Please answer Naruto

Chapter 100 Baiju

The annual rings of time are spinning slowly, the earth stands still, the stars move, the clear sky and clouds change in the sky, and the shadows of all things come and go.

There may be strong monsoon winds blowing from the sea or from the depths of the land. The time in the almanac was torn off page after page. Yu Xiaobai also passed year after year in various foreign lands far away from the familiar land. .

Yu Xiaobai was alone and had no interest in finding those destined people for Xiao to practice and complete a large amount of tasks along the way. The feeling of time passing was fast and slow. As he got used to it and kept walking, the clothes he was wearing had already been worn. It was not the same as before, with footprints all over some small countries that he had never heard of. It was different from the Anbu period when evil spirits came and left in a hurry. Before he knew it, Yu Xiaobai was about to complete the achievement of traveling around the continent. It was more convenient there. He has never thought about realizing the earth.

Relying on persistence and a clear time limit, Yu Xiaobai's will did not become hesitant and doubtful as the fallen leaves fell. Before setting off, the scroll with the forbidden technique was tattered, and his hope for another world that was originally his own. It won't disappear.

“This is the amount the organization needs.”

"I understand, sir. I will pass it on as soon as possible."

Coming out of the underground black market in the hidden closed down tavern, Yu Xiaobai stretched out in the face of the not bad weather. He just took over with Xiao's staff and paid another youth meal.

"If I hadn't thought about buying a house or a car here, otherwise I would have wanted to keep so many digits of funds for myself..." Yu Xiaobai thought about it one by one, and handed over the money from the black market with Zhang Cong in his hand. Paper received from the staff. He was wearing ordinary clothes - Xiao's Tiantuan windbreaker was only suitable for showing off on certain occasions. To be fashionable, it was fashionable, but in order to reduce trouble, Yu Xiaobai chose the most convenient method. Anyway, no one cares about him outside, and Payne is not a high school discipline inspection teacher who will try to catch you if you don't wear uniform.

You don’t need to look at the paper with the information on it to know which organization selected the commission. Yu Xiaobai has done all kinds of weird commissions now. As long as the amount is large, there is nothing he can’t do, so that Yu Xiaobai now has no idea about the commission. The last string of numbers that popped up was quite immune.

Putting the paper into his pocket, Yu Xiaobai turned out of the alley. The brighter streets were like another day of life. The hawkers and shops were scattered and perfunctory. Speaking of which, except for the big cities in the Fire Country, Everything else is half-assed.

When passing by a certain window, Yu Xiaobai glanced at the figure facing him and walked over, stopped, and touched his face.

"The appearance really hasn't changed much. Counting from 'that time', it's still the same after so many years." Yu Xiaobai clicked his tongue, "What a strange setting."

The casual and upright figure is reflected in the window, and the delicate face is mixed with the traces of youth and the accumulation of troubles. I know that the people involved will be surprised and attracted by this when they see it.

During Yu Xiaobai's continuous practice, apart from discovering that bottleneck chakra was really difficult to practice, his appearance actually remained the same as that of an eighteen-year-old, with almost no changes.

This feels quite unscientific, but not aging is not a bad thing. After Yu Xiaobai accepted this phenomenon, he also guessed that it should be related to the real world on the other side.

Because he is still eighteen years old in modern society, and the vicissitudes of life here are immutable?

After eating at a stall, Yu Xiaobai returned to the hotel where he was staying and packed his luggage.

It was an ordinary backpack. It was originally a wear-resistant and thick military backpack that was scratched in a conflict. It was mended many times, but in the end it was too broken to be used.

Yu Xiaobai thought about the tail that he had been chasing after him for the first year after leaving the village. He didn't know how many groups of people they had come. Yu Xiaobai finally figured out that Danzo was playing tricks in the dark. However, the people on his side have been fruitless, and even left without returning. The information sent back to Konoha by Yu Xiaobai on time was very calm and uninterrupted. He could not mention it openly. Danzo must have been tired later. Waiting for Yu Xiaobai to come back and take care of him.

As the strength increases, the worry about threats coming from the front will gradually decrease to adaptation.

The paper was flipped through at this time. Yu Xiaobai looked at it and muttered to himself: "The divided samurai family has gained a lot of wealth through business. After a wave of conflicts accumulated like that, the separated family no longer wants to bear a large amount of expenses every year. The warriors of the Zong family are used to learn and seek status..."

"So we are helping the rich generation who have made a fortune to get rid of the old landlords who are taking advantage of them." Yu Xiaobai nodded to himself, "I wonder if these people forced the marriage to be canceled or something when they separated decades ago. The drama of Hedong in ten years and Hexi in thirty years..."

Yu Xiaobai walked outside, took out the map and looked at it. He didn't know if it was accurate if he bought it casually. He just corrected it if he made a mistake. He had to have a good attitude. He had enough experience and lessons in this kind of thing, so he was not in a hurry. .

The destination is the Kingdom of the Moon, which is bordered by the sea on both sides. "Now we are in the Kingdom of Iron. Let's walk there... just take a boat there."

He unconsciously touched the scabbard tied to his thigh - this was his habit since he got the dagger, even though it was new and he didn't have it for a long time.

The cold touch can be felt even through the leather. Yu Xiaobai is still very satisfied with the cold, narrow and sharp blade that he has touched. He harassed Xie countless times, and the other party finally agreed in exchange for a large amount of puppet materials at equal value. help.

To make up for the lack of excellent weapons, Yu Xiaobai couldn't put it down for this as-yet-unnamed short sword. Even though he was just adapting to its usage now, and his silver-gleaming sword skills didn't even allow him to get started, he still had to take it out for demonstrations from time to time. .

There are many things to do during the journey. The romantic scenery described in the impression, the valley at night, and the sparkling light on the lake can only be experienced calmly when it is trivial and completely inconvenient to rely on your hands.

When Yu Xiaobai wandered on the bay between the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of the Moon, and after landing, he followed the process very familiarly, and the battle came unabashedly.

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