so excited. Didn't he know that Naruto was going to be animated? As a latent fan, after hearing the news Crazy excited? Well, it's possible...

The bell rang monotonously, and each class passed by. The bad feeling in Yu Xiaobai's heart lingered for a long time. For some reason, he thought of the four words that made him unable to sleep last night, and turned to look at the classroom. Outside the window, there were only cypress trees more than ten meters high on the third floor. The winter sunshine was refracted in the branches and leaves, but Yu Xiaobai felt a chill in the originally rare good weather.

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