Please answer Naruto

Chapter 20 Asking you to pretend

The sound of sharp weapons scraping in the air came from behind his head.

This sound was too familiar, because Yu Xiaobai had waved the kunai in this vague way countless times.

Turning around is an action that only an inexperienced person would make. Yu Xiaobai did not hesitate in the face of danger. He suddenly squatted down, and heard the roar of "Whoosh--" cutting into the sky above his head. Before the kunai could finish swiping, Yu Xiaobai had already entered the state. Yu Xiaobai swept his legs on the spot. Attack is the best defense. He counterattacked with a swift punch and directly hit the fallen figure.

Something's wrong...

"Bang", the touch from his fist made Yu Xiaobai's expression change, and the sneak-attacking ninja slowly turned into a puddle of water and fell to the ground.

"not good……"

Yu Xiaobai realized that this was an arranged game, and just as he turned around and said two words to Itachi, the raindrops outside the building were already spinning crazily.


A water dragon violently crashed in from the broken window with great power. Its head, which was more than ten feet wide, almost filled half of the room. The strong and rapid water rumbled past, and the terrain was suddenly changed. The water dragon wreaked havoc on the ground. He came in from the outside and rushed out quickly, like a crazy monster.


In the mess, Yu Xiaobai exhaled and wiped the water stains on his face. Part of it was rainwater and part of it was transformed by chakra. He looked at the water escape ninjutsu that was definitely above A level and penetrated the room. The window on the other side broke through, and I couldn't help feeling a little palpitated. Facing the unexpected attack, Yu Xiaobai, fortunately, relied on his superhuman dynamic vision and reflexes to jump away before the waterspout hit him. Itachi also opened the three weapons without hesitation under Yu Xiaobai's reminder. Magatama avoids the attack.

When was it discovered?

Doubts arose in Yu Xiaobai's heart, Yu Ren or Xiao? It's a pity that the fast pace of battle will not give him time to think.

After the waterspout rushed outside, it lost the support of chakra and dissipated on its own. Yu Xiaobai had already taken out a kunai, and looked at each other with Itachi. There was the sky beyond the ceiling above their heads. The two of them left the small space with the teleportation technique and came to the building. Rooftop.

When he almost felt the rain outside, his perception of chakra became clearer.

"Three jounin!" Yu Xiaobai's heart trembled. He and Itachi appeared on the rooftop with an empty field of vision. They immediately saw two ninjas wearing rain ninja forehead protectors standing on the edge of the rooftop. On the top of a tower not far away, There was another Rain Ninja standing there, his chakra aura was very close to that of a Jounin.

"The response is pretty quick." A Rain Ninja still held the seal of Water Release in his hand, and said with a cruel twist of the corner of his mouth, with a somewhat pityful tone, "I found out that you laid an ambush and wanted to solve it quickly, but you didn't. The thought of failure.”

Three against two, the amount of chakra on Itachi's side still showed the level of chuunin. Even if the sneak attack failed, the three rain ninjas seemed to feel that they had a chance to win, so they neither hid their figures nor came out between Yu Xiaobai and Itachi. Then launched a thunder offensive.

The other party obviously wanted to crush him with force. Yu Xiaobai pursed his lips and was too lazy to talk to Yu Ren, who was very arrogant. The villains all died from talking too much.

"Ishikawa, stop talking nonsense and hurry up..." The rain ninja on the top of the tower not far away seemed to be the captain. Just in the middle of his cold words, he saw something clearly and his tone stopped.

"It's the Sharingan!"

The surprised words broke the superior's demeanor. He was about to remind his teammates, but it was too late.

The rain ninja named Ishikawa subconsciously moved his eyes away from Yu Xiaobai following the words and looked at the boy next to him who seemed to be much less threatening.

The cloak was taken off.

Unprepared, a pair of scarlet eyes suddenly widened in his eyes, and the three magical magatama spun strangely. He turned away in shock, only to find that the scarlet magatama had been imprinted in his mind, and the world was upside down. Expanded to a limit...



Yu Xiaobai had been waiting for this moment for a long time. At the perfect opportunity, lightning exploded without warning. Chakra instantly filled his body. A figure with electric light cut through the rain curtain, and the rain and wind were all left behind. At a high speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye, in an instant he had passed by the rain ninja who had been possessed by the illusion.

"I told you to pretend."

Yu Xiaobai's cloak and Yu Ren's head left their original owner at high speed at the same time.

This full-strength blow without reservation did not miss, the kunai sliced ​​open the neck of the rain ninja like a tofu cut. The horror of being hit by a genjutsu still remained on the opponent's face. Blood burst out, and the head rolled down, with a thin rain of wind, The broken human body, which had lost its support, was blown out of the building.

In a fight to the death, a jounin can die so easily.


Another rain ninja on the rooftop yelled in disbelief. He watched the body of his companion with separated heads falling lightly from the sky. He took a step in that direction. Before he could say any more words, a flash of lightning was pulled from a distance at high speed. to the eyes.

"What do you mean, do you want to die with him?"

The rain ninja hurriedly blocked Yu Xiaobai's attack with a kunai, his round eyes seemed to burst out with flames. Faced with Yu Xiaobai's trash talk, he gritted his teeth and said: "Konoha ninja, you are dead. Got it!"


Yu Xiaobai replied politely, completely ignoring the murderous intent of the other party that could suppress the genin to the point of immobility, and swung the kunai in his hand with all his strength without ceremony.


The thunder attribute chakra stimulates the cells, allowing Yu Xiaobai to have a physical advantage against most ninjas. The rain ninja in front of him spoke very harshly, but with Yu Xiaobai deliberately attacking quickly and constantly forcing him, he can only be beaten at present. Pressure to fight.

If the situation does not change, it will be a matter of time before he is killed by Yu Xiaobai.

The captain of the rain ninja on the top of the tower could no longer stand. He jumped up and wanted to help his companions who were struggling, but was stopped by Itachi.

"Kit, get away!"

When Captain Rain Ninja saw a Chuunin daring to rush towards him without risking his life or death, he was immediately furious. He didn't even look at the opponent's strange eyes and prepared to kill him directly with Taijutsu.

However, after a few quick exchanges, the winner was still undecided. Captain Rain Ninja was secretly shocked. This kid from Konoha was actually not weak. With the Sharingan's blood inheritance limit, he simply could not maximize his advantage.

Captain Yu Ninja didn't hesitate. He couldn't deal with his opponent in a short time. He forced Itachi back and fired the flare directly.

Yu Xiaobai looked back and cursed secretly for being shameless. This is going to cost someone, do you dare to challenge him alone?

But no matter what, he could only watch the signal bomb explode in mid-air.

Flares are less effective in rainy weather, but there is absolutely no problem in calling a bunch of rain ninjas over. This is their ninja village.

"Weasel, withdraw!" Yu Xiaobai shouted.

"Understood." Itachi saw the other party sending out a signal flare and knew that it was necessary to go against it. Itachi has not yet fully grown up, and it is still difficult to deal with a jounin captain at this time. The kaleidoscope cannot be used easily, and the illusion of the Sharingan is always guarded against by the opponent. If he becomes the captain of the ANBU in two years, he will be able to deal with it. The rain ninja in front of me is absolutely outstanding, and he is still tender now.

Just when Yu Xiaobai was about to leave Yu Ren, who was being beaten by him, and run away, a stronger sense of danger came than when he was attacked by water dragon bombs before.

With Lei Dun open to the maximum, Yu Xiaobaike and Yu Ren had just exchanged an attack. At this time, they no longer needed their weapons and just slid to dodge.


A strangely bandaged broadsword crashed onto the ground.

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