Please answer Naruto

Chapter 15 Fighting with the eleven-year-old Itachi

Yu Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and looked at the weird kunai. The Uchiha clan has always done a good job in throwing kunai. Now, people can feel the difference as soon as they take action.

But that's all. Yu Xiaobai didn't move. He predicted the trajectory. He held the kunai firmly in his right hand and flicked it. He hit the fast sharp weapon accurately and moved along the path. Sparks flew up. With a casual pick, his left hand directly caught the kunai that had bounced into the air and had no lethality.

Yu Xiaobai shook the kunai hanging in his left hand and raised his chin towards Itachi. Confidence comes from strength, and he provoked the opponent a little.

"He is worthy of being one of the top ninjas in Konoha." Itachi thought to himself. He had heard his father mention Yubai's name at home. Although he was not conspicuous compared to other geniuses, he was still among the top tier. A person with fighting prowess and the strength of an elite jounin.

But these only aroused Itachi's fighting spirit. He jumped back a long distance and stepped directly on a thick branch. He raised his hand and threw three more kunai.

"You're not convinced, it's just a pain in the ass..." Before Yu Xiaobai could finish his words, Itachi interrupted him with his actions. "Swish, swish, swish", the other three kunai were thrown from Itachi's left hand from the height. The speed was a minute faster, and he actually caught up with the previous three. Bang, bang, bang, Yu Xiaobai unexpectedly collided, and the six kunai unexpectedly hit him. It changed its trajectory, drew an arc, and attacked Yu Xiaobai from a flanking position.

This skill even surpassed that of the average jounin. Unexpectedly, Yu Xiaobai was forced into a blind corner. In the blink of an eye, he did not deliberately use his thunder escape to get rid of him with his speed advantage, but stood stubbornly on the spot.

I took the time to look at Itachi's position, only to find that he didn't stay where he was, but kept jumping back and forth in the shadows.

"Trouble." He stood there partly because he wanted to confuse the other party. Now that the idea of ​​a defensive counterattack had failed, Yu Xiaobai could only temporarily cope with the crisis at hand. With a sway of his body, he threw three darts as hard as he could and knocked them away. With three kunai, he turned his body sideways at the same time, moved his hand horizontally, "bang bang", dodged one and blocked the remaining two at the same time.

"It's just like that... Damn it." While dealing with six directions in a small area at the same time, Yu Xiaobai had a cold sweat on his back, but before he could finish his words of slapping the fat man in the face, he saw another plane coming from the opposite direction. A wave of kunai, twelve this time...

Can you be so accurate while running, jumping and throwing kunai? !

This time Yu Xiaobai couldn't stand there and pretend to be cool. If he pretended to be cool anymore, he would be an idiot. After squatting slightly, he jumped up and left the place.

When he was almost at the highest point in the air and stagnant, a kunai arrived in front of Yu Xiaobai at just the right time.

Itachi, who had just thrown a kunai from the tree trunk more than ten meters away, was a little confused. Jumping into the air with such flaws?

"Bang", a shadow clone exactly like Yu Xiaobai appeared in the smoke. Ignoring the threat of kunai, the shadow clone directly took Yu Xiaobai's hand and pulled with all his strength!

Yu Xiaobai rushed directly to where Weasel was!

Itachi's eyes moved. He didn't expect that the shadow clone could be used in this way. The distance between the two was not very far, so Yu Xiaobai suddenly got closer to him.


The two had their first head-to-head confrontation.

"Finally opened the Sharingan?" Yu Xiaobai said when he saw the scarlet eyes on Itachi's face who was close to Chi Chi.

Itachi felt the strength of the kunai, and his hands were trembling slightly. The two kunai were placed together, grinding together like teeth. His strength was still a little weak now.

"Senior has such strength, why is he so low-key in the village?"

The two exchanged several moves in a flash, and Yu Xiaobai clearly had the upper hand. Now Yu Xiaobai relied on his age to deal with the still young genius, which was not embarrassing. When Yu Xiaobai heard Weasel's confused questions, he caught the opponent's fist and kicked him.

Itachi relied on his Sharingan-enhanced dynamic vision to naturally capture it, but unfortunately the gap in strength still caused him to fall back involuntarily.

"Low-key is the way to go."

Yu Xiaobai casually said a popular saying in modern society, but Itachi was stunned for a moment, and his expression turned to thinking.

"Low-key is the way to go..." Complex emotions emerged in the heart of the eleven-year-old boy who should not have had them. Uchiha and Konoha, the two forces that had been secretly wary of each other for a long time, had recently had undercurrents.

After Itachi joined ANBU, he came into contact with more heavy things.

"You're not in a daze, are you?" Yu Xiaobai came up behind Itachi with a teleportation technique, and the kunai was already on the other's neck.

"Bang", there was a brief burst of smoke, and the ferret turned into a wooden pile.

"The speed of the Substitution Technique is almost catching up with mine." Yu Xiaobai put down the kunai without any surprise and secretly estimated the speed of the seals.

Yu Xiaobai attaches great importance to the basics, so at a very young age, he practiced the Substitution Technique, a ninjutsu that is very useful out of combat, to the point where it is readily available. After the war, it has even been honed into an instinct for encountering danger. Having read the original work, he also knew how Naruto later used the shadow clone. It is no exaggeration to say that if the shadow clone is used well, combat adaptability and offensive capabilities can be directly improved to a higher level.

However, at Itachi's age, the Substitution Technique can be completed instantly. It has to be said that the opponent's talent level is really very high.

"Pfft." There was a sound of kunai piercing the clothes, and Itachi appeared behind Yu Xiaobai, but he was immediately stunned, and Yu Xiaobai in front of him also turned into a wooden stake.

But it was clearly pierced into the clothes just now...

A strong wind hit, and Itachi subconsciously raised his hand to block it. He couldn't stand still due to the force of the sneak attack, and he had to fall from the tree trunk.

On the way down, Weasel managed to throw a dart, forcing Yu Xiaobai's pursuit away.

Yu Xiaobai, who seemed to be tricked by the Substitute Technique, immediately responded with a more advanced Substitute Technique. After Weasel rolled up slightly embarrassed, the seal in Yu Xiaobai's hand was already halfway formed.

"Fire Escape..."

A look of shock flashed across Itachi's face, his scarlet eyes rotated rapidly, and the original two-magatama instantly turned into a three-magatama.

"Art fire escape ho fireball!"

Itachi started later, but he and Yu Xiaobai completed the ninjutsu seals at the same time. Chakra surged chaotically, the air became hot, and two red fireballs, one up and down, collided together.

"Boom!" Sawdust and grass leaves were flying, and some of them were directly burned to ashes by the fire ball. The dazzling fire light illuminated the dark forest, and the aftermath of the ninjutsu's bombardment caused the surrounding trees to sway. Yu Xiaobai Frowning, he had the advantage of the terrain, but he couldn't suppress the opponent's powerful fire ball... The two were evenly matched.

"Is it because of the minor training in Fire Release?" Yu Xiaobai thought with some regret. It was not impossible for him to increase the chakra output at this time, but this was a bit too bullying. After all, Itachi was only eleven years old.

After reading this, he felt that it was almost done. Yu Xiaobai first removed the fire ball and jumped to another tree that was still intact.

"Let's end it here."

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