Please answer Naruto

Chapter 99 Start of Construction

In fact, there was nothing special about meeting Payne. After the main things were explained, there was nothing more to do with Yu Xiaobai. Speaking of which, he was quite familiar with most things about Hokage. After meeting a big shot in the eyes of ordinary people, the initial novelty became dull.

Afterwards, I followed Bai Jue to get some clothes. I wore a black-and-red-cloud outfit. I found two pieces that fit me and tried them on. Sure enough, I felt very handsome.

"Is it that good-looking? You've been playing with it for so long." Bai Jue sat on the side with his arms crossed. He had been watching Yu Xiaobai doing various POSS for several minutes. He couldn't find anything interesting about this ordinary thing.

"You don't understand." Yu Xiaobai replied, this is not the COS of the second grade in middle school when he was a child, but the realistic and reasonable second grade... Yu Xiaobai coughed, put away the changed and spare clothes, and wore them when going out in the future. Just put on the cloak and live.

"Okay, by the way, you really don't want to stay here?" Bai Jue picked up his fingers in boredom and said casually.

"Yes." Yu Xiaobai touched the Kongchen Ring on the little finger of his left hand, turned around to face Bai Jue, and finished admiring it.

"You are so diligent." Bai Jue teased, "I remember you were in charge of the Snow Country and the Bear Country? Those places are far away."

"Haha." Yu Xiaobai was noncommittal. He could take his time to complete the amount requested by Xiao. What he needed was a space where no one could monitor him from the outside world. He didn't want anyone to know about his basic training and learning of forbidden arts.

In addition, there seems to be a Star Ninja Village in Xiong Zhi's country, and the meteorite that appeared in the anime... Yu Xiaobai has some thoughts on this, because he lacks an excellent weapon, and the standard kunai cannot match it. The amazing Hatake sword skills are now free, and the forging of a short sword is inevitable. I wonder if that meteorite is a good material for forging.

As for whom to look for, doesn't Akatsuki already have a ready-made master?

The vacation time in Konoha was enough. Yu Xiaobai clapped his hands and said to Bai Jue in front of him: "So, come and tell me the relevant information about these two small countries."

Bai Jue glanced at Yu Xiaobai and jumped off the box full of sundries.

The next day, Yu Xiaobai left Yuren Village and headed west.

After leaving the Kingdom of Rain, Yu Xiaobai slowed down and walked towards the Kingdom of Bears at a speed close to that of ordinary people, officially starting his path of cultivation.

Ding-ding-ding-ding. Behind the donkey cart that he shamelessly got into, Yu Xiaobai leaned on the straw. The gentle sound of the farmer driving the old donkey was as rhythmic as the bells. Yu Xiaobai was reading the recorded scroll without hesitation.

The preparation work was not in vain. He had learned a lot of theoretical knowledge. Yu Xiaobai touched his chin and said, "Hatake sword skills...or in other words, there is not much difference between White Fang's sword skills and the traditional ninja's way of using kunai, but the short sword There is still a slight have to let it go first."

Konoha White Fang's swordsmanship, which made him famous in the ninja world, was passed down a long time ago and has many branches. It is not ruled out that there are many applications that can be used today, but although Yu Xiaobai is optimistic about it, it does not mean that he will learn them all. He combined himself and selected the sword skills that suited him from the relatively complete parts of the sealed book.

Silver light flashes. This is the name of the secret technique.

One of Bai Ya's special moves recorded in the record is quite similar to Yu Xiaobai's known sword-drawing slash, which kills the enemy in an instant. Among them, the Taidao was transformed into a short sword, and the door ways inside were enough for him to study. In the future, coupled with the increase of Thunder Release, the power made Yu Xiaobai drool at the fantasy, but he still had to choose another one first.

The donkey cart swayed, and time slowly swayed into the days to come.

In the country of birds, in a certain hotel.

Paper and other light objects in the room moved automatically without wind, and the blue chakra vortex rotated. Yu Xiaobai looked at the ball that had stabilized in his hand. Well, it was a sphere, and waved it away.

Wiping the sweat from his forehead, Yu Xiaobai twitched his ears. There was a slight squeeze from the roof of the next room through the beams.

"Finally I couldn't help but take action." Yu Xiaobai sneered and stood up silently.

There was a tail behind him, and he should be from Konoha. This was discovered intermittently by Yu Xiaobai after he left the Country of Rain. The other party was very careful. Yu Xiaobai was not completely sure, so he pretended not to know, and waited until the other party couldn't help but take the bait.

In fact, I have to thank the other party for following him all the way, so that Yu Xiaobai's Anbu skills have not declined, and his chakra and spiritual practice have improved even more in a state of worry.

"Sorry." Outside the door, a man walked out of the next room, wiping his hands, and stopped when passing Yu Xiaobai's room. But before he could make any move, there was a warm touch behind him, on his neck. It opened in response.

The man fell down with his eyes wide open, and the gasping sound from his throat was also suppressed into his mouth.

"Whether you are ANBU or Gen, I will not show mercy." Yu Xiaobai looked at the fallen body and said the second half of the sentence.

After dealing with the traces, there was another tail lurking outside the window waiting for a signal from his companions, but in the transformation technique, what he finally encountered was the coldness of the kunai that pierced his heart.

Once this wave of trouble is resolved, it may continue to come again. Yu Xiaobai shook his head. He couldn't control the situation even if there was no evidence to prove it. There was nothing he could do if Konoha's trust was in jeopardy.

He went to eat downstairs in the hotel as usual, walked out and drank like an ordinary person in the evening, and came back to sleep.

Tired of staying around, he headed to the next place along the road. Yu Xiaobai had never experienced such a day, but it was quite exciting to practice quietly while walking and wading through the river despite being under pressure.

It wasn't until Payne's urging message came from Kong Chen's ring that Yu Xiaobai sped up and arrived at a remote corner of the Bear Country.

"The Daimyos of the Bear Country and the Snow Country are a bit shy about celebrating festivals with outsiders, but there is a closed and rigid Ghost Country in between. How can we make trouble?" Yu Xiaobai sat on the hillside outside the small town of the Bear Country, looking at the distant scenery. , thinking about some dangerous things.

"Let's use the most old-fashioned method." Yu Xiaobai decided. The divorce tactic is very useful for ninjas with various means, and it is difficult to be discovered with his strength.

The chains of hatred are so easy to form. Just one week later, the peaceful town in front of the hillside was stirred up into chaos.

The repressed relationship bypassed the Kingdom of Demons, and with the malicious acquiescence of the great powers of the Earth Kingdom next to them, soldiers were armed.

Perhaps it can be said that when the first drop of blood and the first life passed away on the unknown plain because of him, Yu Xiaobai calmly clapped his hands and said, "Let's get started."

He has to put a small country at an advantage and then earn a lot of commissions on the weak side.

The red clouds are stained with blood and become even brighter. The black base is constantly flying in the ups and downs. The scythe of death is reaping on the battlefield. The thunder roars and pushes away a man who has lost his strength. A family may be destroyed at the same time when the man falls to the ground. Ninja That's it.

He's just being more explicit now.

Yu Xiaobai rushed towards the denser crowd, holding the flag high - it seemed like this meaningless battle would continue after today's end.

Yu Xiaobai thought so.

Thanks to wsn My Heart Is Flying, Onceandtwice, Distance Exists, Bi Di, Scary Cat Uncle, Brother (who doesn’t know how to fight) for the rewards~

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