Please answer Naruto

Chapter 33 My name is Uzumaki Naruto

Yu Xiaobai sighed and continued eating his own noodles.

Hearing those energetic words, one would never have thought that the owner of the voice would have a bruised nose and a swollen face. Yu Xiaobai knew exactly how Naruto was treated when he was a child, those strange and unfair indifferences.

Kakashi's expression moved, but he didn't say anything. The young Kakashi had always accepted the twists and turns in his life and his long-term Anbu career calmly on the surface, but he was constantly occupied by indifference in his heart.

There was still the sound of slurping noodles on both sides of Naruto, and despite his nerves, he was completely unaware of the faint silence in the air. He was watching Uncle Ichiraku making noodles with a hopeful look on his face, and the overflowing aroma made him swallow his saliva.

"Hurry up, uncle, I'm starving!"

"Okay, okay!" Uncle Ichiraku brought a very large bowl of barbecued pork to Naruto with a smile, and then finally saw the bruises on Naruto's face.

"Naruto, what's wrong with your face?"

Naruto adjusted his green goggles and put on a nonchalant smile, "I just fell down on the road, it's okay, Uncle Ichiraku."

Do you have any special wrestling skills that allow your face to become so colorful after a fall...

Yu Xiaobai listened to the conversation secretly and sighed.

After hearing this, Uncle Ichiraku's smile faded a bit, and he looked at Naruto's white teeth showing when he smiled. He still said nothing and accepted the clumsy lie of a seven-year-old child.


Regardless of how hot the newly made ramen was, Naruto took a few breaths and started eating. The sound was much louder than the combined sounds of Yu Xiaobai and Kakashi next to him.

"You eat a little fast." Yu Xiaobai muttered as he felt that Naruto's performance was far beyond ordinary people.

I don't know how Kakashi will feel. One of the two jounin sitting on both sides raised his head and looked to the left.

Yu Xiaobai paused, a little unexpectedly, Kakashi just raised his head, but he was looking at Naruto.

He put on the black mask again, he had finished eating, and the Sharingan in his left eye was hidden under his forehead protector.

Kakashi's right eye will be decadent and lifeless in a few years, but now it is filled with estrangement and indifference. His father, teammates, and teachers have all left one after another. He lives a numb and indifferent life. Now looking at the blond child in front of him, A surge of complexity emerged.

After a while, Kakashi noticed Yu Xiaobai's gaze, swept it lightly, picked up the bowls and chopsticks and paid, turned around and opened the curtain. Before leaving, he turned back and glanced at Yu, who was wearing the same ANBU uniform as him. noob.

"I still care about Naruto in my heart. After all, he is the son of the fourth generation of the teacher." Yu Xiaobai was not interested in Kakashi's meaningful gaze. He liked Naruto very much. He was the best at talking about everything. Let’s learn from it, but he’s just going in the direction of trash-talking that outputs negative energy...

Naruto ate noodles very quickly, and it was obvious that he had a good appetite. He finished the huge bowl of ramen without any leftover, and finally drank all the noodle soup.

"Ha, cool!"

Naruto put down his empty bowl, rubbed his belly happily, and pulled out his frog wallet.

"Uncle Yile, pay the bill!"


Yu Xiaobai also put down his chopsticks at this time. He had just finished his ramen.

"Ah, that's bad." Naruto rummaged through his shriveled wallet and only found a few coins, but there was not enough money to pay the face. At this time, even the most nervous Naruto became embarrassed and anxiously reached in. The little frog kept tinkering in his wallet, but even if he changed directions and poured it hard, no extra money fell out, "Haha, Uncle Yile, this..."

Little Naruto blushed, scratched his head, and was about to tell Uncle Ichiraku the truth when a large-denomination note was placed on the table.

"Uncle, this is face money. Please count it in for helping this brat." Yu Xiaobai gave the money to Uncle Yile and winked at the stunned Naruto, "I paid his share." Uncle Yile looked at it. Looking at Naruto who was at a loss, he took the money with squinted eyes, looked at Yu Xiaobai's ANBU clothes, and smiled kindly.

"Your Majesty is so generous."

Yu Xiaobai laughed and waved his hands, hiding his merit and fame, "This is nothing..."

Yu Xiaobai's family background is actually quite prosperous. After all, he has worked as a ninja for so many years, and has done many A-level and S-level missions. He doesn't spend too much time ordinarily. After deducting the part that was turned over to the village, he still accumulated a lot of money.

After silently pretending, but still in front of the protagonist, Yu Xiaobai, who was not in a good mood at first, felt much better. Hey, he is such an easily satisfied person.

He walked out of the Ichiraku Ramen stand, and Naruto followed.

"Thank you, thank you, uncle!" Naruto was in a strange mood, as if he had no memory of anyone inviting him to dinner, except for Mr. Iruka. But the adult in front of me is a stranger.

"Don't call me uncle. I'm so old, but I'm still very young." Yu Xiaobai looked dissatisfied at the little Naruto who was more than a head shorter than him. With blond hair and blue eyes, the little shot was still very cute.

Naruto then noticed that the adult in front of him didn't look too old. Although his face was calm but very young, "I'm sorry, I didn't take a closer look just now... Anyway, thank you very much. I will pay back the money for the ramen in the future!"

Yu Xiaobai scratched his face, "A ninja like me who regards money as's just a bowl of ramen, it's not much money, I don't have to pay it back, eh."

Halfway through Yu Xiaobai's words, he was surprised to see a trace of stubbornness flash across Naruto's little face with his head lowered.

I am a stranger to him, malicious adults.

"Okay, just return it to me when we meet again in the future." Yu Xiaobai said helplessly, "Ah, my name is Chao Ming Yu Bai. Xuan... your name, forget it, you can tell it yourself."

"My name is Uzumaki Naruto!" Although he didn't know why this ninja who looked different from the others was a little strange when he spoke, but Naruto still said his name loudly.

" the man who will become Hokage." Yu Xiaobai secretly added a line to the young Naruto in his heart.

"Goodbye then." Naruto bowed and turned to leave.

Yu Xiaobai saw the short stature of the other party and subconsciously said: "You have gone home? Are you okay alone?"

"Ah?" Naruto turned around and cast a very strange expression, "I'm home."

In a matter-of-fact tone, Yu Xiaobai realized in the next second that the other person had always lived like this.

"It's nothing. Go back and be careful on the road." Yu Xiaobai waved his hand, then watched the short figure go away and disappear among the many buildings.

Yu Xiaobai stood there in silence for a while, then turned around and prepared to go home.

As soon as he took a step, he stopped. He saw Kakashi leaning under a telephone pole, looking at him.

After taking a deep breath and dispelling his previous mood, Yu Xiaobai stepped forward, looked at the unexpected person and said, "Is something wrong?"

Kakashi looked at him calmly and said, "It's okay." After spitting out these two words, he turned around and left.


Yu Xiaobai felt like a divine beast was rushing through his heart.

Thanks for the reward of Fish Pattern Cauldron, Singing Evening Song, and Fallen Life~

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