Please answer Naruto

Chapter 7 Appearance

During lunch in the cafeteria, Yu Xiaobai looked at classmate Wang Haoxue who was eating happily in front of him and coughed.

"Well, Fatty, the serialization of the "Naruto" manga you talked about this morning..."

"Xiaobai, can I call you eldest brother? How many times have you asked me this question?" Before Yu Xiaobai could finish speaking, Wang Haoxue rolled his eyes speechlessly and slurred, "2017 New Year's Eve" It was serialized not long ago and only a few chapters have been published. It is not a 'migrant worker comic' that has been around for more than ten years!"

"Okay." Yu Xiaobai replied bitterly, lowering his head and picking up his chopsticks carelessly a few times. But after a while, he still couldn't reconcile this with the "realistic objective situation" that he remembered clearly in the past. Yu Xiaobai looked at He glanced at Wang Haoxue and said, "Fat man, do you know how to make balls, two pillars, and two big plug-ins?"

"I don't know, what are you talking about? Where's the joke?" Wang Haoxue finished one bowl of rice and continued to start the next. Hearing Yu Xiaobai's question, he said with a puzzled face, "It's strange, there is something I don't know about. Two-dimensional memes?”

It’s just a joke about Naruto, you idiot!

"Okay, it's nothing. Just think I didn't say anything." Yu Xiaobai finally gave up his plan to torture Fatty Wang and sighed.

After the incident in math class in the morning, Yu Xiaobai suddenly learned something that seemed innocuous but quite serious - "Naruto" had just started serialization this year.

Obviously everything after Yu Xiaobai returned to Earth showed that the twelve years he left was only a blink of an eye here. Everything went on a normal track, but only one thing changed, and that was "Naruto". "Ninja" is no more, and its fifteen-year serialization career has just begun!

This made Yu Xiaobai, who had just returned from the Naruto world, a little panicked, especially on the day when he traveled through time in Konoha 54, when he stood on a high water tower overlooking Konoha Village, a golden figure jumped to represent the plot. Just unfolded.

"To be continued". These four words resurfaced like a nightmare.

Yu Xiaobai took out a smartphone from his school uniform. Wang Haoxue secretly brought it from home. Some high school regulations are forbidden for young students, such as carrying mobile phones and falling in love. Of course, the latter For some people who can't find a girlfriend, no matter whether they prohibit it or not, the result is the same... This is really a sad story.

I browsed Du Niang again, and the search results were almost the same as what Wang Haoxue said. At the same time, I also saw various praise and popular posts about Naruto.

After eating and returning to the classroom, Yu Xiaobai was a little absent-minded along the way. He knew that something was wrong with the current situation, but this was his ninja intuition that he had learned over many years of experience telling him that there was something wrong.

"By the way, Fatty, have you read the current few chapters of Naruto's manga?" Suddenly thinking of something, Yu Xiaobai patted Wang Haoxue's shoulder, who was reading a light novel under the desk, and said.

"I'm going to wipe it, don't scare me!" Wang Haoxue subconsciously threw the book into the desk, his fat shook, and when he saw it was Yu Xiaobai, he said quite dissatisfied. He had his books taken away by his class teacher more than once because of reading light novels, and he had almost developed a conditioned reflex.

"Sorry, sorry, I didn't pay much attention. I will remind you next time." Yu Xiaobai laughed.

As the two are best friends, they naturally don't care too much. Wang Haoxue answered Yu Xiaobai's question, "Huo Ying has watched it. Not only the Chinese translation, I have also finished reading the raw meat that was just released last week. This is not a problem for me."

"Raw meat" means that it has not been translated and still represents the original text of the work. Wang Hao has been self-taught Japanese for a long time. In addition, he has watched and listened to anime a lot, so Yeluzi's level is actually not bad.

"Okay, fat man, you can see raw meat, that's great!" Yu Xiaobai first offered some cheap flattery, and then asked, "Then where is the author talking now?"

Being stared at by Yu Xiaobai seriously, Wang Haoxue thought it was because he admired him too much. Feeling good, he answered eloquently, "Speaking of Uzumaki Naruto being causing trouble again and being caught by a lot of ninjas, Iruka and Naruto's interactions are really funny, and the storyboard dialogues are great. It seems to be a pretty good passionate episode..."

There was no expression on Yu Xiaobai's face after hearing this. The plot was the same as before, and Naruto's story had just begun...

"Also, looking at the ninja's ability to fly over walls and climb walls, I guess the battles in the future will be very cool, tsk tsk. However, there seemed to be a foreshadowing at the end of last week's latest episode. Anyway, I'm really looking forward to the follow-up."

As expected, Wang Haoxue still has the problem of talking endlessly about what he is good at. After commenting and complaining, if he can't find a job in the future, he will go to Station B to be a comic reviewer and make a living.

"Foreshadowing, what kind of foreshadowing?" Yu Xiaobai said casually, he was still thinking about the time change in Naruto comics.

"It's... the last moment, hey, it's a bit hard to tell. Let me show you the latest chapter. You can find it online." Wang Haoxue looked tirelessly enthusiastic, and Yu Xiaobai didn't want to attack others, so he had to let it go. he goes.

"Then, that's it." Wang Haoxue initially wanted Yu Xiaobai to read the new chapter from the beginning, so that it would not affect the reading experience. However, Yu Xiaobai slid his fingers and flipped through the black and white pages, not thinking about it. I was curiously thinking about what kind of foreshadowing it could be. It was basically that the Nine-Tails was sealed in Naruto's body, which was a very key point in advancing the plot and the protagonist's strength, or maybe it was the graduation of a ninja school or something...

But when the last page of black and white paper appeared on the phone screen, Yu Xiaobai's pupils shrank!

[In the distance, a violent explosion came. 】

[Iruka, who caught Naruto, was glaring angrily. Naruto put his head in his hands and cried in despair. When they heard the sound, they both turned to look somewhere in the Leaf Village. 】

The content of the comic is described as such according to the text, but what really made Yu Xiaobai's heart beat was the "violent explosion sound".

The comics here are given a lens.

The bloated apartment building occupying a huge area is among various buildings in Konoha Village. The smoke from the explosion obscures a gap, making it difficult to see the specific appearance.

This shot was taken under a relatively large distance, and things appear many times smaller due to the principle of perspective.

But when Yu Xiaobai saw the cylindrical apartment building, he instantly recognized it as the place where he and Yun Nin fought. Inside the smoke, he was falling!

This episode ends here.

[To be continued…]

It says in the corner at the end.

PS: The plot of this book requires that some descriptions may be inconsistent with the original work. Please be lenient with the research party.

Although the original bug in this chapter has been explained, it has been modified due to the constant emergence of readers who do not read PS and readers who have obsessive-compulsive disorder and insist on condemning it.

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