Please answer Naruto

Chapter 12 Dawn

Not long after Yu Xiaobai returned to the ANBU to report, he received a task from his superiors.

"Where's Aida-senpai?"

Yu Xiaobai came to the underground headquarters and saw that he was the only one coming to the room where captain Qingchuan Wu lived, and he couldn't help but said doubtfully. It stands to reason that the two of them should act together.

"Xiang Tian is not participating in this task." Qingchuan Wu took out a document from under his desk and threw it to Yu Xiaobai, "There is something going on at home..." Qingchuan Wu paused, glanced at Yu Xiaobai, and added, "It's a happy event, my wife has given birth to a baby."

Yu Xiaobai was shocked when he heard it, "What? I don't even know about this. Uncle Xiangtian didn't tell me."

"There are so many things you don't know." Qingchuan Wu said casually, pointing to the documents on the table, "This is the mission briefing, take a look."

"Okay." Although Yu Xiaobai wanted to complain to the ANBU captain, "You don't know anything about spoilers," he still honestly picked up the file. Hinata Aida is not young and has a family for a long time. This is possible It's the second child. But uncle can do it. The surface is cold, but on the inside... huh? Um!

"In this case, this mission involves running outside, and may stay for a long time." Yu Xiaobai opened the document and began to read it, and said, to be honest, it is definitely easier to be on duty in the village than to sleep outside, "Then this time only myself?"

"The mission will indeed take a while, but you are not alone."

Qingchuanwu's words made Yu Xiaobai pause, raise his head, and ask questions in his eyes.

"You have a temporary teammate to help you complete your mission." Takeshi Aokawa said directly, his tone even filled with appreciation, "He is a genius from ANBU. By chance, he is here."

At this time, the sound of the door opening happened to be heard. Yu Xiaobai turned his head and looked around, and couldn't help being stunned.

"Asana Yubai, this is your teammate for this mission, Uchiha Itachi."

He has black hair and black eyes, and is wearing clothes with the Uchiha clan emblem printed on them. He actually looks quite immature, but his face already has a deep sense of calmness and rigor, and his temperament is very cool and handsome like the future two pillars. Sure enough, he has the same lineage. . Yu Xiaobai looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was only eleven years old, and scratched his face.


Yu Xiaobai has met some big figures in the original work, such as the Third Hokage and the Three Ninjas, and they have a close relationship. This time, I actually became a temporary teammate with the still young Itachi, which felt quite amazing.

Although Uchiha Itachi was still young at this time, he was already a chuunin, and he had fully demonstrated his amazing talents in all aspects. The potential of jounin was far beyond that. Children in the ninja world matured precociously, and Uchiha Itachi's mind was even more mature. He is far more mature than he looks on the outside. If Yu Xiaobai remembers correctly, Itachi has now turned on the kaleidoscope because of the Shisui incident.

Not many people should know about Kaleidoscope yet. Yu Xiaobai estimated that the boy in front of him who was a head shorter than him didn't know whether he could beat the opponent who had opened Kaleidoscope...

With the limit of blood inheritance and the unmatched talent, Yu Xiaobai secretly clenched his fist.

"I'm sorry, I was delayed for a while at home." Itachi Uchiha bowed. There was nothing wrong with the etiquette, but his expression that was neither humble nor overbearing gave people a sense of distance.

"Itachi, this is your teammate for this mission, Chao Ming Yu Bai." Qingchuan Wu introduced.

Itachi Uchiha came over and looked at Yu Xiaobai for a while, and then his expression began to show a little embarrassment - because Yu Xiaobai had been looking at him eagerly since he entered the door. What was he doing? Is there anything dirty on his face? ?

Probably because Yu Xiaobai's gaze was too shameless, Itachi couldn't help but avoid his eyes, "I have long admired your name, Senior Yu Bai."


"Ahaha... They are all false names. They are definitely not as famous as you."

Uchiha Itachi: "..."

Qingchuan Wu: "..."

Itachi felt speechless in his heart, but he concealed it well, "Please, please give me more advice."

Yu Xiaobai was naturally happy to be called "Senior" by the super popular person, and the two of them exchanged polite greetings and finally ended the opening ceremony.

"Yu Bai, Itachi has a very good mission resume after joining ANBU, but you are still young after all. But judging from your appearance just now, it is no problem to form a temporary teammate."

Maybe this is also Qingchuan Wu's consideration. Although Itachi is very good, there are always people who work hard but have average talent and are not interested in Itachi. The age difference between the senior ninja and him is too big, so Yu Xiaobai, who is also relatively young, is allowed to fight with Itachi. into a group.

"This mission is A-level, intelligence gathering type. The details are in the files."

After getting to know each other, Qingchuan Wu began to follow the procedures seriously, and Yu Xiaobai also became serious, opening the stack of papers they were given at the same time as Itachi.

After just reading a few lines of words, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but tighten his hand on the paper.

"...Prying out information on an organization called 'Akatsuki' in Yu Ninja Village..."

"It's actually Akatsuki?" Yu Xiaobai's heart jumped. This is an organization that runs through the main plot of the follow-up. "But that's right. As the largest ninja village, Konoha will definitely pay attention to the Akatsuki organization, and it's Itachi... Could it be Did I accidentally get involved in Itachi's initial contact with Akatsuki?"

Itachi is actually a very sad character, and his childhood to the end of his life is not a happy one. It is now the 54th year of Konoha. Although Yu Xiaobai cannot remember the time so clearly, in a few years, Itachi will destroy the entire Uchiha clan. Itachi is a triple agent, very complicated, but if Bo Yixiao says it irresponsibly... he is just a brother-in-law.

As for what will happen to Weasel in the future, Yu Xiaobai doesn't have much idea about what to do or change. He is just a little person. He still wants to return to Earth. His parents and friends are here and he has to find out the truth.

The content of the mission was quickly finished. The main purpose was to explore the intelligence of "Akatsuki" and see what the purpose of this organization was. Then try to collect as much information as possible and analyze whether it would be detrimental to Konoha. Akatsuki should still be keeping a low profile at this time. , not as arrogant and famous as he was later, so Konoha didn't pay much attention to it, and the mission level was also A. If Yu Xiaobai were to grade him, it would be no less than S.

There is nothing to say later. After Yu Xiaobai and Weita took over the mission, they were about to set off. After agreeing on the time, Yu Xiaobai went home to prepare for a trip and rested for a while. At noon, Yu Xiaobai heard a black sound. Long Yi left Konoha Village through the secret door with a pass. When he came outside, he found Itachi already waiting there.

"Let's go, Senior Yu Bai." Itachi said with a calm and cold expression while putting on his mask.

Yu Xiaobai nodded and also put on a mask. He was the captain of this mission. He took the lead and rushed out without saying anything.

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