Please answer Naruto

Chapter 31 I will pass this fire on to you first

Yu Xiaobai looked at the two people sitting opposite him, a man and a woman, with a suspicious expression on their faces.

"Excuse me, what do you want to do?" Yu Xiaobai tried to ask. These two people were not from the ANBU, at least he had never seen them, and their aura seemed to be businesslike.

"Hello, Jounin Chao Ming Yubai, we are the personnel sent by the Root to assist you in testing." The man among them said calmly.

Hearing the word 'root', Yu Xiaobai frowned. The last thing he wanted to encounter in Konoha was something related to roots. It's not that roots are bad, roots even serve Konoha completely. It's just that the atmosphere and the methods of leader Danzo really made Yu Xiaobai avoid it.

"What are you testing?" Yu Xiaobai was no longer as casual as he was when facing ANBU's own people.

"It's just a simple psychological test." Another woman replied, opening the folder in her hand.

"The name of the emperor is Yubai, a jounin of the ANBU of Konoha. He was taken in by the village in Konoha 42 and participated in the Third Ninja War four years later..."

Yu Xiaobai listened to the other party's narration with a calm expression. This was some basic information about him. As an ANBU, the confidentiality level should be quite high, but the other party was the root, so it would not be difficult to adjust to it.

"...Became an ANBU in Konoha 54, an elite Jonin with strength assessment. He has completed a total of 172 D-level missions, 181 C-level missions, 278 B-level missions, and A-level missions..."

Yu Xiaobai's mission history was also reported by the other party. Yu Xiaobai himself didn't remember some parts clearly, but the other party made the adjustment very clearly.

The woman held the document and spoke for a long time. After she finished speaking, the air fell into silence.


Afraid of a sudden stiffness in the atmosphere, Yu Xiaobai couldn't bear to cough lightly to express his affirmation of your professionalism.

"Chaoming Yubai, what do you think of Konoha Village?" The woman took a breath and continued.

After hearing this, Yu Xiaobai felt refreshed and finally came to the main event. At this time, he roughly understood the purpose of this test. It turned out that it was to have a cordial discussion with him about the purity of the party and the organization.

Well, actually the process is not friendly at all.

It's just to carry forward the main theme. In addition, Yu Xiaobai's body is not afraid of slanting shadows. I don't expect you to be able to take advantage of a three-good ninja like me. He immediately stopped panicking. Faced with the problem, he sat upright and cooperated, and said: "Konoha Village is affiliated with The Country of Fire is a peace-loving ninja village... The ninjas have worked hard for their own ninja ways. Since the founding of Konoha, it has been passed on from generation to generation, from the entrusted party to the entrusted party... In short, I believe that there are Wherever the leaves are flying, there is fire burning!”

I will pass this fire on to you first.


It was so eloquent and well-founded that the two people in Gen were stunned. They originally stared at Yu Xiaobai like the FBI looking at spies, but now they couldn't hold it anymore.

The impact of this wave of chicken soup with strong positive energy was so strong that the two copywriting members of Gen took a long time to recover, especially the last sentence. As Konoha ninjas, even if they were so strict that they were unkind Even though I have been numbed by discipline training, my heart is surging with passion.

"Say, that's good..." the woman stumbled a bit, perhaps the last classic words would be imprinted in her mind, with a strange expression on her face, "Well, the next question..."

Yu Xiaobai, who grew up in socialist care, answered the following questions perfectly. However, the two people at Gen had to think about it after listening to it. These words were too positive. In some places, they were even obviously exaggerated. The problem is The two of them still couldn't find anything wrong.

This made the two root members dare not underestimate Yu Xiaobai, who was good at playing.

A meeting that was supposed to be serious and intimidating fell apart.

When the woman said the test was over, Yu Xiaobai was still a little unfinished.

"It's over, so soon?"

These words immediately made the two roots ashamed. Hey, if you want to do this, others will be very panicked when they meet our roots, right?

In fact, it wasn't that Yu Xiaobai meant to make fun of him, but he was really a little surprised. He thought that Gen would give him a more serious test, and even Yu Xiaobai was prepared for the risk of resisting the illusion.

This Yu Xiaobai thought wrongly. No one would doubt whether Yu Xiaobai was a time traveler or had some secrets. This was ridiculous. Even this test is actually just a guise. Gen is actually not interested in Yu Xiaobai's loyalty. The ANBU people don't panic and let you toss. Gen doesn't want to find out any big news at all, so the test questions seem childish.

The purpose this time is more of solicitation.

"I would like to ask Yu Bai, the jounin court name, if you are interested in joining Gen?"

Finally, the two looked at each other, and the man deliberately lowered his tone and spoke seriously.

"Huh?" Yu Xiaobai didn't expect such a thing to happen.

"Gen has always paid attention to powerful elite ninjas. With your potential, Yubai, you may be a secret supporter of the conservative AN subordinates... Danzo-sama told me that as long as Yubai is willing to join Gen, the starting point is For the position of squad leader, members can be recruited at will, and the ninjutsu classics can be read at will. We will also issue paper applications immediately, and it will take less than a week..."

After hearing this, Yu Xiaobai secretly thought that it turns out that you have such a purpose, say what you have to say directly, and go through so many twists and turns.

However, Yu Xiaobai was ready to reject the man's proposal without even thinking about it.

"Forget it, I feel good staying in ANBU."

The kindness that the man finally showed disappeared instantly, and his face returned to a stiff look, "Please think about it again."

"We are very sincere."

The man glanced at the companion next to him, and the woman immediately understood and inadvertently raised the document in her hand, which still had the results of this test unfinished.

Yu Xiaobai was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing, and his tone became colder, "Don't tease me, use this threat?"

"Chaoming Yubai, you are exaggerating." The man said calmly. After staying in Gen for a long time, there are not many worries in Konoha or outside Konoha. This is the expected conversation rhythm now. Well.

"It's up to you. I have no interest in Gen." Yu Xiaobai was not someone to be trifled with, and he didn't believe that the ANBU would let him go. He just stood up and left without saying anything.

Thanks to Distant Avalon, Evening Song, Poisoner's Dam, for being stupid enough to reward me from the depths of my soul~ I'm also desperate for the slow update...

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