Please answer Naruto

Chapter 14 Discussion

Early the next morning, when the birds were chirping, Yu Xiaobai and Weasel were already having breakfast on the first floor of the hotel.

In fact, according to Itachi's past habits, or the habits of ninjas, during missions, they always eat dry food to save time. Even staying in a hotel with a high level of comfort was not necessary in Itachi's eyes. Most ninjas would choose to travel more and stay in the wild last night.

But Yu Xiaobai is different after all. Although he has long been integrated into the world of ninjas, the lifestyle of modern society still remains. Extraordinary times have extraordinary practices, and the two do not conflict.

Yu Xiaobai took Weasel down and had a normal meal. The boss's cooking was pretty good, and the miso soup was very special. During this period, Yu Xiaobai noticed that Weasel's expression was a little strange, and he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong? Didn't you sleep well last night? Still doesn't taste good?"

"No, that's not the case..." Itachi looked down at the miso soup, which reflected his still green face, "Senior, no... I always feel that you, Yu Bai, are different from ordinary ninjas."

"That's it." Yu Xiaobai laughed after hearing this. He understood the other party's meaning as a compliment, and immediately replied, "It must be different. Even during the war, Konoha had a lot of talented people. There are very few people at my age who are promoted to jonin."


Itachi managed to keep his face calm. After getting along with him for a day, he had become resistant to Yu Xiaobai's strange words from time to time. These words are not as arrogant and aggressive as they appear on the surface. On the contrary, they are very gentle and different from the intrigues and intrigues in this cruel world.

"But don't be discouraged, Itachi. With your strength, you will be able to become a jounin in a short time." Yu Xiaobai's tone was full of senior demeanor, and he still pretended to be a jounin in the same young face. of decent appearance.

"...Thank you." Itachi thought it would be better to say less and lowered his head to eat.

After paying the money, the two packed their bags and walked out of Daoqing City where they stayed briefly, and continued towards the border of the Country of Fire.

The journey was calm and calm, and they did not encounter any wandering bandits or strongmen robbing homes. Soon the same day passed and the two of them were very close to the border of the Fire Country. When night fell, they found an open space in a forest. , camped down.

"We camp here today, and tomorrow we can go to the Kingdom of Rain." Yu Xiaobai spread out a map. The annotations on it seemed a bit crude to Yu Xiaobai, but there were all kinds of basic information, which the ninjas usually used. This journey.

"The Kingdom of Rain is very small, and Rain Ninja Village occupies a large proportion of it. In other words, when we step out of the border, we will be very close to the destination of this mission." Itachi sat next to Yu Xiaobai, Listening carefully to the speech, a bonfire was burning in front of the two of them.

"You must also know where Yu Ren Village is. When the time comes, you will be more vigilant and officially start to lurk." Yu Xiaobai said what others had told him before, and there was no unique insight. In fact, Yu Xiaobai didn't say anything, but Itachi was also able to grasp it, but luckily Itachi was quite cooperative.

There's nothing wrong with relaxing in the Land of Fire, but once outside, things have to get serious. The two foreign ninjas had to be careful when lurking in other ninja villages, even if it was a chaotic and loose place like Rain Ninja Village.

It was getting dark, but it was too early to rest and sleep. Yu Xiaobai looked at Weasel next to him who seemed to be getting up and preparing to leave with his ninja tool bag. He thought of the night in Daoqing City and said, "Going to practice again?"

Itachi stood and nodded when he heard this, "That's right, Yu Bai, aren't you?" The scene of Yu Xiaobai's return from hard training last night seemed to give Itachi a little more recognition.

"Oh, I'm about the same." Yu Bai also stood up and jumped twice on the spot. An idea suddenly crossed his mind just now.


Itachi turned his head in confusion, and a kunai flew lightly, and he caught it subconsciously.

"Training alone is boring, and the effect may not be good. Do you want us to compare notes?" Yu Xiaobai finished a few warm-up moves at this time and looked at Itachi a few meters away. The village may be able to cooperate more.”

If it were another Jonin, he might not be able to say such a thing. After all, he is facing an eleven-year-old boy. He may have the heart to communicate and understand, but he may not have the face to say it.

However, Yu Xiaobai has no such baggage at all. He knows who he is facing now.

"Of course." Itachi's eyes flickered a few times, and his heart was aroused by Yu Xiaobai's words. "I have already heard that senior has a self-made S-level ninjutsu."

Yu Xiaobai coughed lightly. I don't know why, but at this time, I felt a little embarrassed to be flattered that you were the one who caused Chidori. His Chidori is indeed famous both in and outside the village. After all, he was only in his early tenth year at that time, and he had already used S-level homemade ninjutsu. It was difficult not to attract attention, and he was even used to get stuck for a while. Cassie is comparable, but no one has said it in the past many years.

"I've long wanted to fight against the geniuses of the Uchiha clan." Yu Xiaobai responded as usual. In fact, it was nonsense. He is not a fighting maniac. Whoever wants to practice with the perverts has nothing to do. Isn't it tiring? , and easily susceptible to mental damage. This time it's just a special situation.

"That's enough. And if you lose, don't say I bullied you because of my age." Yu Xiaobai finally added.

Itachi said nothing and nodded.

Taking a breath, Yu Xiaobai looked serious.

The childhood Itachi's memories in the original work have already been described as strong, but Yu Xiaobai wanted to take this opportunity to see with his own eyes how powerful an eleven-year-old boy, or rather a child, could be?

"Let's get started." Yu Xiaobai's tone became colder.


Itachi said nothing, and the kunai that Yu Xiaobai threw before was thrown back by him. The whistling roared loudly in the quiet woods, and the speed was extremely fast. Coupled with the darkness of the night, there was a feeling that people could not dodge.

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