Please answer Naruto

Chapter 98 Mission

Entering this area like a steel ruin, Yu Xiaobai felt a lot of chakra fluctuations. It seemed that just like last time, the position of the actual leader of the Rain Ninja Village had many secret sentinels.

"Sir, I won't go in later. The leader is waiting for you on the top floor." Under a dilapidated tall building, a calm man bowed and said.

Yu Xiaobai looked up at the building dozens of meters high. The rainwater formed a line covering the sky. He really didn't know how the strange technological trees in the ninja world were created. He nodded, "I understand."

The calm man simply left the way he came.

The dark night became quiet as the footsteps moved away. Street lamps were erected erratically. The weak light covered by the rain curtain shone on the street, leaving only the shadow of Yu Xiaobai wearing a raincoat. The tall building in front of us, deep and without any light, looked like a giant beast that chose people to devour.

"This office environment is too bad. I will definitely be outside a lot in the future." Yu Xiaobai muttered and walked into the building.

After entering the building, the air was much warmer and drier. What surprised Yu Xiaobai was that compared to the darkness and silence outside, there was still a lot of life inside.

The light is enough to see things, and although there are few ninjas inside, there are still some ninjas inside. In addition to a rain ninja who can be seen standing steadily from a long distance, there are also a small number of patrolling people filling the floor.

"It seems like a cover-up."

When Yu Xiaobai went to work in the new company, he still had to show the kind of employee attitude that his boss liked. He took off his raincoat, shook it out, and put it on a row of shelves specially designed for placement.

As soon as Yu Xiaobai walked in, the rain ninjas on this floor saw him, but everyone turned a blind eye, as if they had said hello in advance, and no one even came up to ask him where he came from.

After standing there for a while, there was still no one to take advantage of him. Yu Xiaobai was a little embarrassed. He thought about what the man who led the way had told him to wait for him on the top floor... It was understandable for Payne to act like a boss, so he walked up to the upper floor.

When they reached the third floor, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help it anymore and caught a Yu Ren who was standing guard, "I said, brother, is there an elevator?"

"..." The Yu Ren pointed in a direction.

"Thank you."

Yu Xiaobai said, looking around, there were very few rain ninjas on the first floor, and there were almost no people on the higher up. I guess Pain was just a formality. After all, the focus of his plan was to rely on the core of the Akatsuki organization. A few, the so-called heavenly group. If they really resist the invasion, the rain ninjas here are basically cannon fodder.

I remember that in the original work, when Jiraiya dispatched Pain, the scene was all kinds of sewers, and maybe there was an Akatsuki base underground.

He wouldn't really take the elevator. When Yu Xiaobai went up one level and was ready to stroll around and observe more, the person greeting him appeared instead.

"Long time no see, what are you looking at?"

A figure all in white suddenly appeared from the corner of the wall. It was Bai Jue.

"Can the way you appear be more normal?" Yu Xiaobaixu looked at Bai Jue approaching, "I didn't see anything, I was just curious."

He never let down his guard, nor did he panic when the opponent appeared.

"'Zero' is waiting for you, let's go up." Bai Zetsu said with a smile, and then led the way, "How is Konoha over there?"

Yu Xiaobai caught up with the other party, his speed suddenly increased, and he calmly asked the question: "What are you referring to?"

"In other ways, the quality of the intelligence you submitted when you were lurking in Konoha was so low. Of course, how did you leave the village without being exposed?"

When the story about the spies handing in information and going crazy was exposed, Yu Xiaobai didn't blush and said, "No exposure, just leave the village normally."

"Tsk, tsk, then you have to be careful about the possible tail behind you. It wouldn't be good if I knew you were still working for other forces." Bai Jue said in a tone that didn't sound like he was worried at all.

"You are so good at gathering intelligence, do you still need to ask me about leaving the village?" Yu Xiaobai said casually.

Bai Zeze spread his hands as he walked, "How can the secrets of the largest ninja village, Konoha Village, be so easy to find out? If it is discovered that it is difficult to infiltrate at once, it will be completely out of the question."

Yu Xiaobai listened without saying anything.

Bai Jue's personality is completely different from that of Hei Jue. Even if Yu Xiaobai fell silent later on, he could still think about it. I really don't know how someone like this can do intelligence work. Is it to make up for it? Claustrophobia while lurking?

Under Bai Jue's non-stop speech, Yu Xiaobai finally reached the top floor. After entering a hall, he saw Payne who was looking at the scenery outside the window.

Red clouds on a black background, silently staring outside, even though his back is turned, he can take a quick look.

Bai Jue also shut up. After bringing Yu Xiaobai, the task was completed and he stood aside quietly.

Xiaonan and Madara were not seen, nor were there any other members, but it was normal for Akatsuki members to appear and disappear. After Yu Xiaobai stood still, he cleared his throat.

"Hello, chief."

Payne moved his body and turned around. Those magical reincarnation eyes still make people throb no matter how many times they look at them. "Welcome to join Xiao."

Without too much politeness, the two of them are familiar with each other in the magic of the lantern body.

"Bai Jue will take you to get the clothes of the core members later. If you want to stay, any empty room here will do."

"Okay." Yu Xiaobai nodded, pretending not to see Bai Jue blinking at him.

"Your next task is to make money for the organization and prepare for the next stage of the plan. Other members are also doing similar things." Payne walked to the head seat and sat down.

"What specific task is it?" Yu Xiaobai frowned.

Payne threw over an ordinary scroll, "It's very simple. If you want to gain wealth quickly, just instigate a war in a small country, and then we will help one side. With luck, both sides can take turns helping many times."

Yu Xiaobai was speechless. Just like in his impression, he was very shameless and extremely confident in his personal strength.

"Then do I have a partner? I heard that the organization always works in teams of two." Yu Xiaobai asked a more concerned question. It must not be Bai Zetsu, Madara, or Kisame who has fought.

Of course it would be best to be with Itachi. Speaking of which, the two haven't seen each other for a long time, and I don't know how the other is doing now. If we have the chance to meet, we can catch up on old times.

"No." Payne was silent for a while and said an answer that Yu Xiaobai didn't expect. "You can work in a group for now. You can wait for the organization to send you one. You can also find someone to recruit on your own, but it must be reviewed. .”

"What are the conditions for the organization to recruit people?" Yu Xiaobai expressed that he was not satisfied with working alone. It was very tiring to intervene in the war of a small country.

"Kage level or close to shadow level strength, chakra is enough." Pain said.

"Okay." Yu Xiaobai rolled his eyes secretly, but fortunately, when he opened the scroll, he found that the amount of his tasks was not too much, and it seemed that the weight of one person per group was also reduced.

PS: I see some people don’t understand the protagonist’s joining of Akatsuki.

Let me first explain that the protagonist did not think about it from the beginning, but was "semi-forced".

The reasons are roughly listed in the order of writing. First, I found that I have not improved in the ANBU, and comics require continuous improvement of strength as insurance; second, there is a problem with "Gen" (refuse to win over, mistakenly thinking of killing); third, Akatsuki They came to your door (the first time they started fighting without saying anything in Rain Ninja Village, and the second time Madara came home). If you don’t agree, you are an enemy. I can’t ask you whether you want to join. If you say you don’t want to join, nothing will happen. Chapter 2 Fourth, the protagonist has to hand over the railgun. Although he and Konoha have been at peace with each other for twelve years, the protagonist is not willing to do this.

Another factor is that after knowing the connection with the earth, there is no big obsession or attachment to the homeland. There are also many resources within Akatsuki, such as intelligence, and the degree of freedom is very high.

That's all I can say, it depends on the person.

In addition, regarding books, I can always write better. Now I can only say that I have barely passed, but it is impossible to work full-time. Looking back, it is still a bit regretful.

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