Please answer Naruto

Chapter 21 Dried Persimmon Kisame

Yu Xiaobai's eyelids jumped when he saw the weapon with extremely distinctive features smashed into the floor.

This is a weapon that all Naruto fans are familiar with.

The person coming was obvious. A long coat with a black background and red clouds came into view. A tall figure lifted the glue machine back on his shoulder with ease, turned his head and revealed the shark face.

Dried persimmon Kisame.

"Sure enough, we still met." Yu Xiaobai sighed inwardly, but he didn't have much regret. He decided to explore the suspicious stronghold that night and was already prepared to face the Xiao members.

Therefore, this is indeed Akatsuki's stronghold in the Rain Ninja Village, and it is not surprising for anyone to show up.

And if you really meet an Akatsuki member, it means you will be in danger.

"But to be honest, Kisame's face is really... a solitary one." Comics are comics, and seeing it with his own eyes, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but sympathize with Kisame Kisame. Fortunately, Naruto is not a judge of faces. world.

After complaining, Yu Xiaobai concentrated his mind and body, preparing to deal with the opponent's next attack.

But what Yu Xiaobai didn't expect was that after Kisame missed his blow, he didn't continue to swing the sword, but looked at his face for a moment.

"It's you?"

Kisame's words made Yu Xiaobai confused. What's going on, do we know each other?

Although Kisame's vivid expressions and movements urgently reminded Yu Xiaobai that he had to say "it's you" in shock, Yu Xiaobai said that he was sorry that your way of striking up a conversation was novel, but I don't accept it. Gay, and your appearance is so low.

"Do you know me?" Yu Xiaobai was sure that he had only seen each other when he was reading comics and catching up, but the other party's behavior was very strange.

Nearly a week ago (two weeks in the Naruto world), that shuriken in mid-air flashed through my heart like a flash of light.

"Hehehe, I don't know you, but you are the only bounty mission I have failed so far." Kisame's eyes stared at Yu Xiaobai maliciously, and when he smiled, his teeth were exposed.

"It was you who attacked me!" Yu Xiaobai suddenly realized what happened to the shuriken that day. It turned out to be the fault of the shark face in front of him.

Yu Xiaobai's face turned cold. He would never have a good attitude towards someone who wanted to kill him. The technical level revealed by that shuriken, and the purpose of a sneak attack... If it were Kisame, he would often work as a bounty hunter. The character did it, so the explanation is clear, "You accepted my reward on the black market, and you are seeking death."

There is a chance that famous ninjas will appear on the black market for bounties. One general's achievements will lead to thousands of bones being withered. A strong man will step on the corpses of others. Yu Xiaobai's transformation in the third ninja war will be rewarded by any enemy. He is not impossible.

After hearing this, Kisame didn't look afraid at all. He looked at Yu Xiaobai with strong interest in his eyes, "That's not a bad tone. But the way you suddenly disappeared last time was quite clever..."

Hearing this, Yu Xiaobai's face became even darker.

The rain ninja who was originally fighting Yu Xiaobai, after getting out of the overwhelming fast attack, took a breath, bowed slightly to Kisame, and called "Sir" respectfully. Then he didn't rush to attack Yu Xiaobai, but stepped aside, as if he was waiting for orders.

"The frog at the bottom of the well naturally doesn't know too much." Yu Xiaobai used to throw out trash talk, tilted his head slightly and looked around. Itachi was still supporting him. Although there was no danger, the current situation was quite unfavorable. In the distance, it seemed that the rain ninjas could be seen arriving for support.


Kisame was unhappy with the trash talk, and swung his sword down with a sudden swing. Yu Xiaobai dodged a few times and had to use a kunai to block it. After the clash of gold and iron, Yu Xiaobai was stunned. The power of white discoloration.

There is a huge contrast in the weapon systems on both sides, and Kisame's power is definitely not small. Yu Xiaobai was suppressed in an instant, and the kunai trembled and almost lost his grip.

Yu Xiaobai quickly stepped aside and retreated, and then heard Kisame's taunting counterattack.

"The Konoha ninjas who died in my hands before didn't seem so arrogant. Haha, Yubai Chaoma, without the space ninjutsu that can disappear in an instant, you would have died long ago."

Yu Xiaobai didn't say anything. That time when he faced shurikens, he could rely on his shadow clone to dodge the fatal blow in mid-air. But if Kisame was determined to kill him, his awkward position and poor chakra amount would definitely survive. Can't live.

If you don't plan to tangle with Kisame, you won't be able to escape when the rain ninja are surrounding you, and since Kisame appears, you don't know what kind of Akatsuki monster will come out.

"I won't fight you too much." After two more weapon confrontations, Yu Xiaobai secretly cursed this perverted power. He dropped a sentence that Kisame couldn't understand, activated his Thunder Escape and left the battle.

"Let's go, Itachi!" Yu Xiaobai came to Itachi's side in the blink of an eye. The captain of the rain ninja opposite, who was focused on dealing with Itachi, was startled. The lightning flashed, and he subconsciously took a big step back. Just now, Yu Xiaobai fell out instantly. The scene of his companions was still vivid in his mind.

And he was destined to be wrong. Yu Xiaobai threw down two detonating talismans and ran away with Weasel, who also escaped, in an uninhabited direction.

Two explosions and vibrations accidentally caused a chain reaction, and the dilapidated building began to shake. The captain of the rain ninja looked ugly. He wanted to chase but had no energy left.

Yu Xiaobai and Weasel knew that time was their life at this time, so they both ran at full speed, leaping and moving in a dizzying way, leaving a distance of a hundred meters in the blink of an eye.

Of course, Kisame wouldn't do anything as he watched Yu Xiaobai and the others run away. He jumped up and chased after them at no slightest speed.

"This is the northeasternmost part of Yuren Village. Just rush out along these dilapidated buildings. There are almost no guards there." Yu Xiaobai said quickly. He adjusted the chakra in his body. Although the thunderbolt stimulated the whole body to explode, it was strong, but Chakra is also consumed very quickly and must be used at critical moments.

Itachi was panting, and the black coat on his body was cut open in some places. The serious rain ninja captain was very troublesome.

At this time, more or less some rain ninjas saw the flares and rushed over, but the distance was still far away, and it would take a lot of time to make a detour. The biggest threat was Kisame and the two Chichi who were close behind. Jonin.

"I don't know if there will be another dawn. If there is another one, it will be over." As he walked quickly, Yu Xiaobai secretly prayed in his heart. He and Itachi dared to explore in depth and were confident in their own strength. Itachi felt that at most they would encounter Jonin, and they would only encounter a few enemies when operating in stealth mode. The two of them could handle it by working together; Yu Xiaobai felt that even if they encountered one or two Xiao Xiao, he can still run. But the reality is far worse than optimistic expectations.

At the same time, several people with black background and red clouds were observing Yu Xiaobai and Weasel's escape.

"How is this Konoha ninja?"

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