Please answer Naruto

Chapter 16 Vigil

Yu Xiaobai's sudden stop made Itachi unable to react for a moment. Even if he withdrew his strength, a ball of fire suddenly flew forward into the unobstructed air for a distance, and finally hit a certain unlucky big tree.

"Boom", the fire behind him burned, and there was a crackling explosion. Yu Xiaobai didn't look back. Well, pure men never look back to see the explosion.

"Is this the end?" Itachi began to pant a little. He looked up at Yu Xiaobai. There was some confusion in the three magatama's Sharingan eyes, and there was a sense of dissatisfaction in his tone. Indeed, the battle has only entered a good state now.

"Well, it's almost done. Let's just compare." Yu Xiaobai jumped in front of Weasel and smiled, "Let's treat it as a tie."

Itachi was silent and didn't say anything. In the end, he put away the kunai and nodded. On the surface, Yu Xiaobai had the advantage in this competition, but both sides had their own strength. If you think about it carefully, it is indeed almost the same up to this point. From now on, it may be necessary. I can't hold it back anymore.

After Itachi's Sharingan is opened to three magatama levels, it will be clearer to predict the opponent's movements. However, Yu Xiaobai is confident that after turning on the thunder escape acceleration, the opponent will be on the same level as him again. However, facing Yu, who is above the level of three magatama genjutsus. Xiao Bai was not very sure. After all, he was not very good at illusions.

Of course, the most important thing is that Itachi also has the ultimate move of Mangekyo. Therefore, a few minutes of fighting cannot be said to be a victory or defeat. If it were an actual battle, the uncertainty would be even greater. In life and death, there is no guarantee of victory. It is not impossible for a genin to kill a jounin.

The two dealt with the traces of the battle and extinguished the source of the fire caused by the fire ball to avoid causing a larger fire. Fortunately, they are still in the country of fire. If they make such a noise in another country, it would be a bit of a suicide attempt.

They camped at a different place, and the night was getting darker. They were about to start resting, and the two decided to take turns keeping watch.

There was no fighting, and the forest became quiet. The shadows of the trees swayed under the moonlight, and from time to time, the sound of insects could be heard coming through the grass. If you ignore the threat of wild beasts and venomous snakes, this is also a place with a very natural charm.

But Yu Xiaobai will definitely not cherish and sigh. The ninja world is like this everywhere. The primitive nature also means unsafe, including the fact that the entire continent is constantly at war. Many powerful people want to change it. Hatred follows hatred. It was a vicious cycle, but except for Naruto, no one succeeded.

In the first half of the night, Yu Xiaobai stayed vigil. The bonfire in front of him was already very small, and could only barely keep a trace of flame. Yu Xiaobai would hold the branches and stir them from time to time, so that the last bit of light would not disappear.

"Sharingan, Blood Succession Boundary... are really useful." Yu Xiaobai recalled the previous battle with Itachi and sighed. Itachi was working hard, and Yu Xiaobai was also working hard, but Itachi's growth rate will definitely increase in the future. Will surpass him, and the other will ebb and flow, including some of the later Xiaoqiang, who may leave him behind.

No one would compare this kind of thing, but Yu Xiaobai had his own standards in his heart. Could it be that after six or nine years, he could only watch the protagonists make troubles, retreat to the second line, and really turn into cartoon scenes? A background actor?

Although he has now discovered that he is still connected to the earth, it is a good choice to live a stable life on earth regardless of the entanglements in the ninja world. But the unstable time travel and the horrifying phenomenon that he seemed to be drawn into a comic book were destined to make Yu Xiaobai uneasy.

He had to understand all this. There seemed to be a hand controlling it, so he had to improve his strength.

"Do I still need to study time and space ninjutsu?" Yu Xiaobai thought in his heart. Everything involving time and space is very mysterious. Konoha's sealed book or some secret books may be involved. In addition, Yu Xiaobai can The only ones that came to mind were Madara and Obito.

"Do I also have to follow the traditional path of 'Every protagonist who travels through Naruto will join Akatsuki'?" Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but laugh when he thought of this. This was considered a bit of fun for himself. After he finished laughing, his expression became serious. .

In order to obtain knowledge about time and space, this method really has to be considered...

In the past, Yu Xiaobai might not have had such dangerous thoughts. He was a normal person, and Xiao had always been a place to accept abnormal people, but it was different now. He could still return to Earth, where he was still a high school student. , spending youth studying, that kind of life is so kind, and seems to be at your fingertips.

Suddenly, light footsteps came from behind. Yu Xiaobai reached for the kunai reflexively, but stopped in the middle of the movement.

It's Weasel. I was so engrossed in thinking about things that it turned out to be late at night.

I looked up and saw that the stars were still bright, but the moon was in the lower half of the sky.

"Senior." Itachi naturally noticed Yu Xiaobai's movements, but said nothing. He walked to sit next to Yu Xiaobai and greeted him.

"Well, you're up." Yu Xiaobai said, rubbed his face, stood up, and moved his stiff limbs a little.

Itachi sat in front of the dim campfire, fiddled with the branches a few times, and then wiped the kunai under the flickering light of the fire.

It was silent late at night, and in the quiet atmosphere, there was only the sound of Yu Xiaobai checking several early warning devices around him.

"No problem." Yu Xiaobai clapped his hands and came back and said.

Itachi showed his habitual cold expression and just nodded.

"Hey, go to sleep." Yu Xiaobai already knew what kind of character Weasel was, and without saying anything else, he was going to get into the tent.

Itachi lowered his head and wiped the kunai slowly, hesitating for a moment.

"Senior Yu Bai."

"Well, what's wrong?" Yu Xiaobai stopped and turned back in confusion.

"I overheard senior talking to himself just now..." Itachi said with a polite apology, "Senior, are you... envious of the Sharingan?"

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment and felt a little strange. What was this? He was about to say something casually when he suddenly saw Itachi's expression at this time.

Still a little silent, but sitting alone under the dim campfire, with the deep darkness behind him.

Pursing his lips, Yu Xiaobai thought for a while and said, "I'm definitely envious if I'm envious."

"Really?" As expected, Itachi had heard such words said by outsiders more than once.

"But, if I really have to choose, I still hope to be more ordinary." Yu Xiaobai's words later made Itachi raise his head, "The more you get, the more you will bear. The Uchiha family is burdened with the Sharingan. , It’s really unenviable.”

Thanks to My Yuluo and Xinhenl for the reward. In addition, please bosses, please be considerate and don’t talk about me as tj. Isn’t it okay for me to write?

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