Please answer Naruto

Chapter 30 Assessment of the Dark Captain

After Yu Xiaobai returned home, he did some simple physical exercises, then washed up and got ready for bed. While lying on the bed, Yu Xiaobai began to think about the ANBU captain assessment two days later.

This assessment literally means that those who pass the assessment will be promoted to an ANBU captain, leading a varying number of ANBU. According to the configuration of the team, there are usually three people in a team, with the captain leading two.

The ANBU is a force in the shadows, so the so-called assessments will naturally not be made public or be as publicized as Konoha's 60-year Chunin Examination in the original work. They are all digested internally.

The assessment content was also very simple, which even shocked Yu Xiaobai. There is no messy challenge or competition, there is only a written test... and then the examiners composed of ANBU themselves will grade and select. Hey, this is a major matter related to the safety of Konoha, how can it be more careless!

But actually if you think about it carefully, it’s understandable. Those who can be included in the candidate list are all elites, and have sufficient qualifications and convincing strength. Past mission records have already reflected the characteristics and level of those ninjas. Everyone is already familiar with them. The test of combat power, It's really not necessary.

But there is one more thing that Yu Xiaobai still wants to complain about, that is, there are five people taking part in the assessment this time, and there are also five people in the squad leader quota...

Well, I guess whoever the ANBU wants to promote within an organization is not promoted. With mission resume, no one will say anything at all. This so-called assessment is just a formality.

"Hey." Yu Xiaobai sighed. It seems that as long as he doesn't do anything shocking, he will basically be appointed as the squad leader. It should have been something to be happy about. He was doing well and did not embarrass the time travellers. However, Yu Xiaobai wanted to do his own thing more. After becoming the captain, he would definitely feel restrained. This was Yu Xiaobai's worry. main reason.

Although the railgun has not yet been perfected, Yu Xiaobai wants to use it as one of his trump cards, as well as the shadow-level thunder attribute chakra control. There is a lot of darkness in Konoha. Although he has lived in Konoha for many years, he still has feelings for Konoha. , but Yu Xiaobai is not loyal enough to devote himself to death. In order to prevent himself from being powerless when future political turmoil may involve him, Yu Xiaobai needs to make some preparations.

"But I heard that after becoming the squad leader, you will have higher authority to read the forbidden scrolls. Then you can check the time and space information..." Yu Xiaobai thought.

Two days later, Yu Xiaobai got up early according to a good daily routine. Because the notice specifically mentioned that there would be no combat test, Yu Xiaobai did not wear any equipment. He ate breakfast slowly, put on a simple ninja vest and came to ANBU. base.

After arriving, Yu Xiaobai found that he was the last one to arrive. The other four ANBU members were all getting ready with solemn faces. As soon as Yu Xiaobai entered, four pairs of eyes shot towards him, and the corners of Yu Xiaobai's mouth could be seen. One pump.

"You should be so serious, isn't it a sure thing?" Yu Xiaobai muttered. He didn't feel much about the honor of an ANBU member being promoted to squad leader, but seeing other people clearly didn't see it that way.

"Okay, Yubai Chao Ming is here. There are still ten minutes left before the exam time. Let's start right away when everyone is here." An old ANBU who is about the same age as Hyuuga Aida said, nodding to each other with several other examiners. Just simply announce the start of the exam.

All five people were taken into the small room alone by an examiner, and the same was true for Yu Xiaobai. When he entered the room, he saw a pair of tables and chairs, as well as pens and test papers.


Yu Xiaobai didn't know how to feel, so he sat down and picked up his pen, and the classmates started in exactly the same way.

Well, it's the ANBU captain exam.

Although Yu Xiaobai has not formally attended a ninja school, his theoretical knowledge is definitely not bad, and his years of battle experience may even give him superhuman insights. In addition, he was a liberal arts student, so he has no problem writing short answer questions like "our team". X person, encountered X person from X Ninja Village in XX environment...", "Received the task of cutting off the enemy's supply line..." Yu Xiaobai felt that there was no difficulty except that the handwriting was a bit sour.

An hour later, Yu Xiaobai handed in the paper on time. The examiner who was watching from the side had already nodded frequently. Yu Xiaobai's tricks used by liberal arts students were still very good here.

Yu Xiaobai stretched out and prepared to withdraw after completing the paddling. This time, Weasel was not seen on the list. It was probably due to his age. Weasel had also grown rapidly in the past six months. His mission resume and strength were not as good as before. questionable.

"Your name is Yu Bai, wait a moment." Just as Yu Xiaobai stood up and left, the examiner stopped him.

"Is there anything else?" Yu Xiaobai asked doubtfully.

"There will be a final test later, please wait a moment." The examiner looked a little strange and hesitated to speak, but in the end he just smiled. Yu Xiaobai had more doubts in his heart, but he had no choice but to sit down.

"There is also a test, what is it to be tested for? The notice was not mentioned in the notice..." Yu Xiaobai thought to himself.

The examiner left with the test papers, and five minutes later, two people who were unfamiliar to Yu Xiaobai came in.

What Yu Xiaobai didn't know was that this sudden extra procedure was not performed in the other four rooms.

Outside the room, four ANBU candidates were sent away one after another. The makeshift examiners gathered together and looked at the only room that was left open.

"Isn't this bad?" Someone frowned.

"There is no need for a psychological test for Chao Ming Yubai. We have all seen his behavior over the years. I don't know how the superiors agreed to it." The old ANBU who first announced the start of the test snorted with dissatisfaction in his tone. .

Someone sighed, "There is no way, Danzo asked for it, and there is no problem with the reason. Asana Yubai is not a native of Konoha Village..."

Yu Xiaobai had a good relationship in the Anbu. Several examiners discussed it unhappily and clearly supported Yu Xiaobai. Yu Xiaobai's so-called origin was not pure in their eyes, but it was a pity that even though Gen and They are both ANBU nominally, but because of Danzo's different behavior styles, the two sides are not very harmonious, and Gen's image has always been very strong.

"Don't worry, it's absolutely fine for Yu Bai to be named Chao."

Everyone agreed and fell silent. This is also the reason why ANBU agreed to test Yu Xiaobai. Anyway, it's no problem. Damn it, ZZ, you can do whatever you want.

Thanks to Qian Sing Wan Ge, if you can meet him for the reward~

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