Please answer Naruto

Chapter 32 Ichiraku Ramen

Yu Xiaobai left the room, briefly greeted a few examiners waiting outside, and then left the ANBU.

"The root is really a place that makes people unable to have a good impression." On the way home, Yu Xiaobai exhaled.

No matter what the purpose is, if Gen wants to use this method to force Yu Xiaobai to surrender, then he is too underestimated. Although he has always abided by the law and is kind to his colleagues, he has never relied on his strength or self-esteem in Konoha Village. He has always been shameless in acting recklessly for the sake of the village, and bullying others at will when he is in a bad mood, but that does not mean that he is a cowardly person who only dares to kill outside and is trapped in the system.

At worst, if you don't work as a ninja, becoming the personal bodyguard of famous people is also a very lucrative career. Of course, that may be a future that has been thought of before. Now Yu Xiaobai still wants to know the truth, let alone be stubborn because of some feelings.

"By the way, I had the opportunity to join Gen when I didn't join the industry at the beginning, but I refused at that time, so it didn't matter." Yu Xiaobai thought about it and touched his chin, "Am I really too outstanding? Hey, Being excellent is also a sin..."

Bad words are bad words. As Yu Xiaobai walked on the road, his eyes wandered to pedestrians and shops, and he would analyze it in his heart.

"Is it probably because of the Uchiha family? Uchiha has revealed his intention to rebel. Konoha has already begun to make targeted decisions. Is Danzo going to start to increase his strength?" Yu Xiaobai secretly asked. Elite jounin has always been a ninja. The precious resource of the village, whether it is Konoha or other great ninja villages.

"Forget it, I really don't want to get into the root anyway. It would be really uncomfortable to see Danzo's dead face with 'conspiracy' written all over it." Yu Xiaobai complained, "That one is unreliable. Psychological test, the ANBU bosses will stop it."

Yu Xiaobai was right to think so. After he did not give any face to the two root members, the report "There is doubt in Yu Bai's psychological test" was placed on Qingchuan Wu's desk not long after.

"Is there any specific data and process?" Qingchuan Wu frowned, "For example, brain search technology?"

The root member on the other side just gave an equivocal answer citing confidentiality.

In response to this, Qingchuan Wu naturally could only chuckle twice.

The ANBU naturally blocked it in the end. Whether this matter was big or small, in the end, all Gen could do was to disgust Yu Xiaobai and cut some of his salary.

A few days later, Yu Xiaobai went to Qingchuanwu's office and received the news that he had passed the examination. He also took the identity certificate of the ANBU captain and was informed of the results of the "psychological test" incident.

This award was demoted, and he was promoted based on his solid performance. In the end, the fixed monthly salary was still about the same as before. This made Yu Xiaobai a little unhappy. Money was a small matter, but face was a big deal. He originally thought that he would not be able to work under the ANBU at all. Something will happen.

Qingchuan Wu said a lot of explanations and explanations. After analyzing and quoting scriptures, Yu Xiaobai felt a knot in his heart, but fortunately he was not a passionate young man who had just entered society. On the surface, he still had to show that Political Commissar Qingchuan, you are right and resolute. Obey organizational arrangements.

After leaving the ANBU base, Yu Xiaobai pinched the different animal mask on his hand and sighed.

The mood was definitely not good. Yu Xiaobai did not go home directly. Looking at the sky, it was almost noon. After passing the area of ​​the Hokage's office building, some restaurants on the commercial street were busy with business. The smell of food made Yu Xiaobai touch it. I touched my belly.

Yu Xiaobai usually cooks by himself when he has no work. He still has simple cooking skills after living alone for a long time. He rarely eats out. After all, there are few dinner parties, so forget it if he eats alone.

Not wanting to go through the trouble of buying groceries and lighting a fire, Yu Xiaobai took a detour and walked to a street he didn't often walk on. Behind the corner, a ramen shop caught Yu Xiaobai's eyes.

"Oh, Ichiraku Ramen."

Yu Xiaobai called out. This place is known to all Naruto fans, and he must have come here to eat it. Ichiraku Ramen is also famous in Konoha Village, and the taste is indeed unique and delicious.

After touching the money bag and getting the message of confidence, Yu Xiaobai opened the curtain and sat in.

"Boss, bring me a bowl... uh."

Yu Xiaobai looked at the person sitting in the corner seat in surprise. He had silver-white hair and a black mask. Who could it be if it wasn't Kakashi?

"Guest, what kind of ramen do you want?" The uncle of Yile Ramen squinted his small eyes, maybe he opened them as wide as possible, and looked at Yu Xiaobai doubtfully.

"Oh, let's have a bowl of barbecued pork ramen." Yu Xiaobai came back to his senses and said quickly.

There were not many seats in Ichiraku Ramen, just a small row. Kakashi sat on the far left. There were no other customers, so Yu Xiaobai found a seat slightly to the right.

After a while, the ramen ordered by Kakashi was ready. Kakashi, who was still only in his twenties, took the steaming ramen, thanked him, and opened his chopsticks.


Yu Xiaobai stared at Kakashi, who was about to pull down his mask in order to eat noodles.


Kakashi noticed Yu Xiaobai's fiery gaze and frowned, but he still pulled it down.

The moment his true appearance appeared, Yu Xiaobai's eyes widened, and then he couldn't help but curse.

You are actually a bit more handsome than me!

Yu Xiaobai had seen Kakashi's face under the mask in the release of the original work, but he had never seen it with his own eyes. After seeing it, Yu Xiaobai could only sigh.

Yu Xiaobai yelled and sighed. After the movement, he continued to stare at Kakashi's face with a sad look on his face. Kakashi couldn't help it anymore and coughed awkwardly, then turned slightly. He nodded and ate the noodles in a strange way.

"This man's name is Chao Ming Yu Bai... he's sick." Kakashi muttered with displeasure flashing across his young face. He actually knows the person sitting on his right. During the Third Ninja War, he was compared to "Chidori" and "Raikiri". Now because they both belong to ANBU, they have met a few times, but they didn't know each other at first. Just didn't say hello.

When Yu Xiaobai saw Kakashi's unusually disgusting behavior, he also knew that he was looking a bit gay. His old face turned red. It just so happened that his ramen arrived at this time, so he quickly took it and started eating to cover up the awkward atmosphere.

For a while, there was only the sound of eating ramen in the small space. Uncle Ichiraku looked at the guests eating noodles with joy.

But what people didn't expect was that after a while, the curtain of Ichiraku Ramen was lifted again.

A young and energetic voice sounded.

"Uncle Ichiraku, give me a bowl of barbecued pork ramen. I want a huge bowl!"

With blond hair, goggles, and an orange coat, the seven-year-old Uzumaki Naruto sat between Yu Xiaobai and Kakashi with a smile.

"Hello, Naruto!" Uncle Ichiraku was very familiar with this regular customer, so he shouted in cooperation, turned around and started making noodles.

Yu Xiaobai was stunned, and he realized that this was Naruto Uzumaki.

To the left and right of the blond child, the two jounin froze in unison.

His mood was hard to describe. Yu Xiaobai covered his face with his left hand and immediately put it down again. Kakashi glanced vaguely at the son of his late teacher.

Taking a breath and unable to hold back his curiosity, Yu Xiaobai turned his head and saw Naruto's bruised and swollen face.


"..." The atmosphere turned into a strange place.

Ichiraku's noodles were not bright, and it was hard to imagine that a face that had been injured and beaten could have such an infectious smile.

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