Please answer Naruto

Chapter 22 Pursuit

Under the haze, the rain moved lightly in this abandoned area, picking up pieces of paper from time to time.

Not far from Yu Xiaobai and Weasel, on the top floor of the tallest building, there were three people wearing Xiao clothes gathered together.

In front of them was a screen made up of countless pieces of paper, and what was displayed on it was the figures of Yu Xiaobai and Weasel. A woman with paper flowers in her purple hair made a seal and kept the spell running.

Pieces of paper are constantly flying in from the outside and then gathering in, keeping the picture updated.

If Yu Xiaobai saw this scene, he would definitely understand why he was discovered unknowingly. In a moment of negligence, he even forgot about Xiaonan's ability to control the paper. In this complex environment, it was all Xiaonan's "insider" "This ability should not be used too well for reconnaissance and anti-lurking.

But what was slightly unexpected was that the three rain ninja jounin were unable to deal with Yu Xiaobai and the others. The situation only changed after Kisame joined in the middle.

"How about this Konoha ninja?" Obito, wearing a whirlpool mask on his face and showing his identity as Madara, said suddenly.

There was also a man with an indifferent expression sitting on the main seat, wearing a ring with the word "zero" engraved on his right thumb. He was Xiaoming's current leader, Payne.

The three of them have been observing Kisame for some time since he was ordered to solve the problem. It's not unusual to encounter intruders, but this time's arrival is a bit special.

"Which one are you referring to?" Konan kept her hands still while forming seals. Activating this technique did not affect her speech. Her beautiful eyes rested on Itachi on the piece of paper for a moment, and she said, "Is it Uchiha's genius?"

The Uzumaki Mask nodded, and Obito showed only one eye with interest, "At this age, I have opened three magatama, I don't know if I have awakened the kaleidoscope..."

"Our organization is still short of people. I think Uchiha Itachi is a very good candidate." Obito looked at Pain, who was in the first place, and said, "It's worth paying attention to."

Uchiha Itachi's potential was obvious to all. Even those who lived far away from Konoha Village had heard of this boy's reputation as a genius. And today, with one enemy against an elite jounin, it can be seen that it is not a false rumor.

Except that he is still young and has not yet been able to stand alone, it can be said that he fully meets the requirements that Akatsuki needs. Xiaonan looked a little moved, and she agreed with Obito's idea.

Pain also nodded, but after approving Obito's proposal, he raised his hand and pointed at another person in the picture. "This person named Yu Bai, who seems to have some issues with Kisame, is worth trying to win over."

At this time, the situation of Yu Xiaobai and Itachi in the picture was not very good. Kisame put a lot of pressure on them. With the cooperation of the two jounin, they were slowed down. Seven or eight rain ninjas came to support. Ke Ke took advantage of this opportunity and blocked Yu Xiaobai and Weasel's inevitable path.

The situation suddenly became unsolvable, and the next few seconds would lead to being surrounded and trapped to death. But at this moment, a bright light illuminated the hazy world, and the thunder condensed into a small sun, breaking through everything in front of it. Even if there was only a picture but no sound, the three people in the Akatsuki group could still feel the violent current in it. They must have been surrounded by thunderous roars in their ears.

Yu Xiaobai used his Chidori and unexpectedly penetrated the defense line of the Rain Ninja organization in an instant. Itachi used his fire escape to force everyone back. Seeing that the siege that was about to be formed was defeated by the fragility, the two rushed out again. Estimating the distance, they were already close to Escaped from Yu Ninja Village.

"There are so many talents in Konoha." Chidori's dazzling appearance attracted the attention of the three people. Obito sighed, agreeing with Yu Xiaobai's strength, but he did not express a clear meaning to Pain's words.

In his heart, he was still more optimistic about Uchiha Itachi.

There was a trace of sweat on Xiaonan's forehead, and the paper twisted for a while, and finally dissipated and fell. She gave up the seal, exhaled, and said: "They escaped from the Rain Ninja Village." After a certain range, this detection technique will be ineffective. .

"Uchiha Itachi deserves attention, but currently it has not met the requirements of the organization's 'capture of tailed beasts' plan in a few years. Let's wait for a while. And this ninja named Asana Yubai can instantly become a combat force." Pain thought about it and said, "Kissame also said that this person has the space-time ninjutsu that suddenly disappears. It is not simple."

"A Fei, you go over and keep Chao Ming Yubai and convey the organization's wishes." Payne looked at the useless pieces of paper on the ground and had already escaped from Yu Ren Village. This was already a long distance away. He and Xiaonan were not the same. It was convenient to leave the Rain Ninja Village, and the only suitable candidate to pursue him was Obito.

"He's not a traitor, so why should he join us?" Obito said lazily.

"If it doesn't work, kill him." Payne paused and said with almost no hesitation, "Let's see how he does such a simple multiple-choice question."

This time, the information was spied on by the Konoha ninjas, but fortunately, no important information was leaked. It's not like Payne never thought of simply keeping the two of them, and if they could, they would surrender, and if they couldn't, they would kill them. But if they are silenced, losing two Anbu is not a small matter, not to mention one of them is a genius of Uchiha. The Sharingan has always been extremely sensitive. Konoha will definitely pay more attention to the Rain Ninja Village in the future, and then it will not be It's as simple as sending two people to get information. In other great ninja villages, if you catch an enemy ninja, you will naturally interrogate him and put him in a dungeon. If the circumstances are serious, you will kill him. But Pain can't do this. Akatsuki can't openly fight against the big forces now. This will be huge. affect future plans.

The Uchiha couldn't move, so the other one didn't matter.

"Okay." Obito understood what Pain meant, shrugged and stood up. The space was weirdly distorted, and the next second he had disappeared.

"Senior, are you okay?"

In the woods northeast of Yuren Village, two figures were running away quickly.

The rain fell on the raincoat and was constantly shaken off by the inertia of running. There was also a trace of blood mixed in it.

Itachi looked at Yu Xiaobai on the side from time to time, and even his cold face showed some fluctuations.

"It's okay. If you can't die, run away." Yu Xiaobai gasped, with a shuriken stuck in his left arm, which was left when he broke out just now. The wound was constantly being washed by the rain and blood was flowing out.

There was no time to treat the wounds now. Although they successfully left the Rain Ninja Village and the Rain Ninjas were temporarily thrown away, the other party would never give up.

Especially for Xiao, Yu Xiaobai vaguely guessed that the two of them were discovered because of Xiao Nan. It is impossible to be too vigilant about this organization.

Itachi pursed his lips. Running and talking would consume energy, and his condition was actually not good. After running for a while, he couldn't help but think of the previous scene where Yu Xiaobai risked his life and rushed ahead. I felt self-blame in my heart. Maybe I shouldn't have hidden my clumsiness. I would have opened the kaleidoscope earlier and not ended up in the current embarrassment.

Many people say that the typo is caused by Konoha, not Wood Industry. The previous ones have been corrected, and similar mistakes will not happen in the future~

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