Please answer Naruto

Chapter 26 Return to the Village

The next day, Yu Xiaobai and Itachi cleaned up the traces as a precaution, left the cave where they stayed briefly, and hurried eastward in a hurry.

Because of their initial escape, they deviated from their planned route back to the village, and even went directly to the border of the Country of Grass. Fortunately, the Country of Grass is just a small country like the Country of Rain. Although there are ninja villages, the number of ninjas is obviously not enough to fortify the winding border.

Yu Xiaobai and Weasel did not encounter any accidents along the way. First they simply walked east. When they came to the border between the Fire Country and the Grass Country, they went directly southeast. In the afternoon, they set foot on the Fire Country again. land.

"Hey, it's safe now." After passing the border inspection, Yu Xiaobai stretched out on a hillside. Below, you can faintly see the yellow and green farmland and the villages where people go. Obito and Akatsuki didn't Yu Xiaobai chased after him, but he didn't know whether he was really scared by Amaterasu or just in a hurry. Yu Xiaobai was too lazy to think about it at this time.

"Hey, Itachi, you'll be back to the village in two days at the latest. Why don't you look happy at all?" Yu Xiaobai looked back at Weasel and asked in confusion.

Itachi had slightly obvious dark circles on his eyes. Looking at Yu Xiaobai who was looking relaxed and energetic, the corner of his mouth twitched.

"It's nothing, I just felt a little sleepy during the night watch yesterday." Itachi said in a seemingly calm tone.

"Oh, that's it, Itachi, try your best next time guessing, eh, don't look at me like that, guessing is the fairest way! There's nothing I can do about it if you're a good person, hahaha..." Yu Xiaobai He directly ignored the stress of certain syllables of the other party, turned around and didn't look at the other party, and spoke carelessly.

Xiaobai is not sure whether Rock, Paper, Scissors has spread in this world, but anyway, I have never seen Itachi's anxious look last night. They were betting on who would stay vigil first. Both of them, physically and mentally exhausted, naturally wanted to be the one who went to bed early. However, Itachi simply lost the first round. Perhaps he was quite dissatisfied. The genius of Uchiha would be fooled by this little game. Stumped? The stakes were raised to stand watch all night, and Itachi moved cautiously with great determination, but the results... were obvious.

"I will definitely win it back next time, senior." Itachi said quietly behind him, which made Yu Xiaobai speechless for a while. Wasn't it because he was feeling uncomfortable all over, his eyelids were fighting, and there was a person sleeping comfortably in front of you. Under such circumstances, the young people of today have to stay up all night.

Of course, Weasel also had some rest, but it was only a light sleep, not of high quality, and he would be very angry when compared with Yu Xiaobai.

After the rest, the two of them continued to rush towards Konoha Village. They didn't have to maintain a tense mental state, and they didn't have to be secretive along the way. This was also a kind of rest for Yu Xiaobai and the others. As time passed, day and night alternated. , they returned to the original road. This time they did not stop at Daoqing City. They must have felt anxious as Konoha Village approached. Under the stars and moon, they passed the ox carts in the fields and the city under the lights. Returned to Konoha earlier than expected.

On the night after escaping from Akatsuki's pursuit, Yu Xiaobai's words in front of the fire seemed ordinary, but when heard in Itachi's heart, they did have a different meaning.

After hearing about the fascinating and alluring Mangekyō Sharingan, it may not be greed.

When he saw the gate of the wood industry, Yu Xiaobai couldn't help but take a few more glances. This trip to Yuren Village had a lot of twists and turns. There were many buildings on the other side of the line of sight, and the big Konoha logo was engraved high. Seeing this In the place where he has lived for many years, people are not grass and trees, and a sense of warmth floats in his heart. In fact, every time I return to the village from a mission, I have a similar feeling. The ninjas in every ninja village have no fixed place in the world and are walking on the edge of a knife. This is a rare place to belong.

"Itachi, let's go." Yu Xiaobai finished his literary pretense, greeted Itachi who was also watching Konoha Village, jumped off the big tree, and walked slowly towards the gate.

After a while, Yu Xiaobai heard the sound of landing, and then footsteps following behind.

"Tap tap tap..."

After spending nearly a week with Itachi, the relationship between Yu Xiaobai and him had improved. Yu Xiaobai and him were walking fast, walking slowly, killing people, and escaping. Most ninjas were walking fast, walking slowly, killing people, and escaping. He couldn't help but think.

How would Itachi feel?

Yu Xiaobai felt that it would not all be beautiful, and it would be even worse in the future.

The gate of Konoha was getting closer and closer, Yu Xiaobai clenched his fists, and under the slanting sunlight, he felt an impulse. The ninjas on duty saw them and came forward to ask. Their dusty appearance and identification were not blocked, and they returned to the village.

The first thing Yu Xiaobai and Itachi did after returning to the village was naturally to go back to the ANBU to explain the mission.

Qingchuan Wu received them, and when he was halfway through the mission report, he dismissed the redundant personnel with a serious face and asked his subordinates to be alert to their surroundings.

Yu Xiaobai and Itachi gained quite a lot of information during their trip to the Rain Ninja. Red clouds on a black background, Akatsuki's control of the Rain Ninja Village, quite noteworthy masters, and strange abilities... Every piece of information is very important, and Qingchuan Takeshi personally List the text following the report as top secret and prepare to pass it on to the Hokage.

Of course, the last effort to care is essential, and a major contribution should be written down on the resume first, but during the conversation, Yu Xiaobai always felt that Qingchuanwu looked at Weasel more. Hey, have you ever been so "kind to me before?" "Have you ever laughed? Don't be so obvious about the difference, okay?

After issuing the gag order, Qingchuan Takeshi hurried to the Hokage's office building, and Yu Xiaobai and Itachi were naturally given a temporary break.

The two of them changed out of their dirty and torn clothes, received a new set of ANBU clothes, and walked outside to the bright and noisy area.

"Senior, thank you this time." Itachi said sincerely. He had a lot of help during the mission, and the experience of being together was different from the previous arrogant senior. Of course, the most important thing was that he promised to keep the Mangekyou Sharingan a secret.

Qingchuan Takeshi is of a very high level and knows everything about Itachi. Yu Xiaobai's subordinate Qingchuan Wu also thinks there is no problem. Now that he has been exposed, he will know what to do.

"There's nothing to be grateful for." Yu Xiaobai's words were sincere. He was not very noble, he only thought about himself.

After a mission, especially a mission that lasts for a long time, the ninja team will usually have a reunion after returning to the village, drink some wine to celebrate and relax, just like the gathering after company employees in modern society complete their planning, except this time Yu Xiaobai and the others There were no preparations, it was just two people, Itachi was in the family and looked very busy.

"I will definitely visit my senior at his home when I have time in the future..."

"Wow, you're welcome...Then I won't, uh, come to the Uchiha Mansion in the future. It's inconvenient hahaha..." Yu Xiaobai smiled and replied, and Itachi also rarely showed a smile. The two waved to each other. Goodbye.

Thank you for a name that no one else has thought of yet, ┍The bed is full of gratitude for your reward~

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