Please answer Naruto

Chapter 17 Rain Ninja Village

"Senior, do you...know something?"

After Yu Xiaobai finished speaking, the atmosphere was quiet for a while, the flames made a beeping sound on the firewood, and then Weasel spoke.

"Well, you know a little bit about this." Yu Xiaobai scratched his head and said ambiguously. Anyone who has stayed in the village for a long time will know a little bit about the grievances between Uchiha and Konoha, but there is a rebellion within the Uchiha. There are definitely few people who know about it, and it is estimated that there are only signs of it now.

Itachi looked at Yu Xiaobai with his dark eyes, "What do you think, senior?"

This question was very abrupt, and it was a bit sensitive coming from Weasel's mouth. Of course, Yu Xiaobai didn't care much about political correctness.

"I'm not an Uchiha, why should I think about it?" Yu Xiaobai's easy dismissal tone made Itachi not expect it, but after thinking about it for a moment, it was also true.

The topic froze at this point. Yu Xiaobai coughed lightly and said, "I'm going to bed," and left Weasel alone in front of the campfire without knowing what to think.

In the small tent, Yu Xiaobai was lying in a daze. Outside, Weasel must be thinking about life again. It was really hard for him to bear so much weight at such a young age.

Yu Xiaobai didn't know what he could say, to change the genocide of Uchiha, or to save Itachi? Can he do it, and what will it mean to him after he does it? What follows can only be more trouble.

Besides, he didn't go to the extent of exposing his great sentiments of saving others.

He should pay more attention to himself.

The few hours in the second half of the night passed quickly. Yu Xiaobai got up and felt the morning sunshine on his face. He went to a nearby water source to wash up and refresh himself. There was often only a short rest during the mission. Yu Xiaobai Having adapted to this, after eating dry food, he and Itachi put on masks and headed northwest.

After a while, they left the Country of Fire and arrived in the Country of Rain.

"This weather is really weird."

Yu Xiaobai stretched out his hand, and a drop of rain fell on his hand. Soon, a steady stream of raindrops fell, and they tended to get bigger.

The Kingdom of Rain is located inside the land and is shrouded in rain all year round. It is in sharp contrast to the Kingdom of Wind and the Kingdom of Earth next to it. This is quite unscientific, but the fact is that it is so unreasonable.

Fortunately, Yu Xiaobai and Itachi had prepared their raincoats and cloaks when they first learned about the mission destination. After putting them on, they walked along the bumpy road to Yuren Village.

The Kingdom of Rain is very small. Yu Xiaobai and Itachi saw the Rain Ninja Village before noon. They looked at the increasing number of pedestrians in the distance. There were many ninjas among them. There were even rebel ninjas who had their forehead protectors scratched and were walking blatantly. On the road.

"We're just ahead. Be careful, don't let anyone discover that we are Konoha's ninjas."

The two of them were walking on the road outside the village, and Yu Xiaobai whispered.

The rain showed no sign of abating, and the rain curtain formed one continuous curtain under the gray sky. The dripping raindrops hit the ground. Yu Xiaobai was a little worried that Weasel couldn't hear what he said.

"Understood." Itachi replied.

Since setting off in the morning, Itachi's behavior has been the same as before. It seems that the inappropriate conversation last night has been forgotten by the two of them.

Soon they arrived at the entrance of Yu Ninja Village. The specifications were naturally much shabby compared to Konoha Village. The two Yu Ninjas barely checked at all and let Yu Xiaobai and the others in after collecting the money.

After entering the village, most of the people on the street were dressed the same as Yu Xiaobai and the others, with raincoats and cloaks. The buildings in Yuren Village were all spire-shaped to adapt to rainy weather. There were few flat roofs. Although the village was loosely managed, The various businesses did not look enthusiastic, but the drainage facilities on the street were still in place, and there was only a small amount of water accumulation.

"According to the plan, I will first explore the terrain of Yuren Village. The distribution of buildings is consistent with the information provided by the village. You can go to taverns and other places to get information."

After walking for a while, Yu Xiaobai said to Itachi. They imagined that they were stateless ninjas disguised as wandering around. They walked on the street, intentionally or unintentionally revealing their ninja tools, but the chakra fluctuation was very low. Generally, such people are not very strong, otherwise wandering ninjas would choose to join a village and concentrate on taking on tasks to live their lives. Those who have been wandering around, except for a few, are basically small characters who are looked down upon by the ninja village.

After hearing this, Itachi nodded, glanced at him intentionally or unintentionally, and whispered: "There are two tails at the back, do you want to kill them?"

"No need. They are probably noobs who want to make a fortune when they see someone who is easy to bully. Try not to cause trouble. We keep a low profile." Yu Xiaobai had already noticed that there were two three-legged cat ninjas following at the end of the street from a distance. As long as it wasn't Xiao's attention, Yu Xiaobai didn't care at all. Yu Xiaobai paused and added.

"If they follow again, I'll take care of them."


The two walked for a while, and immediately separated after an intersection. After a few walking rhythm changes, the two following ninjas were thrown away.

"Damn, it's gone."

A man cursed secretly on the corner of the street.

"Forget it, maybe he's just pretending, let's retreat." His companion, who was more experienced, thought of some possibility and quickly pulled the man away.

A few steps further in the shadow of the alley, Yu Xiaobai put away the kunai hidden in his sleeve, looked at the other person's leaving back, curled his lips, "You guys are lucky."

Ignoring these two people, Yu Xiaobai identified a direction and walked slowly somewhere in the rain.

In fact, according to Itachi's age, it is not very appropriate to go to a place like a tavern. Although in a place like Yu Ninja Village where good and bad people are mixed, there are many children and teenagers who have joined gangs and killed people, but Yu Xiaobai's The appearance is always more suitable.

Sitting in the tavern and listening to other people's conversations is definitely easier than wandering around the village. Yu Xiaobai thought for a while that as the captain, it was better to be more responsible.

The higher the appearance, the greater the responsibility. This is how Yu Xiaobai comforted himself.

Someone who is more handsome than Itachi, well, it's not impossible!

Thanks to Princess Murasaki Shikibu, Book Friends 224****17, Silence and Death, and the Outer Sky Soy Sauce Party for their rewards.

It seems difficult to update twice a day at the moment, sorry~

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