Please answer Naruto

Chapter 25 Flame

The black flame burned quietly, bringing great pain.

"What's this?!"

Like jumping out of nothingness, there was no sign except for the spinning of the windmill in Itachi's right eye.

Different from the burning sensation of ordinary flames, tarsal maggots crawled onto the bodies of Obito and Kisame. Obito's expression changed drastically, and Kisame even screamed in agony.

The severe pain made both of their faces distorted. The hot black was like a splash of hot oil spilled on the exposed skin. Everything they touched was turned into ashes. The beating black flames were laughing, and the devil grinned. The mouth swallows life bit by bit.

Yu Xiaobai shuddered when he saw the miserable state of Obito and Kisame.

"Let's go, senior!"

Weasel's shout made Yu Xiaobai react in a flash. This was the last chance to escape!

Amaterasu is the strongest fire escape ninjutsu, but he may not be able to defeat two opponents in seconds.

He glanced at Itachi, who was in extremely poor condition at this time. His body was shaking as if he had suffered some side effects, and there was even a trace of blood flowing from his right eye.

Without hesitation, Yu Xiaobai stirred up the last bit of chakra and rushed directly out of the woods.

Itachi gritted his teeth and ignored Obito and Kisame who were still struggling with the Eternal Fire Amaterasu behind him. He also jumped onto a tree trunk, but after running a few times, he stumbled and almost fell.

Yu Xiaobai saw this scene, pursed his lips and slowed down. When Weasel came behind him, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he directly pulled the other party's body and began to really run away without looking back.

Itachi felt a force coming from the front. He wanted to say something, but finally held back and ran forward together.

A hundred meters behind, Obito and Kisame could only watch Yu Xiaobai and Itachi leave. Kisame's eyes turned red as he hit himself with a Water Release, but the black flames were unharmed and continued to extinguish his trembling nerves.

"Why can't the water put it out!" Kisame said in shock.

The Sharingan in the hole of Obito's mask stared at the strange black flame. He was very knowledgeable and said quickly: "This is the fire of Amaterasu. It will not go out unless the attached things are burned!"

Kisame's eyes widened after hearing Obito's words, and the expression on Shark's face was really anxious.

For most people, Amaterasu is an almost unbreakable technique once it is cast, and they can only wait to die in the burning pain, but some people can not sit still and wait for death. After the shock, Obito endured the severe pain in a cold sweat, and his right hand The three magatama eyes began to rotate.

Unable to take care of himself under the killing move, Kisame took a deep breath, looked at the increasingly strong black flames, and pulled out the bandaged sword on his back with his right hand.

"Those two shouldn't be chasing us."

Yu Xiaobai took Weasel with him, and the two tried their best to escape without stopping. After a while, they came out of the woods, but they did not stop, but continued to run northeast. Due to their poor physical condition, the two had to stop midway. , swallowed a few soldier food pills and drank some water, and barely rested, they rushed in a straight direction again, stopping all the way and running with all their strength. When it got dark, they relaxed and collapsed in a small cave. .

"I won't chase you. Amaterasu's flames will never go out. Those two Akatsuki should be dead." Itachi leaned on the uneven rock wall and panted. Some of the sharp water chestnuts were very uncomfortable, but he was already extremely tired and walked non-stop all afternoon. This was far beyond the amount of training he had done before. The fatigue that came over him as soon as he sat down made him not want to do it anymore. move.

"Not necessarily." Yu Xiaobai was also very tired. If he could, he would definitely lie down. But knowing the perverted abilities inside, he would not be too optimistic. "I can't tell you about that shark face. The man wearing the mask has a lot of abilities." Be sure not to be burned to death by Amaterasu."

There is a precedent for this in the original work.

Itachi was obviously not very convinced. He couldn't think of any way to survive the flames that couldn't be extinguished or driven away. The same was true for the whole afternoon of rushing. He originally wanted to escape because he was afraid that his opponent would counterattack hysterically, but he had to go all the way to escape. What he didn't expect was that Yu Xiaobai was very determined, so he had to follow.

He had doubts in his heart, but he did not immediately speak out against it. Yu Xiaobai's performance in all aspects during this trip to Yuren Village had already been approved by him.

Yu Xiaobai sat for a while, and after recovering a little strength, he treated the wound on his left hand, then got up and took out the simple map from his ninja bag, frowning as he recalled the day's route.

"We have now...probably entered the southwest border of the Country of Grass."

"Have you traveled all this way?" Itachi smiled bitterly when he heard the news.

Yu Xiaobai nodded helplessly, "It'll be fine if you survive."

After another half an hour, after the two of them were breathing more calmly, Yu Xiaobai clapped his hands and stood up. The sky outside was getting darker. The cave they were in was just an inconspicuous place at the foot of several big mountains. There was nothing around them. In the natural environment where people live, it will be a bit cold at night in autumn. He slowly walked to the entrance of the cave and said, "It's late at night, I'm going to get something to make a fire."

Itachi's eyes moved and he stood up silently, "I'll go, senior."

Yu Xiaobai felt a little troubled when he looked at Itachi who didn't want to sit still and do something. Sometimes, he didn't know whether this kind of arrogant refusal to admit defeat was good or bad.

"Then go get some food and water. You've finished what you brought before." Yu Xiaobai gave Itachi another task, which he originally wanted to do while looking for some branches.

Itachi nodded, and the two of them went out for more than a quarter of an hour and came back immediately.

Soon, when the dim light of the moonlight moved away from the entrance of the cave, a little orange flame was lit.

They had considered it when they settled down, so that Yu Xiaobai and the others would not have to bear the cold blow from the wind at night. The temperature in the cave gradually increased, and Yu Xiaobai and Weasel, who had replenished some energy, finally relaxed their stiff bodies.

The small space had been briefly cleaned. Yu Xiaobai and Weasel sat across from each other across the fire and chatted for a few words. With the twinkling stars outside and a wolf howling, the atmosphere finally became quiet.

"Senior, regarding the transformation of my Sharingan eye at that time..."

Itachi thought for a long time and decided to explain the Mangekyou Sharingan to Yu Xiaobai. After all, he could be said to be hiding his strength when he was surrounded by the rain ninja. The situation was also critical at that time. This was irresponsible to his companions. of.

"Yes, I know, it's the Mangekyou Sharingan." Yu Xiaobai said as expected, holding a branch in his right hand and flicking the fire, "Seniors still have this knowledge."

"So... ah." Itachi looked down at the warm flames in front of him. Different from Amaterasu's cursed black, it was a harmless orange, "Then..."

Itachi wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Yu Xiaobai raising his hand, "Everyone has their own secrets, it's okay."

"..." Uchiha Itachi fell silent.

"That's right." Yu Xiaobai remembered something and said, and Weasel immediately looked up.

"I heard that the kaleidoscope has serious side effects. Seeing as you do it during the day, you should use it with caution in the future." After Yu Xiaobai said this, he felt that this was a bit redundant. In the original work, Itachi cherished his eye power very much, "Tsk, anyway. , young man, take advantage of that."

"Hey, why are you looking at me like that?"


Itachi stroked his forehead, "Senior, you actually said such a trivial matter, it's really..."

Wow, it’s not a big deal to become blind!

Of course, Yu Xiaobai would not complain.

"Young man, aren't you too touched?" Yu Xiaobai patted Itachi on the shoulder coquettishly.

Itachi's face immediately returned to a cold expression, "No, senior, go to sleep."

"Oh, then who is keeping watch?" Yu Xiaobai said casually.

This question is critical.

"..." The two of them suddenly stared at each other.

"Ahem, come on, I'll teach you a game called guessing today." Yu Xiaobai was the first to break the deadlock.

There is not much rain in the Country of Grass, and the moonlight is endless under the cloudless night sky. As it sweeps toward the southwest along the land, another scene soon appears. On the other side of the woods where Yu Xiaobai and the others were fighting Xiao in the afternoon, two people dragging tattered black and red cloud clothes were on their way back to Yu Ren Village.

"Is there really no need to chase them? They are in very bad condition." Kisame glanced behind him unwillingly, seeing only the depth of the night.

"No need." Obito said calmly. He touched the skin that still felt a faint burning sensation. There was also a gaping hole in the long coat on the back. The terrifying black and unyielding lightning flashed back in his mind.

"Those two people have fire hidden in their hearts. One day, they will come."

Thanks to Fenghua/Liannian and Nangong/Xuanfeng for the reward~

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