Please answer Naruto

Chapter 11 Itachi

"Yu Bai, tell me why you disappeared for so long." Qingchuan Wu said in a deep voice.

Yu Xiaobai met the gazes of Qingchuan Wu and the others, and without blushing, he said the words he had thought of before.

"Is such that……"

After a cup of tea, the bright torches in the underground base flickered and danced. Qingchuanwu stared into Yu Xiaobai's eyes, and Yu Xiaobai was not afraid to look at each other. If you get timid at this time, you will lose.

You can't see through me, you can't see through me, you can't see through me...

"That's just the way it is."

When Yu Xiaobai finished speaking, the room fell into a brief silence. A few seconds later, Qingchuan Wucai slowly said, "I see." Then he asked for some details, but Yu Xiaobai was prepared and did not reveal his flaws. Minutes later, Qingchuan Wu's expression softened, he turned to the white dog ANBU and said, "Write a backup as Yu Bai said."

The ANBU, who had been given a hard job without any reason, scratched his head, nodded and retreated.

Later, Qingchuan Wu said some comforting words to Yu Xiaobai, and after paying tribute to Hinata Aida, Yu Xiaobai left with Hinata Aita.

Yu Xiaobai was absent from work for several days now, but "something happened for a reason", so the head of the dark force Qingchuan Wu let Yu Xiaobai rest for a day and then resume work.

As for whether he was worried about whether his words would work, Yu Xiaobai knew that the ANBU would definitely continue to investigate, but there would be no results anyway. Konoha would question Yun Ninja Village about this matter? Konoha and Kumo Ninja were already unhappy with each other. Now that Kumo Ninja revealed his secret, it would be regarded as a breach of diplomatic trust. Only when the two sides can trust each other and talk and discuss what happened can there be trouble.

"Uncle Xiangtian, why are you here so late?" Yu Xiaobai said to Hinata Xiangtian embarrassedly after walking out of the underground headquarters.

"A colleague on duty said that he saw you back and that I was fine at home, so I came to take a look." Hinata Xiangtian, dressed in casual clothes, patted Yu Xiaobai's shoulder with a generous hand, "Since you are fine, that's fine. Qingchuan doesn't care about you. It will be too difficult, just go through the procedures, don’t worry.”

"Well, okay, Uncle Aida."

"Go back and rest." Hinata Aida said and walked back to Hinata's mansion.

When he walked downstairs to the Hokage's office building, the lights of the big shots above him were still bright. Yu Xiaobai watched the other party leave and shouted loudly: "Thank you, uncle!"

Hinata Aida, who was about to disappear into the shadows on the other side, turned his head faintly, waved his hand and walked away.

"Hey, let's react a little bit. It's okay to smile." Yu Xiaobai, who had passed the incident safely, was relieved for the time being and walked back to his residence relatively relaxedly. He muttered on the way, "You are so old-fashioned and serious. What will happen in the future?" Educate children.”

Jumping to an eaves, the wooden leaves spread out at night, and the light of a window is a life. At this time, they are gradually extinguished to rest. Yu Xiaobai picked up some speed. On the way home, the water tower he always stopped to climb was still standing there. There was a park with swings and trees inside. Yu Xiaobai unknowingly ran faster and faster, the sound of wind passed by his ears, chakra surged under his feet, and then a trace of lightning even appeared, and he passed through the air like an afterimage, startling some passers-by to look up.

Soon, Yu Xiaobai returned to his yard with a little breath. It was a large area that was allocated after being promoted to ANBU. Living alone was actually a waste. When he opened the door, there wasn't much furniture. After all, he wasn't a person who could put a lot of thought into his life, and the conditions for his ninja career didn't allow it.

It was late at night, and Yu Xiaobai felt tired after working for a long time. He took a shower and changed clothes before lying on the bed. The floor and tatami became the floor and tatami again. Yu Xiaobai sighed.

The reason why I suddenly rushed into the village with all my strength before was because I was a little upset when I saw Konoha under the night. The matter of concealing the time travel was solved, but the subsequent troubles were not over yet. Yu Xiaobai, who had been used to it before, only thought about ninjas, but now he had an extra world.

This ninja world is so real, what I can recall is what I see now.

What is the truth please answer me.

Yu Xiaobai was lying on the bed tossing and turning, just like the scene on the first day when he returned to the earth. His thoughts spread endlessly under time. In the end, Yu Xiaobai made himself hard. He didn't know the next time he traveled. In the original work, Konoha was in In the following years, major events continued to happen, and I still had a lot to work hard on, and strength was undoubtedly the foundation of everything.

The next day, in the yard.

"The art of shadow clone."

Three shadow clones appeared in the open space, and there were four when Yu Xiaobai's body was included. He stretched in front of the morning sun, and after a few warm-up exercises, he started his daily training.

Yu Xiaobai hardly let go of his hands and feet during his one week on the earth. Normal running and other warm-ups are not considered. Physical fitness and skills are closely related to daily use. Ninjas continue to hone their skills as they complete tasks, and they use training in their spare time to prevent their condition from declining.

Yu Xiaobai will naturally use the training skill of shadow clone, but he does not dare to use it too much. Regardless of whether the amount of chakra is enough, the amount of information that will pour in when the clone is disbanded will be enough to drink a pot. , not everyone can be as perverted as Naruto.

He has to go to work again tomorrow, and the ANBU will inevitably have some dangerous tasks. It is very necessary for Yu Xiaobai to get his physical condition back.

There was a strong wind in the yard, and there were thunder and lightning from time to time. The training process was actually long and boring. After a morning, Yu Xiaobai, who was sweating profusely, ate something to replenish energy and water, rested after noon, and began to endure the afternoon training. Technological exercises.

It's early autumn now, and the weather still has the residual warmth of summer, so you can often see bright sunshine. Yu Xiaobai knew a lot of ninjutsu. When he first had enough chakra to learn ninjutsu, he studied it crazily for a while out of curiosity and excitement. However, absorbing it on a large scale was like swallowing a jujube in one gulp. Later combat experience also showed that not too much was needed. There are all kinds of fancy things, but mastering a few ninjutsu is enough to make you a winner in life and death.

Therefore, Yu Xiaobai's foundation is quite solid. His chakra attributes are thunder and fire, but he majors in thunder escape. He can also use ninjutsu with other attributes, but it is not very practical, and now he has gradually abandoned them.

After traveling back and forth between Earth and Naruto, Yu Xiaobai also rekindled his enthusiasm for improving his strength. There may be huge challenges waiting for him behind the things he wants to figure out, and the laziness accumulated over the past twelve years has also disappeared. He is only eighteen years old, and even if he is not as good as a freak genius, he can definitely improve.

The day passed quickly. When the shadow clone was released, Yu Xiaobai, who was prepared, shook his body before he stabilized his body. He was too tired to go out for a walk at night, so he quickly went to wash up and go to bed.

After a night of silence, Yu Xiaobai heard unexpected news after finishing work.

"Asana Yubai, this is your teammate for this mission, Uchiha Itachi."

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