Please answer Naruto

Chapter 24 Kaleidoscope

"How could it be so fast..."

Kisame flew upside down in the air, and his mind was still a little unresponsive. He didn't quite understand how the Konoha ninja who was suppressed and beaten by him just now suddenly burst out with such incredible power.

The scenery flew before his eyes, and with the sizzling sound of electricity, a very fast figure caught up with him first. He pressed his palm down, and the next moment, the scenery flew by nearly twice as fast——


Kisame's body was violently smashed into the trunk of a big tree. There was a tooth-numbing sound, sawdust flew, and an obvious human shape was printed on the trunk.

The pain and embarrassing posture made Kisame's face finally distort. He roared angrily, broke away, picked up the big knife with both hands, and slashed at everything in front of him without caring!

Yu Xiaobai stared coldly. Just now, he caught up with Kisame who flew out and smashed his head into a big tree. It would be strange that the man who was so proud of himself in the ninja world didn't become angry because of shame. Feeling the surging power in his body, Yu Xiaobai Haku faced the opponent's full-strength slash, without dodging or evading, and resolutely faced it with the kunai in his right hand.

From bottom to top, sparks of violent friction came from the glue machine with unbelievable force. The sword was bounced up, and then he saw the cold and piercing gaze of the ninja in front of him.

Kisame's heart skipped a beat, this was a feeling he had never felt many times in his life.

Yu Xiaobai kicked the tall Kisame away again, as if kicking away a piece of cotton. He held the somewhat damaged kunai in his backhand... In the huge kinetic energy collision just now, the quality of the weapons on both sides was clearly judged. Maybe I need to find a handy weapon if I have a chance.

After getting familiar with it, the thunder attribute chakra ran on the surface of Yu Xiaobai's body without any waste, like a smart thunder snake, pure and powerful. However, Lei Dun's speed and power increased to a higher level, but the consumption also inevitably increased. While the power was surging, he was losing chakra rapidly. Yu Xiaobai knew that he could not hold on for a few seconds.

These thoughts just flashed through Yu Xiaobai's mind. Just when he was about to wipe out Kisame's neck quickly, something happened on the other side of the battlefield that made him stop.

"You actually..."

Leaving a wound on Itachi's body again, Obito ignored a shuriken passing through his body and looked at his anxious opponent leisurely. However, his calm posture did not last long. At a certain moment, he discovered something and suddenly exclaimed. Voice.

Itachi gasped, and the three Magatama Sharingan rotated crazily. Finally, the Magatama were connected together, spinning like a blade to form a windmill with more magic and shocking power.

"Tsukuyomi!" Itachi gritted his teeth and said, the cost of using the kaleidoscope was no longer important at this time.

Yu Xiaobai paused and looked at the battle between Itachi and Obito. Itachi was originally in a very embarrassing situation, sweating profusely and with many injuries on his body. On the other hand, Obito's clothes were not even covered with dust. And when Itachi couldn't help but activate his kaleidoscope in the face of the threat, the situation seemed to There has been a change.

Obito lowered his hands and froze on the spot.


Yu Xiaobai took a breath and glanced at Kisame who had just gotten up not far away. He hesitated for less than a second before making a decision.

Kill Obito who is trapped in the illusion first!

Yu Xiaobai's current amount of chakra can maintain the stimulating effect of lightning escape for a very short period of time. If he continues to deal with Kisame, although he is very likely to defeat his opponent, he will be unable to continue. At that time, he didn't think he could join forces with Itachi to deal with Obito.

But now, what seemed like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity appeared.

As for the impact of killing important characters in the original work on the plot, Yu Xiaobai will not consider it at all in life and death.

Obito is definitely countless times more troublesome than Kisame. Yu Xiaobai clenched his kunai and stepped on it. The camera looking at it from the ground trembled violently. The rain-soaked soil splashed everywhere. He approached Obito with lightning. earth!

No matter how long it takes in the illusion, it may only be a moment in reality, "tick tock."

Raindrops fell on Obito's shoulders, and behind the black red clouds was dazzling lightning.

"Tick tock." Another tiny raindrop, almost connected to the previous drop.

The dark hole under the whirlpool mask suddenly flashed with a bloody color!

Mangekyō Sharingan!

Eye powers of the same intensity collided with each other, and Itachi suddenly covered his left eye, "Ah!"

Yu Xiaobai's kunai, which was attached to chakra, struck hard into Obito's back with all his strength, but the expected piercing sensation did not appear. He passed through the opponent's body unimpeded, and the lightning strike flashed briefly. In the dark woods, it disappeared into complete silence.

Yu Xiaobai didn't know what he was feeling in his heart. The tree trunks, branches and leaves on the path all cracked open as if they had been rehearsed, but the things it was supposed to cut off remained intact.

Obito looked at the scene in front of him, a drop of cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and the hole under the mask turned dark again, "Fortunately, I caught up..."

He almost capsized in the gutter.

The power of the eyes was weak in the confrontation, and Itachi, who failed in the illusion, looked at the masked man in front of him in shock. He was absolutely right, it was the eye of a Mangekyō Sharingan!

The hope of reversal failed, and Yu Xiaobai could hardly mobilize even a trace of chakra at this time.

The ordinary woods outside the Land of Rain fell into a brief silence.

"What a pity." Obito exhaled and said. He first frowned and glanced at Yu Xiaobai, who was half-kneeling on the ground, and then looked meaningfully at Itachi, who was still in the shocking reality and had not recovered.

What did he see during Tsukuyomi's eye power confrontation just now? It's so interesting to have seeds like that buried.

"As the name of Yu Bai, I will chop you into pieces." Kisame Kisaki jumped onto the same tree trunk as Obito and stared fiercely at Yu Xiaobai on the ground. He had to find his place.

"You were beaten like this by me just now, and you're like a normal person with such good kung fu skills?" Looking at Kisame's menacing state, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but feel speechless in his heart. Akatsuki was indeed full of monsters.

Now that the situation had become clearer, Yu Xiaobai looked bitter, but he still insisted on standing up, walked to Weasel's side, and straightened his back.

This unyielding silence caused Obito, who was about to say something, to fall silent again, as if he had just realized now that this ninja named Yubai Asaka had no innate advantage over others.

Itachi is not a mediocre person. He quickly recovered from the shock of another Mangekyou. He didn't care why there was a person with Uchiha blood in Akatsuki. This person was so powerful that he had the Mangekyo Sharingan. He took a deep breath. , glanced at Yu Xiaobai, who had no strength to fight, and clenched his fists.

"It's all because of me that senior has fallen into this situation." Itachi felt regret in his heart. He might have made a mistake when he insisted on exploring Akatsuki in the Rain Ninja Village.

But he still had one last technique that he hadn't used yet. Regardless of whether it worked or not, it was his last resort.

"Senior, run!" After Itachi said these words to Yu Xiaobai, he opened the Mangekyō Sharingan again and looked decisively at the two Akatsuki members on the tree trunk. The power of his pupils condensed in his right eye, accompanied by a cursed expression. Pain, a black eternal fire, appeared in sight.


Thanks to [Spark], I have been drunk for half my life, and I have come up with a name. It is difficult to give a lot of rewards ~

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