Please answer Naruto

Chapter 10 Lies

The sky quickly darkened. Yu Xiaobai thought for a moment and decided that there was no need to wait until tomorrow to return to Konoha Village. He would just go outside and wander around for a while. It would be fine if he was out of touch for a long time. Konoha's attitude towards him is also likely to change. If he doesn't want to be turned into a rebellious nin, he will just play Dafa.

After eating the simple dinner provided by the inn, Yu Xiaobai went outside and used the remaining money to buy a set of old and stale clothes, and then returned to the room to restore chakra with all his strength. When night fell and the village gradually became quiet, he got up, changed his clothes, left the inn, and rushed towards Konoha Village in the dark.

With abundant strength in his body again, Yu Xiaobai entered a forest. There was no industrial destruction in the Naruto world and the forest resources were rich. He stepped on a thick tree trunk, then jumped up and landed. The scenery passed by his ears for more than ten meters in the blink of an eye. The distance and speed have returned to the previous level, so that the ninja's rush can only occur under specific circumstances here.

"There is one more important question that I haven't figured out yet..." Yu Xiaobai kept jumping on the tree trunks. This place is in the Country of Fire and close to Konoha Village. It is an absolutely safe place. In the dead of night, people can see the swaying vision. Occasionally, the light of a firefly breaks in, "Have I really been drawn into a comic..."

Although the distant view is certain, it is a bit weak as evidence. But if you really want to determine the answer to this question, it's actually not difficult to think about it - just keep in frequent contact with the original characters, especially Naruto. As the main character of the comic, if you keep jumping around Stealing the spotlight, when Yu Xiaobai returns, he will naturally be able to see himself through comics.

Don't worry about this matter. After all, it's not certain when you will return to Earth. It may take a long time, because there are still six years until Naruto and Xiaoqiang graduate.

When he was about to walk out of this small forest, Yu Xiaobai stopped and began to camouflage carefully. The bumps and dust in the details made him look like he had traveled a long distance. When Yu Xiaobai went on missions outside the village in the past, half of them came back looking unclean, and he also had a lot of experience with this.

When everything was ready, Yu Xiaobai ran towards the distance where the lights of Konoha Village could be vaguely seen.

"I am a Konoha ANBU jounin, my name is Yu Bai, my ninja number is XXXXXXX. I am performing a secret mission outside. I am coming back now."

Yu Xiaobai appeared directly on the avenue outside the gate of Konoha Village. Two chunin on duty rushed out to stop him when they saw him. The night was sensitive, and one chuunin even took out a flare.

However, Yu Xiaobai deliberately speeded up his speech to make the other party stop.

A chuunin stared at Yu Xiaobai, keeping his distance, "Where are your forehead protectors and identification?"

Another chuunin holding a signal flare was on guard further away. Yu Xiaobai ignored the chuunin behind him and said in an indifferent tone to the thirty-year-old chuunin in front of him: "It was lost during the mission. Don't ask so much." If there is more, go back and report it quickly.”

Although Yu Xiaobai pretended to be cool and aloof, which made the Chuunin on duty a little unhappy, Yu Xiaobai didn't look like he was lying in front of him. He couldn't bear the responsibility for any mistakes he made, so he slapped his companions behind him. With a wink, he said "Wait a moment" to Yu Xiaobai, and then hurried back to the village.

Yu Xiaobai was not too nervous. After all, he had done nothing wrong, and he had been working hard for Konoha for many years.

As for the Guapi Chuunin who had not seen his transformation skills in the past two afternoons, Yu Xiaobai didn't care at all when he spoke in a bad manner. The level of ANBU was already much higher than theirs, personally. The number and level of completed tasks on his resume were also unmatched. He was actually being polite, at least he stopped talking and told the situation.

The chuunin came back immediately after the announcement, followed by an ANBU wearing a white dog mask. The ANBU who came was surprised when he saw Yu Xiaobai, and Yu Xiaobai nodded when he saw this colleague. The White Dog Anbu explained to the two Chunin on duty, and then hesitated to speak to Yu Xiaobai, who looked dusty. After all, it was not a good time to talk. The other party motioned for Yu Xiaobai to follow.

Using all the strength of the Jonin's speed, the two of them rushed towards the ANBU base.

Most of the lights in Konoha Village are still not extinguished, and the joy in the silence is what every Konoha ninja is guarding.

The ANBU is divided into two factions, one is the "root" belonging to Danzo, and the other is the ordinary ANBU who is directly under the Hokage and is currently the third generation Yuan Fei Hiruzen. Gen mostly does some shady work, while the tasks of ordinary ANBU are relatively less dark, and Yu Xiaobai belongs to this.

In fact, Yu Xiaobai also had the opportunity to enter a more mysterious root at the beginning, and his requirements have been met. However, knowing the original work, he did not hesitate to cut off this path and enter the root. Not only would his life be in danger at all times, but his personal freedom would also be severely restricted, which Yu Xiaobai could not accept.

The ANBU base is not far from the Hokage's office building. After all, it serves the Hokage and the Ninja Village. The headquarters is located underground under one building.

After several inspection procedures, Yu Xiaobai and the white dog ANBU met their ANBU leader, Qingchuan Wu, a serious man with a scar on his face.

Compared with the darkness and depth inside the "Root" base described in the original work, Yu Xiaobai was not too dissatisfied with the office environment of the ANBU. At least the lights were bright, and there was no need to create a gloomy and heavy atmosphere.

Yu Xiaobai has disappeared for so long. He must report the reason to his superiors. Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai has always been clean and has no problem with his mission performance. He became a jounin at the age of eighteen and is very good. He is one of the top leaders of Konoha. On the more optimistic side, Qingchuan Wu looked at Yu Xiaobai with a fair expression.

However, what Yu Xiaobai didn't expect was that Hinata Aangda arrived in a hurry after a while. After seeing that Yu Xiaobai was intact, the man in his forties patted his shoulder, his white pupils filled with laughter. He couldn't tell the expression clearly, but the unspeakable concern in it made Yu Xiaobai feel warm in his heart.

Yu Xiaobai also made many friends here, including ninjas who were not mentioned in the original work but are all worthy of admiration. He also relied on humor to get along well when he first came to ANBU, but when it comes to people who can truly become confidants, they are actually No.

It's a pity that none of those friends who have experienced life and death in the Ninja World War or in the execution of the team have remained until now.

After seeing that Yu Xiaobai was okay, Hinata Xiangtian felt relieved. After signaling to Qingchuan Wu, he stood aside, apparently ready to listen to Yu Xiaobai's story.

Yu Xiaobai scratched his head. Uncle Xiangtian treated him sincerely, but the lie still had to be told.

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