Please answer Naruto

Chapter 9 Organizing

Without any warning, his body rose from the ground to mid-air. Even though Yu Xiaobai was an experienced Jonin, he didn't react for a moment. He saw the ground getting closer to him quickly, and then he fell to the ground with a non-descript thud. .

I'm not in the room anymore.

Yu Xiaobai got up with a somewhat ugly look on his face. Falling down was a trivial matter. Although he took the impact forcefully, he consciously made protective actions, and with the last trace of chakra protection, there was no big problem.

What really made Yu Xiaobai look bad was when he saw his surroundings. Those modern furnishings and rooms disappeared, and with a sudden glance in the air, the familiar streets with wooden leaf walls and tiles came into view again.

He traveled back in time again... Many experiences have made Yu Xiaobai no longer as surprised as before, but the unspeakable complexity is really there.

Yu Xiaobai leaned against the wall to relieve the pain in his body. He looked up as if feeling something. Sure enough, not far above was the bloated apartment building. The gap in the corridor that was broken by the Chidori had been repaired. Seven, seven, eight, eight.

The position has not changed...

Yu Xiaobai took a deep breath, suppressed his mood first, and looked around. He happened to fall into a dark alley, and some voices floated in faintly from outside.

It seemed that he was very lucky. No one should have seen him suddenly appear and fall from the sky.

The time was wrong, I don’t know how long it had passed... Yu Xiaobai took another look at the white wall of the corridor that still had scorch marks, thought for a while, lowered his head and walked out.

He had to understand the basic situation first. This involved Yu Xiaobai's biggest time-travel secret, and he could only figure it out on his own.

Arriving at the boundary between light and shadow between the alley and the street, Yu Xiaobai stopped and squinted at the afternoon sun. There are people coming and going on the road. Konoha Village is a victorious country in the Ninja World War. It occupies the most fertile area, and with good management, it can be regarded as the best Ninja Village for cultivating health. There is peace and prosperity on the streets.

A young man with his hands on the back of his head and a sinister look on his face was walking down the street, his gaze unscrupulous. Most of the passers-by looked at him and immediately avoided him, for fear of getting into any trouble.

At a certain moment, the carefree young man walked proudly through most of the street. When he passed a certain alley, a hand popped out like lightning.

"Brother, let me take a step to speak."

"Who are you..." The young gangster had not finished pretending to be cool. He was about to get angry when he was interrupted. The hand grabbing his shoulder came with a strong force, and he was pulled into the alley and was thrown to the ground.

Yu Xiaobai was too lazy to say another word, so without saying a word, he knocked out this young man who looked like he was not a good bird at first glance, and then changed his clothes skillfully.

After destroying his original clothes, Yu Xiaobai left the gangster behind and appeared on the streets of Konoha.

"If I remember correctly, this is Yamate Road." Yu Xiaobai tried his best to lower his head and look hurried. It would be troublesome to meet an acquaintance at this time, and there would be no place to explain.

An ANBU disappeared and then reappeared in the village. He did not contact the headquarters but acted secretly. What does this mean? It's obvious that I'm an undercover agent, and Yu Xiaobai doesn't want to play "Infernal Affairs".

For a person in a violent organization, it is very simple to avoid violent organizations. Yu Xiaobai is very clear about the habits of ninjas on duty in Konoha, and soon he came to the gate of Konoha.

The Konoha wall is very high. Not only is it eye-catching when you climb up, it can also easily attract the attention of ANBU on duty. At this time, Yu Xiaobai doesn't want to be touched by his colleagues. He is short of chakra and would be in trouble. The situation at the gate is different. Now in peacetime, there are only two chuunin responsible for daily guarding. Relatively speaking, it is easier to fool.

It was too difficult to explain the phenomenon of his sudden disappearance and reappearance. Yu Xiaobai had to think of a way during this period. He pretended that he had been attacked and robbed by enemies who had extra ambushes in the previous battle, and then "a battle of wits and courage" After a hard fight, he came back.

It's a bit far-fetched, but Konoha can't find any obvious evidence. So now Yu Xiaobai had to leave Konoha Village first and then come back. In order to cover up the secret of time travel, Yu Xiaobai also worked hard.

Seeing an opportunity, Yu Xiaobai followed a caravan carriage, keeping an ambiguous distance from the people in front. When the two chunin glanced at Yu Xiaobai who was using the transformation technique, the expressions on their faces No change, but his heart suddenly lifted. Fortunately, this time the goddess of luck was on Yu Xiaobai's side, and he walked out of the gate of Konoha Village safely.


After one kilometer away, Yu Xiaobai separated from the caravan and could no longer hold on. The transformation spell was lifted and he returned to his original appearance. The transformation technique is okay for ordinary people, but it is easy for ninjas to see through it. The two melon-skinned chuunin didn't notice it. It seemed that Yu Xiaobai's grasp of chakra details was far better than the other's.

"Here, the recovery speed of chakra is back to normal." Yu Xiaobai thought to himself. Using the map he had memorized before, he came to the nearest village. Most of the people living there were ordinary people, and there was nothing big. , The sun rises and sets and rests near the mountains and rivers.

Using the money he got from a young gangster, he found the only small inn in the village. After renting a room, Yu Xiaobai settled down temporarily.

I had already asked the innkeeper at the counter what time it was, and now seven days had passed since the day I carried out my mission.

Seven days is exactly one week.

Yu Xiaobai sat on the bed in the room, recovering chakra while starting to sort out the information he knew so far.

For seemingly unknown reasons, he is able to constantly travel between the two worlds of Naruto and Earth.

Yu Xiaobai clenched his fist, and a surge of lightning emerged powerfully again. He recovered a lot of chakra in a short period of time. This was an efficiency that was completely incomparable on Earth, probably because of the different worlds. , although chakra energy can exist on the earth, it recovers extremely slowly.

As for the timeline, when I was in Naruto for twelve years, the earth was only a blink of an eye, so the time on the two sides did not flow equally. When I was on the earth, the time of Naruto passed at the same time. I went to school for five days and one weekend. All are seven days.

And if you travel through the rules, it becomes obvious. The body directly travels through space, seemingly "disappearing out of thin air". Wherever it was before, it will be where it travels back.

Yu Xiaobai's eyes flashed with light, and the words "To be continued" were still engraved in his mind. The time of Naruto's serialization was definitely not a coincidence, and in connection with this, the comic published one chapter a week, which coincided with the time he traveled through. .

If we confirm based on these for the time being, then we can understand Yu Xiaobai's time travel pattern when he is on the earth. It is simply once every seven days. What about when he is Hokage? I had stayed there for twelve years without any movement, until that day when a shuriken flew over...

What is the medium? Or what is the opportunity to travel back to Earth from Hokage? Yu Xiaobai still doesn't understand, but it must be related to the four words "to be continued".

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